/**** REXX ******** ZIP2EXE.CMD ************** 01/04/96 *********\ |** This exec will prepend the Info Zip unzipsfx.exe file to an **| |** existing ZIP file to create a self extracting zip. **| |** **| |** The exec requires 1 argument, the name of the zip file to be **| |** acted upon. **| |** **| |** Put this exec into the path that contains your Info Zip **| |** executables. **| |** **| \*********************************************************************/ rc = 0 /** Start Argument processing ** End Initialization **/ PARSE UPPER ARG zip_file IF zip_file = "" THEN DO SAY "You must specify the name of the file to be processed" SAY "Please try again" rc = 9 SIGNAL FINI END IF POS(".ZIP",zip_file) = 0 THEN DO sfx_file = zip_file||".EXE" zip_file = zip_file||".ZIP" END ELSE sfx_file = SUBSTR(zip_file,1,LASTPOS(".",zip_file))||"EXE" zip_file = STREAM(zip_file,"C","QUERY EXISTS") IF zip_file = "" THEN DO SAY "The file "||ARG(1)||" Does not exist" SAY "Processing terminated" rc = 9 SIGNAL FINI END /** Start unzipsfx location ** End Argument processing **/ PARSE UPPER SOURCE . . command_file unzipsfx = SUBSTR(command_file,1,LASTPOS("\",command_file))||, "UNZIPSFX.EXE" IF STREAM(unzipsfx,"C","QUERY EXISTS") = "" THEN DO SAY "We are unable to locate the UNZIPSFX.EXE source" SAY "Ensure that the ZIP2EXE command is in the directory", "which contains UNZIPSFX.EXE" rc = 9 SIGNAL FINI END /** Execute the command ** End Argument processing **/ ADDRESS CMD "@COPY /b "||unzipsfx||"+"||zip_file, sfx_file||" > NUL" IF rc = 0 THEN SAY sfx_file||" successfully created" ELSE SAY sfx_file||" creation failed" FINI: EXIT rc