Title:The Resident PlayerNumber:1 GlobalNum:2 ; ; Some introductory text ; Intro: The Resident Intro: Intro: 'You just visit the WEB, I live here.' Intro: Intro: Copyright 1995 by Mike DeSanto Intro: ; ; first object, the player ; Object: 1 The Resident Flag: Holds 10 Flag: Moves 0 Flag: LastJump 5 Flag: Location 5 ; icon values ; 0 = generic ; 1 = towel and slippers ; 2 = Police Officer ; 3 = IBI security guard Flag: Icon 0 Flag: IBITimer 0 Flag: IBI 0 Content: 4 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(1,"Icon")=3 Desc: You currently are using the Icon of an IBI security guard. It is black, with silver trim in harsh lines that look very military and very threatening. The IBI logo is embossed in silver on the left side of the chest. Desc: Test: GetFlag(1,"Icon")=2 Desc: This is a government issue Police icon, which you stole. It is blue, with darker blue highlights. You have a bright shiny gold badge, prominently showing your badge number. Desc: Desc: You had better make sure you turn this icon off if you are likely to meet its real owner. Desc: Test: GetFlag(1,"Icon")=1 Desc: Your icon is a masterpiece of design. It looks just perfectly like a thirty-ish man who just got out of bed, and is now wearing a Holiday Inn towel and pink bunny slippers. Desc: Desc: The masterpiece is in the animation. Your tousled hair droops. The ears of the slippers flop around. Your breath is just slightly disgusting. All the tiny details lovingly programmed in, down to the unidentifiable stains on the towel. Desc: Desc: All this work is rarely appreciated. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You currently have a generic icon. You like a living silver Oscar statues, flat silver, no distinguishing marks. Luckily, you have a backup of your old icon at Bob's Data Storage (Bob's-Data-PUB). ; Desc: Verb: Status Test: 1=1 Code: Call TextDisp "You have been on-line for " GetFlag(1,"Moves") " Moves." Code: Call TextDisp "You have " 10 - GetWeight(1) " Gigabytes of storage free on your deck." Code: Call TextDisp ; ; Those pesky every-move actions ; Object: 2 Global Actions IVerb: Do Test: 1=1 ; keep track of total number of moves in the game Code: Call AddFlag 1, "Moves", 1 ; show the look verb of new locations Test: GetFlag(GetFlag(PlayerNum, "Location"), "Visited") \= 1 Code: Call DoVerb GetFlag(PlayerNum,"Location"), VerbNumber(GetFlag(PlayerNum,"Location"),"Look") Code: Call SetFlag GetFlag(PlayerNum,"Location"), "Visited", 1 ; Has the first corp been finished yet? Test: GetFlag(60, "Done") & GetFlag(61, "Done") & GetFlag(62, "Done") Desc: Finally, all of the defense consoles have been properly sabotaged. Now Ringer will have no problem breaking in, except for the guards. Desc: Desc: First, you dump all the useless junk from your deck. Desc: Desc: Now it is time to find the triggerman who shot you. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 60, "Done", 0 Code: Call SetFlag 61, "Done", 0 Code: Call SetFlag 62, "Done", 0 Code: Call MoveObject 56, 3 Code: Call MoveObject 57, 3 Code: Call MoveObject 59, 3 Code: Call MoveObject 65, 3 Code: Call MoveObject 63, 3 Code: Call SetFlag 1, "IBITimer", 10 ; decrement the new customer timer, if necessary Test: GetFlag(72, "Timer") > 1 & InLocation(71,1) Code: Call AddFlag 72, "Timer", -1 ; add a new customer, when necessary. Test: (GetFlag(72, "Timer") = 1) & (GetFlag(1, "Location") = 71) & (GetFlag(72,"Active")=1) Desc: A customer enters the ElectroCash outlet, scowls momentarily at your icon, and then pointedly ignores you and activates the Teller Daemon. Desc: Desc: The Teller Daemon dutifully creates a copy of itself which begins waiting on the customer. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 72, 71 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "LeaveTimer", 10 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Timer", 0 ; decrement customer leave timer. Test: GetFlag(72, "LeaveTimer") > 1 Code: Call AddFlag 72, "LeaveTimer", -1 ; have the customer leave at the proper time, ; if the player is in the electro cash outlet Test: (GetFlag(72, "LeaveTimer") = 1) & (GetFlag(1, "Location") = 71) Desc: The customer finishes their business and leaves. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 72, 3 Code: Call AddFlag 72, "Incarnation", 1 Code: If GetFlag(72,"Incarnation") = 4 Then Call SetFlag 72, "Incarnation", 1 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Timer", 4 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "LeaveTimer", 0 ; have the customer leave and a new one return, in 5 turns ; if the player is not there Test: (GetFlag(72, "LeaveTimer") = 1) & (GetFlag(1, "Location") \= 71) Code: Call AddFlag 72, "Incarnation", 1 Code: If GetFlag(72, "Incarnation") = 4 Then Call SetFlag 72, "Incarnation", 1 Code: Call MoveObject 72, 3 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Timer", 4 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "LeaveTimer", 0 ; decrement suzie's twit timer Test: GetFlag(79, "Twit") > 0 Code: Call AddFlag 79, "Twit", -1 ; turn suzie's twit filter off at the correct time Test: GetFlag(79, "Twit") = 1 Desc: Suzie drops her Twit filter. Desc: ; Flickerfast program section Test: GetFlag(90,"Running") = 1 Desc: The FlickerFast program de-activates its self. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 90, "Running", 0 Test: GetFlag(90,"Running") > 1 Code: Call AddFlag 90, "Running", -1 ; Code for the Watchdog Program Test: GetFlag(135,"Active")=1 Code: Call AddFlag 135, "Room", 1 Code: If GetFlag(135,"Room")=13 Then Call SetFlag 135, "Room", 1 Code: A = GetFlag(135,"RoomList") ; Parse VAR A A.1 "," A.2 "," A.3 "," A.4 "," A.5 "," A.6 "," A.7 "," A.8 "," A.9 "," A.10 "," A.11 "," A.12 ; Interpret 'Call SetFlag 135, "NewRoom", A.' || GetFlag(135,"Room") Test: GetFlag(135,"Active")=1 & (GetFlag(1,"Location")=GetFlag(135,"NewRoom")) Desc: The Watchdog program enters the room and starts sniffing around. Desc: Test: GetFlag(135,"Active")=1 & (InLocation(GetFlag(1,"Location"),135)) Desc: The Watchdog program wanders out of the room. Desc: Test: GetFlag(135,"Active")=1 Code: Call MoveObject 135, GetFlag(135,"NewRoom") ; Checks against IBITimer to set IBI flag in Player Test: GetFlag(1,"IBITimer")>1 Code: Call AddFlag 1, "IBITimer", -1 Test: GetFlag(1,"IBITimer")=1 Desc: A new message is recieved by your deck. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 168, 1 Code: Call SetFlag 1, "IBITimer", 0 Code: Call SetFlag 1, "IBI", 1 ; Once the player has entered 159, he has 20 turns to finish the game ; On turn 1, mcmasters goes for the gun (see #159) ; On turn 2, he gets the gun. If the player tries to affect anything except attacking mcmasters, he gets shot and logged out. ; on turn 10, if the player is in the office, security shows up, immobilizes the robot, and the player, and game ends. ; on turn 10, if the player is out of the office, the Bloodhound program shows and immobilizes the player, who then dies. ; Test: GetFlag(159,"Visited") = 1 Code: Call AddFlag 161, "Turn", 1 ; Check for turn 2 Test: GetFlag(161,"Turn") = 2 & (GetFlag(1,"Location")=159) Desc: McMasters pulls a very powerful looking plasma weapon from a drawer and points it at you. "Stay right there until security arrives, or I will kill you where you stand." He growls. Desc: Desc: Apparently he does not realize that you are a WEB projection around a robot. Not that it matters, that gun will destroy the robot as well as you. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 164, 159 Test: GetFlag(161,"Turn")=20 & (GetFlag(1,"Location")=159) Desc: Security officers burst into the room and shoot the robot with some sort of electrical discharge weapon. The overloading sensors stun you, and before you can react, someone has put a WEB clamp on you. Desc: Desc: The WEB clamp keeps your commands from being obeyed on the WEB, holding you prisoner while they trace your connection. Sooner or later they will find where your body is, and a team of killers will go there. Desc: Desc: The wait seems to last forever, then it is over. you have died. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 166 ; The watchdog catches up. Test: GetFlag(161,"Turn")=20 & (GetFlag(1,"Location")\=159) Desc: You stop as smoke suddenly fills the air, and a terrible beast appears before you. It looks like the hound of the Baskervilles, a giant hound with great slavering teeth. Desc: Desc: Before you can react, the hound attacks. Instead of teeth tearing through your flesh, the hound disappears. You try to move and find that you are trapped in a WEB clamp. You can not move. Desc: Desc: You hear the sound of a dog howling in the distance, and realize what it is; a Bloodhound program. While you are trapped, the Bloodhound will trace the source of your WEB connection and a team of killers will be sent to finish what they started. Desc: Desc: The wait seems to take hours, then, without warning, it ends. you have died. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 166 ; Distraction timer for the IBI security guard Test: GetFlag(110,"Distracted") = 1 & (InLocation(107,1)) Desc: The guard finishes scanning the executive. He quickly shoots the executive, logging him off, and goes back to work. Desc: Test: GetFlag(110,"Distracted") = 1 Code: Call SetFlag 110, "Distracted", 0 Code: If GetFlag(111, "Up") = 0 Then Call SetFlag 111, "Up", 1 Test: GetFlag(110,"Distracted") > 1 Code: Call AddFlag 110, "Distracted", -1 ; watchdog kills anyone who is not a security guard Test: InLocation(GetFlag(1,"Location"),135) & (GetFlag(1,"Icon") \= 3) Desc: The watchdog program leaps at you. When its terrifying bulk strikes your body, the world goes black. You spend an eternity in blackness, then Gateway-PUB materializes around you. Desc: Desc: The watchdog program must have seen something about you that it didn't like. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 ; Seargant logs you out if you are using his icon Test: GetFlag(1,"Icon") = 2 & (InLocation(77,1)) Desc: As you enter Police.GOV, the desk seargant does a double take. He stands up, saying "How did you get my Icon!" Before you can react, he draws his gun and fires. Instantly, you find yourself unable to move. Desc: Desc: The seargant quickly clears your icon and deletes his icon from your deck. He then logs you out without another word. Desc: Desc: In your current state, you can not log back in. You are trapped in the inky blackness, in total sensory deprivation, until someone notices that you are off line. Desc: Desc: Luckily, someone must be watching. After what seems like a year, the world suddenly flashes back into being. you reel like a man who had been held underwater and let go at the last second. After you regain your orientation, you realize that you are back at Gateway-PUB. Code: Call SetFlag 1, "Icon", 0 Code: Call MoveObject 99, 97 Code: Call MovePlayer 5 ; ; object storage ; Object: 3 Nowhere Flag: Holds 999999 Content: 14 Content: 30 Content: 37 Content: 84 Content: 163 Content: 164 Content: 165 ; Object: 4 Message - C Flag: Location 1 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Read Test: 1=1 Desc: To: The Resident Desc: From: Ringer Desc: Subject: Welcome back. Desc: Desc: Greetings, Resident. I am known as Ringer, and I am your new employer. The doctors say you may be confused by the trauma you have suffered, so I will go over the events of the last few days. Desc: Desc: Three days ago, a very nearly successful attempt was made on your life. An assassin used a shaped explosive to enter your room, and used a flechette rifle to saw you in half from shoulder to hip. Desc: Desc: Luckily, the police and ambulance arrived very quickly, and you were taken to a hospital. Once there, you were placed on life support while your credit rating was checked. On my instructions, you were declared dead and brought to a private hospital, where you were implanted with a full nervous link. All of your senses are fed by the WEB at this point. To disconnect you from the WEB would leave you in a world here there is only pain, and you would quickly go mad. Desc: Desc: They say that you are called the Resident because you spend more time in the WEB than out of it. I find it ironic that your name is now more true than ever. If you perform the tasks I give you satisfactorily, I will have you fitted with cybernetics to replace the limbs and organs that you lost, or with a Clone body, your choice. Desc: Desc: Before you start getting ideas, I did not have you attacked. I do not know who did or why. I was planning to hire you anyway, because your name is well known on the WEB. I have some work for you to do. When you are not busy with my tasks, feel free to track down your assassin. When you find the who ordered the hit, I will deal with them for you. Desc: Desc: As for your first task, I need to gain entry into Geneva Materials Science Corporation. You must infiltrate their computer system and sabotage the security systems to let me and my strike team into the building. Any necessary information about the team will be provide when you are in the system. Desc: Desc: You will receive more instructions when you need them. Work quickly to finish this task, and good luck finding your attacker. Desc: Desc: The Ringer Desc: Verb: Drop Test: 1=1 Desc: You drop the message, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 4, 3 ; ; The first location GATEWAY-PUB ; Object: 5 GATEWAY-PUB Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 1 Content: 1 Content: 6 Content: 7 Content: 36 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are standing in a standard Public node. The 'ground' is a neon yellow disk, large enough for everyone present to fit, no matter how many people are here. Desc: Desc: In the center of the disk is a red pole with arrow shaped signs. This is the transfer point to all connected nodes. Desc: Desc: Next to the Transfer Point is a large sign which reads "INFORMATION" in tall block capitals. You can not read the rest without looking more closely. Desc: Desc: As usual, there are hundreds of people moving through this node. Since this is where everyone starts when they log in, it tends to be a busy place. ; Desc: ; ;The Information Sign ; Object: 6 Sign Flag: Location 5 Verb: Read Test: 1=1 Desc: INFORMATION Desc: Desc: If this is your first time on the WEB, you may wish to use the ACTIVATE option of this sign to enter the on-line help system. This system has information on using the WEB for your occupation, education, or entertainment. Desc: Desc: Simply choose the ACTIVATE option for help. ; Desc: Verb: Activate Test: 1=1 Desc: The sign becomes a booth, and you enter. ; Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 22 ; ;The Transfer Point from GATEWAY-PUB ; Object: 7 Transfer Point Flag: Location 5 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: Spoon-n-Tankard-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 8 Verb: Bobs's-Data-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 12 Verb: SSS-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 16 Verb: GATEWAY-CORP Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 18 Verb: GATEWAY-GOV Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 20 Verb: ElectroCash-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 71 Code: If GetFlag(71,"Visited") = 0 Then Call SetFlag 72, "LeaveTimer", 10 ; ; the Spoon-n-tankard-PUB ; Object: 8 Spoon-n-Tankard-PUB Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 9 Content: 10 Verb: Look Test: IsPresent(79) Desc: The Spoon-n-Tankard is the WEB double of a read pub which has been in existence for nearly 300 years. The setting is rustic, with wooden tables, chairs, and bar all polished to reflective mahogany smoothness. Desc: Desc: As usual, it is busy. The owners have created some virtual drinks that taste just like the real thing, if your deck supports an olfactory/taste interface. Desc: Desc: Off in one corner, you see someone with a standard GMSC icon. The icon is pretty standard; silver with a gold GMSC logo on the chest. The logo is outlined in blue, signifying that the user has activated his ID program! Desc: Desc: Off in another corner you see Suzie, the secretary from the Police Department. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The Spoon-n-Tankard is the WEB double of a read pub which has been in existence for nearly 300 years. The setting is rustic, with wooden tables, chairs, and bar all polished to reflective mahogany smoothness. Desc: Desc: As usual, it is busy. The owners have created some virtual drinks that taste just like the real thing, if your deck supports an olfactory/taste interface. Desc: Desc: Off in one corner, you see someone with a standard GMSC icon. The icon is pretty standard; silver with a gold GMSC logo on the chest. The logo is outlined in blue, signifying that the user has activated his ID program! Desc: ; ;transfer point out of Spoon-n-Tankard ; Object: 9 Transfer Point Flag: Location 8 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. ; Desc: Verb: Gateway-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. ; Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 Verb: Bob's-Data-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. ; Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 12 ; ;the unlucky GMSC employee ; Object: 10 GMSC Employee Flag: Location 8 Flag: Twit 0 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(10,"Twit") = 1 Desc: The person is standing in the normal, non customized icon pose. This gives exactly zero indication on whether the person is looking for company or not. Desc: Desc: On the icon's chest is the glowing logo which indicates that his ID program is active. Desc: Desc: The person is currently encased in a translucent grey field, signifying that a twit filter is active. To the GMSC employee, you no longer exist on the WEB. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The person is standing in the normal, non customized icon pose. This gives exactly zero indication on whether the person is looking for company or not. Desc: Desc: On the icon's chest is the glowing logo which indicates that his ID program is active. Desc: Verb: Talk Test: 1=1 Desc: You approach and are just about to speak, when the person types on an invisible keyboard and a translucent bubble appears around him/her. You've been Twitted! Normally, you would just rip this down, but you lost that program with your deck. Desc: Desc: I guess that person doesn't want to chat. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 10, "Twit", 1 ; ;The ID card ; Object: 11 GMSC Identification - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 1 Flag: On 0 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(11, "On") = 0 Desc: This program resembles a small blue card, with the inscription "General Materials Science Corp. Access Program". Desc: Desc: It is currently inactive. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: This program has added itself to your icon, showing the GMSC in gold letters across your chest. Desc: Desc: The program is currently active. Desc: Verb: Activate Test: GetFlag(11, "On") = 1 Desc: The program is already active. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You activate the program and it unfolds into a golden GMSC logo, which plasters itself across your chest. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 11, "On", 1 Verb: Deactivate Test: GetFlag(11, "On") = 0 Desc: The program has not been activated. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The program detaches from your chest and folds into a small card. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 11, "On", 0 Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(11) Desc: You drop the GMSC Identification program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 11, 3 Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not holding the GMSC Identification program. Desc: ; ;Bob's data storage facility ; Object: 12 Bob's-Data-PUB Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 13 Content: 15 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: Bob's Data Storage is a small shack underneath a brilliant white sign which proclaims "BOB'S DATA STORAGE: Secure storage for the masses!" Desc: Desc: Inside the shack is Bob. Nobody is sure if Bob is a real person, a number of people, or a program. In any case, Bob is always here and Bob is all business. ; Desc: ; ; Bob himself ; Object: 13 Bob Flag: Location 12 Flag: TalkOne 0 Verb: Talk Test: GetFlag(13, "TalkOne") = 0 Desc: Bob: Hi there, what can I do for you. Desc: Desc: Resident: I want to copy my box. Desc: Desc: Bob: Box number please. Desc: Desc: Resident: Forty two thousand. Desc: Desc: Bob: Resident, I heard you were dead. Desc: Desc: Resident: You didn't hear different from me. (Bob has brought your box from under the counter, and you type in your decode key). Desc: Desc: Bob: Here you go, let me know when you aren't dead anymore. Desc: Desc: Examining your box, you realize that you should have backed up more often. The only contents are your old Filch program and your Icon. You Immediately install the icon, and feel much better for it. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 14, 1 Code: Call SetFlag 1, "Icon", 1 Code: Call SetFlag 13, "TalkOne", 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: Bob: Hi there, still dead? Desc: Desc: Resident: Sure thing. Need to copy that box again. Desc: Desc: Bob: Here you go. (You decode the files again.) Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 14, 1 Code: Call SetFlag 1, "Icon", 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: Bob has the same taste in icons as you. He looks like the owner of a 25 year old bait shop, with a plaid shirt, tattered jeans, and a rumpled hat. He leans casually on the counter and fiddles with a toothpick in his teeth. ; Desc: ; ; The filch program ; Object: 14 Filch Program - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The filch program looks like a playing card with a drawing of a hand holding a coin. Desc: Verb: Run Test: GetFlag(1, "Location") = 8 Desc: The hand on the card flips the coin repeatedly. You added this feature, because you like knowing that your programs are doing SOMETHING. Desc: Desc: After a few seconds, the picture freezes, and a GMSC Access ID program appears in your deck! Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 11, 1 Test: (GetFlag(1, "Location") = 71) & IsPresent(72) Desc: The hand on the card flips the coin repeatedly. You added this feature, because you like knowing that your programs are doing SOMETHING. Desc: Desc: After a few seconds, the picture freezes, and an ElectroCash ID program appears in your deck! Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 74, 1 Code: Call SetFlag 74, "ID", GetFlag(72, "Incarnation") Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Active", 0 Test: 1=1 Desc: The hand on the card flips the coin repeatedly. You added this feature, because you like knowing that your programs are doing SOMETHING. Desc: Desc: After a few seconds, the picture freezes. There must not be any active ID programs around. Desc: Verb: Help Test: 1=1 Desc: "SureSafe Identification Detection System" Desc: Desc: "This system tests all Icon's present for Query Sensitive Identification systems. It is meant to be used to ensure that employees do not forgetfully leave their corporate access programs running when not in Corporate WEBspace." Desc: Desc: That's what it used to do. After a few modifications, it can query and record the answers to most Corporate ID programs. Then, it produces a program that returns the same codes when queried. Desc: Desc: In a nutshell, when this program is run, you get a copy of any Corporate ID programs active in the current site. Desc: Verb: Drop Test: 1=1 Desc: You drop the Filch program copy, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 14, 3 ; ; Transfer from Bob's data storage ; Object: 15 Transfer Point Flag: Location 12 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: Gateway-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 ; ; Steves Shareware Shack ; Object: 16 SSS-PUB Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 25 Content: 26 Content: 17 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is Steve's Shareware Shack, one of the most notorious hacker hangouts on the net. You used to be a member in good standing, but since you're dead, you may have some problems getting past this point. Desc: Desc: Living up to it's name, Shack is a shack. It is a ramshackle, rusted, just bout to tumble down steel building used to store garden utensils. There are racks of software in front, each program with an icon depicting it as a small business-type card. You know not to even look here, there is nothing useful kept outside. Desc: Desc: The door to the shack is closed, and has "Members Only" written above it. There is a small window in the door. ; Desc: ; ; Transfer out of SSS-PUB ; Object: 17 Transfer Point Flag: Location 16 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. ; Desc: Verb: Gateway-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. ; Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 ; ; Gateway-CORP ; Object: 18 Gateway-CORP Flag: Visited 0 Flag: Holds 99999 Content: 19 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: Gateway-CORP Looks just like Gateway.PUB, except the disk that makes up the ground is shiny silver instead of yellow. ; ; transfer out of Gateway-CORP ; Object: 19 Transfer Point Flag: Location 18 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: Gateway-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 Verb: GMSC-CORP Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 38 Verb: IBI-CORP Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 102 ; ; Gateway-GOV ; Object: 20 Gateway-GOV Flag: Visited 0 Flag: Holds 99999 Content: 21 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Default Government areas are similar to the Public and Corporate ones. They consist of a large, round disk with the transfer point in the center. For all government nodes, the disk is blue. Desc: ; ; transfer out of Gateway-GOV ; Object: 21 Transfer Point Flag: Location 20 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: Gateway-PUB Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 Verb: Police-GOV Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 77 ; ; help area ; Object: 22 Help Area Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 23 Content: 24 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in a small, well lit booth. There are two data files here to help you get used to the WEB. Verb: Exit Test: 1=1 Desc: You exit the booth, and it returns to being a sign. Code: Call MovePlayer 5 ; ; Net info file ; Object: 23 Net Information File Flag: Location 22 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: It is a standard data file, it looks like a white sphere the size of a marble that glows faintly. Verb: Read Test: 1=1 Desc: HOW TO USE THE NET Desc: Desc: Welcome to the world of on line networks. This short tutorial gives an overview of using the various programs you will find on the net. Desc: Desc: If you want to manipulate an object in any way, just touch it with your finger. This will display the options or capabilities of that object. Simply select the option you want, and it happens! Desc: Desc: Of course, you already knew this, or you would not have gotten this far. So, you already know everything you need to! Desc: Desc: However, there are a few conventions that you should be aware of. Desc: Desc: 1) People look like people, and programs do not. This rule is almost immutable. Do not make your icon look like a robot, or people will treat you like a program. Desc: Desc: 2) Some objects have a '- O' or '- C' after the name. These stand for Original and Copy respectively. If an object is marked Original, you can pick it up. However, it will still be there after you do. The one you picked up will be a Copy. If you drop a Copy, it will disappear unless the place you drop it has been prepared to receive it, whereupon it will become an Original. Desc: Desc: Every node, or place, in the WEB has a type. The types are PUB (public), CORP (corporate) and GOV (government). It is illegal to attempt to gain access to any computer system to which you are not expressly allowed access and which is not a PUB node. ; ; net history file ; Object: 24 Net History File Flag: Location 22 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: It is a standard data file, it looks like a white sphere the size of a marble that glows faintly. Verb: Read Test: 1=1 Desc: THE HISTORY OF THE WEB Desc: Desc: The WEB began over 100 years ago in the late 1900s. Scientists, aided by their respective governments and funding corporations, constructed a worldwide network called the Internet. Desc: Desc: This network crudely and slowly carried information between these separate scientific communities. Over time, the public became interested in both the communication and lack of regulation on the Internet, and usage quickly surged past the limits of available technology. Desc: Desc: Then came the Corporate Takeover, when governments began to realize that they could not do their jobs efficiently, and therefore gave more and more of the responsibility to Corporations. Desc: Desc: The bandwidth problem was solved by the installation of the WEB, the network of hierarchical satellites which separated the world into geographic regions, with limited network communication between. This separation give corporate scientists the bandwidth they needed to work, and allowed the private users unrestricted access to sources in their own geographic areas. This access is given, free of charge, to all citizens, educational facilities, and governmental offices in the world. Desc: Desc: This arrangement exists to this day. Desc: Desc: The ability for corporate officers and researchers to communicate with sources all around the world has led to startling advances in technology over the last century and a half. We owe the society we have today to the free corporate WEB. ; ;The Shack at Steve's Shareware Shack ; Object: 25 Shack Flag: Location 16 Flag: Locked 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The shack is run down. Like most hackers, Steve goes for the real-world-dirty look. On the net, it is easy to be clean, but a convincing dirty is hard. The Shack is a masterpiece that Steve has worked on for over 9 years. Adding some rust here, a little mold there. You can always tell, however, that it used to be white. Desc: Desc: Despite it's appearance, however, nobody gets in without Steve's say so. ; Desc: Verb: Enter Test: GetFlag(25,"Locked") Desc: The little window in the door opens, and a plastic looking face appears. "Your network identification is not on our membership list." the face says. "Only contributing members may enter. Have a nice day." ; Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The little window in the door opens, and a plastic looking face appears. Then the door opens, and a butler who looks like he should be in a wax museum says "Welcome, sir, to The Shack. We have recently had hardware problems of the legal variety which caused the loss of large amounts of data. We apologies for the small stock. Have a nice day." Desc: Desc: You enter The Shack. ; Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 27 Verb: Knock Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk up and rap on the door. The node is suddenly silent, except for the creaking of metal. Then, in a clattering, crashing, screeching rush, the entire shack collapses. You stand in shock as a mannequin dressed just like Steve, with Steve's face painted on the flat front, climbs out of the rubble with a car jack and starts cranking. Desc: Desc: After 10 seconds or so, the shack is standing again. The mannequin then dusts itself off, turns to you, and says "Please don't do that again." and goes inside. ; Desc: ; ; contributions box at Steve's Shareware Shack ; Object: 26 Contributions Box Flag: Location 16 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Contributions Box looks like a mailbox with "Contributions" written on the side in white paint. There is also writing on the front, in much smaller letters. Desc: Desc: Near the mailbox, in front of The Shack is a white "X" on the ground. ; Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 28, 16 Verb: Read Test: 1=1 Desc: The front of the mailbox reads "Open the mailbox to donate any currently loaded programs. Note that your deck will be scanned. you have been warned." ; Desc: Verb: Open Test: GetFlag(25,"Locked") = 0 Desc: There is a note in teh mailbox. You take it out and read it. It says; Desc: Desc: Thank you for contributing to Steve's Shareware Shack. Your continued assistance is appreciated. However, you do not currently have anything that we need. Have a nice day. ; Desc: Test: IsHolding(14) Desc: There is a note in the mailbox. You take it out and read it. It says; Desc: Desc: "Thank you for your contribution. You are now a fully fledged member of The Shack. Have a nice day. Desc: Desc: PS: Hi Resident. Do you have any idea how long I've wanted this Filch program? I'm glad you finally decided to give it to me. See ya." ; Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 25, "Locked", 0 Test: 1=1 Desc: There is a note in the mailbox. You take it out and read it. It says; Desc: Desc: Dear Pinhead, Desc: Desc: We thank you for your recent interest in Steve's Shareware Shack. However, our scan of your deck indicates that you have no programs that are interesting or worthwhile. Please come back when you have a clue. ; Desc: ; ; archives-sss-pub ; Object: 27 Archives-SSS-PUB Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 29 Content: 33 Content: 31 Content: 83 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is the archive room of Steve's Shareware Shack. This is where all the Cool Stuff is kept. The inside of the shack keeps up the Shack motif, with rusty metal walls and big pegboards with program cards hanging on them. Desc: Desc: Unfortunately, there don't seem to be a whole lot of cards hanging here. That "hardware problem" must have been pretty nasty. Desc: Desc: There is a spiral staircase leading down, and a door leading outside. ; Desc: ; ; The "X" ; Object: 28 "X" Flag: Location 3 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: It is simply an "X" made with white spray paint. It is scuffed, like people stand on it a lot. ; Desc: Verb: Stand on Test: 1=1 Desc: You hear a whisper in your ear, saying. "You are standing in front of a white house. There is a mailbox here." ; Desc: ; ; the spiral staircase ; Object: 29 Down Flag: Location 27 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk down the slightly creaky spiral staircase. ; Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 32 ; ; The Chameleon Program ; Object: 30 Chameleon - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 1 Flag: Active 0 Flag: Manager 0 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(30,"Active") Desc: The Chameleon program started out as a standard icon editor. However, it has bee modified to constantly monitor the icons of any objects in the vicinity and search for similarities. It then incorporates these attributes into the icon of the user. Desc: Desc: Some security schemes add badges to the icons of authentic users. These badges are usually so small as to be invisible. The Chameleon program will detect these badges and add them to your icon. Desc: Desc: The program looks like a zipper tab at your throat. Only you can see it, of course. Just pull the tab to deactivate the program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The Chameleon program started out as a standard icon editor. However, it has bee modified to constantly monitor the icons of any objects in the vicinity and search for similarities. It then incorporates these attributes into the icon of the user. Desc: Desc: Some security schemes add badges to the icons of authentic users. These badges are usually so small as to be invisible. The Chameleon program will detect these badges and add them to your icon. Desc: Desc: The program itself looks like one of those $5.00 ponchos that folds up into a compact little package. Desc: Verb: Activate Test: GetFlag(30, "Active") Desc: The Chameleon program is already active. Desc: Test: GetFlag(1,"Location") = 43 Desc: What luck! You activated the Chameleon program just as someone was about to get on that elevator! If you're lucky, you may be able to use it now. Desc: Desc: You activate the Chameleon program. It unfolds into a poncho like garment, covers your icon, and disappears except for a tab near your throat. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 30, "Active", 1 Code: Call SetFlag 30, "Manager", 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: You activate the Chameleon program. It unfolds into a poncho like garment, covers your icon, and disappears except for a tab near your throat. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 30, "Active", 1 Verb: Deactivate Test: GetFlag(30, "Active") Desc: You tug on the tab of the Chameleon program. It detaches from your icon and folds into its compact package. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 30, "Active", 0 Code: Call SetFlag 30, "Manager", 0 Test: 1=1 Desc: The Chameleon Program is not currently active. Desc: Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(30) Desc: You drop your copy of the Chameleon program, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 30, 3 Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not holding the Chameleon program. Desc: ; ; the door out of SSS-pub ; Object: 31 South Flag: Location 27 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You open the door and leave The Shack. ; Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 16 ; ; The Lounge at sss-pub ; Object: 32 Lounge-SSS-PUB Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 34 Content: 35 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This room is a comfortable lounge. There is an open bar in one corner, and plenty of chairs and sofas. Desc: Desc: The first thing you notice when you enter is the presence of your old friend Noxious Vapors. It has chosen a relatively pleasant scent for the day, something like that part of pipe smoke that smells good, without the part that makes you nauseous. Desc: Desc: Noxious Vapors is billowing in a chair. It (nobody knows anything about its physical body, not even a gender.) It looks like a greenish cloud that billows without dispersing. ; Desc: ; ; The original of the chameleon program ; Object: 33 Chameleon - O Flag: Location 27 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Chameleon program started out as a standard icon editor. However, it has bee modified to constantly monitor the icons of any objects in the vicinity and search for similarities. It then incorporates these attributes into the icon of the user. Desc: Desc: Some security schemes add badges to the icons of authentic users. These badges are usually so small as to be invisible. The Chameleon program will detect these badges and add them to your icon. Desc: Desc: The program itself looks like one of those $5.00 ponchos that folds up into ; Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(30) Desc: You already have a copy of the Chameleon program. ; Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the Chameleon program, and it is copied to your deck. ; Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 30, 1 ; ; Noxious Vapors ; Object: 34 Noxious Vapors Flag: Location 32 Flag: Status 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: Noxious Vapors looks like a billowing green cloud. This icon is very simple, however, having only 4 or 5 frames. Where it shines is with smells. Desc: Desc: Today, it smells like pipe smoke. The odor ebbs and flows, and changes from moment to moment. It is surprisingly unoffensive today. Usually you have to turn off your olfactory translators to talk to it. Desc: ; Status = 0 - has not talked to Vapors yet ; Status = 1 - talked to Vapors, but has not retrieved Memo ; Status = 3 - has gotten program Verb: Talk Test: GetFlag(34, "Status") = 0 Desc: Noxious Vapors greets you warmly. "Resident, I had heard disturbing rumors. I am glad they are not true. I have many things to discuss with you. Desc: Desc: You and Noxious have an agreement in times like this. "No time for discussions, I'm on a job. About those rumors, lest just say that I'm more of a Resident now than I ever was. Desc: Desc: Noxious replies. "Well, in that case, I have something that may help you. I have recently acquired a certain program. You have heard of the 'Piggyback' program. Desc: Desc: You sure have! It makes the computer think that you are an object being carried by someone else. It effectively lets you ride someone else past security. Desc: Desc: "What do you want for it?", you ask. Desc: Desc: Noxious seems insulted. "Now Resident, you know me better than that. I would never stoop to 'selling'. However, I have some acquaintances who are desirous of entering the Geneva Materials Science Corporation building, but have been put off by the new security." Desc: Desc: "If you could find information about this security, I'm sure they would let me copy their Piggyback program." ; Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 34, "Status", 1 Test: (GetFlag(34, "Status") = 1) & IsHolding(58) Desc: You hold out the GMSC Security Report, but then hold it back. "This has everything your friends want, Noxious, so lets see the Piggyback." Desc: Desc: Noxious Vapors takes what looks like a plastic dart gun out of a box. "Here you are, Resident. You can be so untrusting at times. I would never steal from you." Desc: Desc: "Sure", you reply, "but if it happens to be sitting in the node, it isn't stealage to make a copy, is it. Here's the report, have fun." Desc: Desc: You give the report to Noxious Vapors, and it gives you the Piggyback Program. Desc: Desc: "It really has been nice doing business with you, Resident." Noxious says, "Please, stop by more often. We must chat." Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 58, 3 Code: Call MoveObject 55, 1 Code: Call SetFlag 34, "Status", 2 Test: GetFlag(34, "Status") = 1 Desc: Noxious Vapors can be patronizing at times. "Resident, you know I would give you the Piggyback program if I had it, but I don't. And I will need the information about GMSC in order to get it. I really can not help you until you get me that information." Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You and Noxious Vapors have a long chat about recent events. You learn a lot of small trivial things, but nothing more of importance. You do, however, leaving in much lighter spirits than when you came in. Desc: ; ; staircase out of lounge-sss-pub ; Object: 35 Up Flag: Location 32 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk up the slightly creaky spiral staircase. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 27 ; ; the original of the newspaper ; Object: 36 Net News - O Flag: Location 5 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Net News is a daily newspaper produced by the government. Ever since the Corps took over, the government has been able to great things with services like the newspaper. Desc: Desc: Too bad the Corps don't let them provide things like food or medical care for the poor. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(37) Desc: You already have a copy of today's Net News. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up a copy of today's Net News. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 37, 1 ; ; the copy of the newspaper ; Object: 37 Net News - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Net News is a daily newspaper produced by the government. Ever since the Corps took over, the government has been able to great things with services like the newspaper. Desc: Desc: Too bad the Corps don't let them provide things like food or medical care for the poor. Desc: Verb: Read Front Page Test: 1=1 Desc: IBI PLANS TO ACQUIRE GMSC Desc: Desc: International Businesses Inc. president Hishu McMasters announced today that IBI intends to purchase Geneva Materials Science Corporation. This acquisition would leave IBI in possession of all the superconductor producers in the world. Desc: Desc: Winston Mugawa, President and majority shareholder in GMSC had this to say after the announcement. Desc: Desc: Geneva Material Science will never be sold. We are the only competition that IBI has in the field of semiconductor electronics. Without that competition, these expensive products will become unattainable for anyone except IBI." Desc: Desc: Mr. McMasters replied by saying, "My esteemed colleague Mr. Mugawa clings to the belief that competition breeds growth and diversity. This foolishness was disproved hundreds of years ago, when Microsoft (an IBI company) fought and defeated the antibusiness laws of their day. If these beliefs were still held, we would not have the society we have today. GMSC will be a part of IBI." Desc: Desc: Negotiations still continue at this hour. Desc: Verb: Read Obituaries Test: 1=1 Desc: You scan through the obituaries, and there it is. Your obituary. Desc: Desc: Apparently a single person was seen fleeing the scene after using an explosive to blow down your bedroom door, and a flechette rifle to turn you to hamburger. You apparently died of "Massive bleeding combined with severe burns." Desc: Desc: Surprisingly, the obituary states that the police are investigating the crime, due to an anonymous phone call they received just seconds after the attack. Desc: Verb: Read Horoscope Test: 1=1 Desc: The moon moves through Leo tonight. Other forces combine to make this a dangerous time. Do not take risks tonight. Desc: Verb: Read Advertisements Test: 1=1 Desc: The only advertisement that catches your eye is for an observatory in Chile. "See the stars as the ancients did!" the ad announces. "Radio telescopes pierce the clouds and bring the constellations to life, featuring the constellation Leo at the apex the dazzling night sky." Desc: Verb: Drop Test: 1=1 Desc: You drop the newspaper, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 37, 3 ; ; GMSC-CORP ; Object: 38 GMSC-CORP Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 39 Content: 40 Content: 41 Content: 42 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The entry hall to Geneva Material Science Corporation looks like a large marble hall, with high windows letting streams of sunlight illuminate the room. There are comfortable wooden benches lining the walls, and several tasteful potted plants in the corners. Desc: Desc: There are archways to the North and East. To the north is the transfer point, looking even more out of place in the plush entry hall than in the normal PUB nodes. To the East is a room giving public information about GMSC and its products. Desc: Desc: To the south is a large steel door, with a sign reading 'Employees Only'. This door is guarded by discrete but frightening looking robot, which represents a security program. The gun at its side shows that it has not only the ability to detect intruders, but to do something about them. Desc: ; ; Transfer Point ; Object: 39 Transfer Point Flag: Location 38 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: Gateway-CORP Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 18 ; ; Archway from GMSC-CORP to PUCLIC-GMSC-CORP ; Object: 40 East Flag: Location 38 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk through the arch to the east. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 44 ; ; Door to the south ; Object: 41 South Flag: Location 38 Flag: Tries 3 IVerb: Go Test: IsHolding(11) & (GetFlag(11, "On") = 1) Desc: The Robot looks at you, nods slightly, and opens the door to the south. You waste no time in getting through. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 43 Test: GetFlag(41, "Tries") > 0 Desc: The robot looks at you and steps menacingly forward. 'Only GMSC employees allowed past this point. It is a violation of national and international laws to attempt access.' Desc: Desc: You can not go any farther. Desc: Code: Call AddFlag 41, "Tries", -1 Test: 1=1 Desc: The robot looks at you, and draws its pistol. 'Your repeated attempts to illegally access this system can not be tolerated. You will be reported to the proper authorities.' It then points the gun at you and fires. The world goes black and you realize that you have been logged out. Desc: Desc: In your current state, you can not log back in. You are trapped in the inky blackness, in total sensory deprivation, until someone notices that you are off line. Desc: Desc: Luckily, someone must be watching. After what seems like a year, the world suddenly flashes back into being. you reel like a man who had been held underwater and let go at the last second. After you regain your orientation, you realize that you are back at Gateway-PUB. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 Code: Call SetFlag 41, "Tries", 3 ; ; Security Robot ; Object: 42 Robot Flag: Location 38 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The robot is not harsh or violent looking, but it somehow conveys a sense of dread. This is a well and subtly done program. Messing with it would be a bad idea. Desc: ; ; Hub-GMSC-CORP ; Object: 43 Hub-GMSC-CORP Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 47 Content: 48 Content: 49 Content: 50 Content: 70 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This seems to be a hallway. It is wide and paved in marble. The walls are bright, and the light soft. All in all, a beautiful hallway, and completely standard for any corporate WEB. Desc: Desc: There is an unlocked doorway to the West labeled "Offices". A door to the East is Marked "Research and Development" and has a key card lock. There is a door to the south marked "Security", which also has a key card lock. There is also an unmarked elevator. Desc: Desc: There are people going through here all the time, mostly to Offices, but some to R&D and Security. Very few to the elevator. Desc: ; ; Public-GMSC-CORP ; Object: 44 Public-GMSC-CORP Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 45 Content: 46 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The room is large and marble. There are some more comfortable benches, and a monitor to display GMSC product information. Desc: ; ; Monitor at Public-GMSC-corp ; Object: 45 Monitor Flag: Location 44 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The monitor looks like a standard TDTV terminal, with a large button on the front marked 'Activate'. Desc: Verb: Activate Test: 1=1 Desc: The monitor comes to life and plays a short advertisement for Geneva Material Science Corp. Basically, they make superconductor electronics, computers, and some of the most advanced scientific and Artificial Intelligence software in existence. Desc: ; ; West from Public-GMSC-Corp ; Object: 46 West Flag: Location 44 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk through the arch to GMSC-PUB Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 38 ; ; West from Hub-GMSC-CORP ; Object: 47 West Flag: Location 43 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You open the door and enter the Offices. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 51 ; ; South from 43, Red Herring. Use Piggyback to get through. ; Object: 48 South Flag: Location 43 IVerb: Go Test: IsHolding(65) Desc: You slide your keycard through the lock and saunter into the security area. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 53 Test: 1=1 Desc: You can not get through that door. You do not have a keycard for the lock. Desc: ; ; east from 43 (Hub-gmsc-corp) ; Object: 49 East Flag: Location 43 IVerb: go Test: IsHolding(56) Desc: You slide the Research and Development keycard through the lock and proceed through the doorway. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 52 Test: 1=1 Desc: You can not get through that door. You do not have a keycard for the lock. Desc: ; ; Up from 43 (hum-gmsc-corp) ; Object: 50 Up Flag: Location 43 IVerb: Go Test: IsHolding(30) & (GetFlag(30, "Manager") = 1) Desc: You push the call button and the elevator immediately appears and carries you up to the Management level. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 54 Test: 1=1 Desc: You press the call button on the elevator and nothing happens. you wait, and nothing continues to happen. Desc: ; ; Offices-GMSC-CORP ; Object: 51 Offices Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 56 Content: 57 Content: 58 Content: 66 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a virtual office, which is actually about 10,000 identical offices, each containing the work of 10,000 different workers. The office decor is rather nice, with a window overlooking one of 25 pleasant but calculatingly boring scenes and a nice potted plant next to the spacious desk. Desc: Desc: All this to make the workers forget that they work in cubicles with the footprint of a washing machine. Desc: Desc: Each of these offices has its own data storage, so you use the terminal in the office to write a quick search that picks anything that is laying around in any of the offices. Desc: ; ; R&D Department ; Object: 52 R&D-GMSC-CORP Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 59 Content: 67 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: These rooms are similar to the Offices across the hall, except it seems that each was made for several people to use at once, and the amount of data storage is much higher. Unfortunately, there is not as much lying around. Desc: ; ; security department ; Object: 53 Security-GMSC-CORP Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 60 Content: 61 Content: 62 Content: 68 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is the center of GMSC security, placed in the WEB so the guards can reach it from anywhere in the building instantly. It is obviously designed for utility. It has a number of large screens, showing whatever parts of the building the computer thinks are interesting at the moment. There are three control consoles here. Desc: Desc: The three consoles are marked 'Perimeter', 'External' and 'Internal'. Desc: ; ; Manager-GMSC-corp ; Object: 54 Manager-GMSC-CORP Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 63 Content: 64 Content: 69 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is another series of offices, but these are very large and very plush. They contain some of the best WEB sculpting you have ever seen, and all of them are different. Desc: Desc: You try to ignore the splendor you are in and quickly write a search to see if any of the offices hold any goodies. Desc: ; ; Piggyback program ; Object: 55 Piggyback Program - C Flag: Weight 1 Flag: Location 3 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The piggyback program is styled to look like a dart gun. You simply point it at someone and pull the trigger. For the next few cycles, the computer will see you as a program owned by that person, and you will automatically follow that person. Desc: Verb: Run Test: GetFlag(1,"Location") = 43 Desc: You see someone entering the through the 'Security' door, and quickly draw the Piggyback program. The dart arcs out, and sticks solidly to the unsuspecting user. Desc: Desc: Suddenly, you are pulled through space. The burst of movement makes you feel nations for a second, then it stops and you are in a different node! Desc: Desc: While the Piggyback program is still in effect, you quickly send the system a request to add you as a valid user of this area. It worked! You may now enter and leave the Security section at will! Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 65, 1 Code: Call MovePlayer 53 Test: InLocation(113,1) & (GetFlag(135,"Room") = 7) Desc: You draw the Piggyback program and fire it at the Watchdog, hoping that it does not notice. It doesn't. You are pulled through space as the Watchdog enters the secure storage area. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 124 Test: 1=1 Desc: You draw the Piggyback program with your best Han Solo impersonation and fire it at a passing user. Desc: Desc: Unfortunately, you are not Han, and the dart whizzes past into space. Oh well, you could probably find a better use for it anyway. Desc: Verb: Drop Test: 1=1 Desc: This is the only copy you are likely to get of this program. You had better hold onto it. Desc: ; ; R&D keycard ; Object: 56 R&D key card - C Flag: Location 51 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The key card looks just like a real key card. It is about 5 cm by 8 cm and has 'Research and Development - GMSC' written on one side. Desc: Desc: It does not take up a significant amount of space on your deck. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(56) Desc: You already have the R&D Key card! Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the R&D key card. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 56, 1 Verb: Drop Test: \IsHolding(56) Desc: You are not currently carrying the R&D key card. Desc: Test: GetFlag(60, "Done") & GetFlag(61, "Done") & GetFlag(62, "Done") Desc: You won't be needing this any more. you drop the card, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 56, 3 Test: 1=1 Desc: You get ready to drop the R&D key card, but decide not to. You may need it later. Desc: ; ; Perimeter access memo ; Object: 57 Perimeter Procedures Memo - C Flag: Location 51 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(57) Desc: You already have the Perimeter Procedures Memo. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the perimeter Procedures Memo. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 57, 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a document that describes the procedures for modifying the perimeter security of the building. It includes all necessary access codes and passwords! There is too much to remember, you had better take it with you. Desc: Desc: The memo takes an insignificant amount of space in your deck. Desc: Verb: Drop Test: \IsHolding(57) Desc: you are not currently holding the Perimiter Procedures Memo. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You need that to sabotage GMSC's security. You can not afford to drop it. Desc: ; ; Security Memo ; Object: 58 GMSC Security Report - C Flag: Weight 1 Flag: Location 51 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a rather extensive report detailing the installation of a new, state of the art physical security system at GMSC. It includes simulations of attempted break-ins and the rather messy results. Desc: Desc: Hopefully your boss is monitoring your progress and will make himself a copy of this. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(58) Desc: You are already carrying the GMSC Security Report. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the GMSC Security Report. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 58, 1 Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(58) Desc: You could drop the GMSC Security Report, but the system would automatically delete it and you have no way to get another copy. You decide to hold onto it for now. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not holding the GMSC Security Report. Desc: ; ; External access memo ; Object: 59 External Procedures Memo - C Flag: Location 52 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(59) Desc: You already have the External Procedures Memo. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the External Procedures Memo. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 59, 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a document that describes the procedures for modifying the External security of the building. It includes all necessary access codes and passwords! There is too much to remember, you had better take it with you. Desc: Desc: The memo takes an insignificant amount of space in your deck. Desc: Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(59) Desc: You need that to sabotage GMSC's security. You can not afford to drop it. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not currently holding the External Procedures Memo. Desc: ; ; Perimeter Defense Console ; Object: 60 Perimeter Defense Console Flag: Location 53 Flag: Done 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This console shows a map of the streets around the GMSC building. There are thin green lines in concentric circles around the building, beginning at the nearest roads. These most likely represent passive perimeter security. Desc: Verb: Sabotage Test: IsHolding(57) Desc: You use the codes contained in the Perimeter Access Memo to set the perimeter defenses to shut down when Ringer makes his assault. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 60, "Done", 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: The console requires a series of verification tests, and you have no idea what the proper responses are. You will need more information about this console before you can do anything else. Desc: ; ; External Defense Console ; Object: 61 External Defense Console Flag: Location 53 Flag: Done 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This console shows an overhead map of the outer walls of the building. Overlapping areas covered by moving cameras are shown as yellow arcs. Multiple screens show anything the computer monitoring the cameras thinks is out of order. Desc: Desc: Windows are highlighted in green, and the moving forms of armed guards can be seen as green dots. This place is well defended. Desc: Verb: Sabotage Test: IsHolding(59) Desc: You use the codes contained in the External Access Memo to set the External defenses to shut down while Ringer makes his assault. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 61, "Done", 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: The console requires a series of verification tests, and you have no idea what the proper responses are. You will need more information about this console before you can do anything else. Desc: ; ; Internal Defense Console ; Object: 62 Internal Defense Console Flag: Location 53 Flag: Done 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This console has a display for every floor of the building, all 150 of them. The screens show people moving around, guards in green, employees in yellow. Green shading denotes the presence of motion detectors, card locks, fingerprint locks, and visual recognition scanners. Desc: Desc: An intruder would not last 5 minutes in here, without help from you. Desc: Verb: Sabotage Test: IsHolding(63) Desc: You use the codes contained in the Internal Access Memo to set the Internal defenses to shut down while Ringer makes his assault. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 62, "Done", 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: The console requires a series of verification tests, and you have no idea what the proper responses are. You will need more information about this console before you can do anything else. Desc: ; ; Internal Access Memo -c ; Object: 63 Internal Procedures Memo - C Flag: Location 54 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(63) Desc: You already have the Internal Procedures Memo. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the Internal Procedures Memo. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 63, 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a document that describes the procedures for modifying the Internal security of the building. It includes all necessary access codes and passwords! There is too much to remember, you had better take it with you. Desc: Desc: The memo takes an insignificant amount of space in your deck. Desc: Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(59) Desc: You need that to sabotage GMSC's security. You can not afford to drop it. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not currently holding the Internal Procedures Memo. Desc: ; ; Execution Order ; Object: 64 Execution Order Flag: Location 54 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: MEMO Desc: Desc: From: Hishu McMasters Desc: To: Personnel Department Desc: Desc: Please dispatch a removal agent to the living quarters of the WEB specialist known as The Resident. This contractor has become a security risk and must be removed. Desc: Desc: For logistical reasons, the attack must occur at exactly 2: 00 AM tomorrow. This is imperative. The method used is of your choice, but should be sufficiently graphic to discourage other contractors from becoming security risks. Desc: --- Desc: Desc: That doesn't make sense! They know your history when they hired you, and you never betrayed their trust. They must have just wanted to avoid paying you. Dead men cash no checks. That's one mystery solved, but you need to know just where this McMasters guy lives to get at him, and you can bet he's not listed in the yellow pages. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(64) Desc: You already have the Execution Order. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You move the Execution Order to your deck. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 64, 1 Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(64) Desc: You drop the execution order, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 64, 3 Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not currently holding the Execution Order. Desc: ; ; GMSC Security keycard ; Object: 65 Security key card - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The key card looks just like a real key card. It is about 5 cm by 8 cm and has 'Security - GMSC' written on one side. Desc: Desc: It does not take up a significant amount of space on your deck. Desc: Verb: Drop Test: \IsHolding(65) Desc: You are not currently carrying the Security key card. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You get ready to drop the Security key card, but decide not to. You may need it later. Desc: ; ; East form 51 to 43 ; Object: 66 East Flag: Location 51 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You return to the Hub. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 43 ; ; West form 52 to 43 ; Object: 67 West Flag: Location 52 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You return to the Hub. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 43 ; ; North form 53 to 43 ; Object: 68 North Flag: Location 53 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You return to the Hub. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 43 ; ; Down form 54 to 43 ; Object: 69 Down Flag: Location 54 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You return to the Hub. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 43 ; ; North form 43 to 38 ; Object: 70 North Flag: Location 43 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You leave the Hub and enter the lobby. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 38 ; ; ElectorCash-PUB ; Object: 71 ElectroCash-PUB Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 72 Content: 73 Content: 75 Verb: Look Test: IsPresent(72) Desc: ElectroCash (TM) is the only way for money from the real world to be converted into WEB translatable units. No matter what bank you use, your local ElectroCash outlet will quickly convert your hard earned money into ElectroDollars, for a small percentage, of course. Desc: Desc: You used to have plenty of cash, but as the saying goes, dead men cash no checks. The very moment the coroner declared you dead, your accounts were frozen. Auto-legal programs had filed the proper forms, pushed them through litigation, and had your accounts absorbed by the bank before you were revived on life support. Desc: Desc: The ElectroCash outlet looks like a modern bank. There is a customer at the counter, being waited on by a Teller Daemon, and another Teller Daemon waiting for new customers. Of course, there is always one free Teller Daemon, no matter how many customers are around. Desc: Desc: Things are moving slowly, there is only one customer activating his account ID program for the Teller Daemon. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: ElectroCash (TM) is the only way for money from the real world to be converted into WEB translatable units. No matter what bank you use, your local ElectroCash outlet will quickly convert your hard earned money into ElectroDollars, for a small percentage, of course. Desc: Desc: You used to have plenty of cash, but as the saying goes, dead men cash no checks. The very moment the coroner declared you dead, your accounts were frozen. Auto-legal programs had filed the proper forms, pushed them through litigation, and had your accounts absorbed by the bank before you were revived on life support. Desc: Desc: The ElectroCash outlet looks like a modern bank. There is a Teller Daemon at the counter waiting for new customers. Of course, there is always one free Teller Daemon, no matter how many customers are around. Desc: ; ; Customer ; Object: 72 Customer Flag: Location 71 Flag: Timer 0 Flag: Incarnation 1 Flag: LeaveTimer 0 Flag: Active 1 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(72, "Incarnation") = 1 Desc: The customer looks like a pretty standard WEB user. She has obviously used a standard holoscanner to create her icon, making her look like a moving picture with a permanent smile. The best you can do without expensive icon-tailoring (a lucrative business) or extensive programming knowledge. Desc: Desc: She is probably in her late thirties, but the style of her clothing is old, marking her as middle forties and trying to hide it. She seems nervous, the way people look when you stare at them while they are getting money from a cash machine. Desc: Test: GetFlag(72, "Incarnation") = 2 Desc: This customer is a bit more stylish. He is in his early twenties, probably a college student on the Corporate Fast Track. The icon is well tailored, and he moves with grace and pride. What a cocky punk. Cleaning this young rooster's accounts won't just be a necessary act, it will be a public service. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: This man has TARGET written on him in great big letters. His icon is generic silver, with a holo picture of his face on the front of the head. The face is frozen, not even animated. He just screams "newbie". Desc: Desc: However, his icon is very clear and sharp. No cheap bargain basement deck is sending this image. However naive, there is money backing this man up. Time to teach him a lesson about wandering around in strange neighborhoods without a native guide. Desc: Verb: Talk Test: GetFlag(72, "Incarnation") = 1 Desc: Life on the street must be getting really rough. When you approach to talk to the woman, she screams and runs to the transfer point. By the time the word 'Excuse...' is out of your mouth, she is gone. Desc: Desc: The Teller Daemon that was waiting on her dutifully erases itself, leaving only you and one Teller Daemon here. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Incarnation", 2 Code: Call MoveObject 72, 3 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Timer", 4 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "LeaveTimer", 0 Test: GetFlag(72, "Incarnation") = 2 Desc: You walk up to the man and say "Hey, buddy". He turns, gives you a quick look, scowls at your slippers, and activates a twit filter. You now do not exist for him. No transmissions from you will reach him. This is shown by a translucent grey sphere surrounding him. Desc: Desc: He quickly finishes his transaction and leaves. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Incarnation", 3 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Timer", 10 Code: Call MoveObject 72, 3 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "LeaveTimer", 0 Test: 1=1 Desc: The man turns to you, and you can just imagine the smile that would appear on his oh-so-trusting face. "Hi there," he says. "Are you waiting for this teller? Well, I'm done anyway. They've been telling me for years to get out and about in the WEB, but I never tried. This is really great! There's so much net stuff!" Desc: Desc: He finishes his transaction and deactivates his account ID. Desc: Desc: "Have a nice day, I'm off to do some more exploring!" He activates the transfer point, after three tries, and leaves. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 72, 3 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Timer", 4 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Incarnation", 1 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "LeaveTimer", 0 ; ; Teller Daemon ; Object: 73 Teller Daemon Flag: Location 71 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: It does not look particularly demonic. Actually, it looks like a man in a suit who has had himself chromed. The designation 'Daemon' is an old tradition used for programs that self replicate. Nobody is really sure why. Desc: Verb: Activate Test: IsHolding(74) & (GetFlag(72, "Incarnation") = GetFlag(74, "ID")) & (GetFlag(74, "Active") = 1) & (InLocation(71,72)) Desc: You activate the Teller Daemon, and it dutifully makes a copy of itself. The copy comes to wait on you. Desc: Desc: Suddenly the air is alive with sirens. A voice drones out "Duplicate account ID in use, all users being logged out, all transactions cancelled." Desc: Desc: The customer you stole the card from looks around in confusion, then disappears, then everything goes black. Desc: Desc: In your current state, you can not log back in. You are trapped in the inky blackness, in total sensory deprivation, until someone notices that you are off line. Desc: Desc: Luckily, someone must be watching. After what seems like a year, the world suddenly flashes back into being. you reel like a man who had been held underwater and let go at the last second. After you regain your orientation, you realize that you are back at Gateway-PUB. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 Code: Call MoveObject 72, 71 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Timer", 0 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Incarnation", 1 Test: IsHolding(74) & (GetFlag(72, "Incarnation") \= GetFlag(74, "ID")) & (GetFlag(74, "Active") = 1) Desc: You activate the Teller Daemon, and it dutifully makes a copy of itself. The copy comes to wait on you. Desc: Desc: The Teller quickly scans your account ID, then obediently closes out all of 'your' accounts and converts them to ElectroCash. You come away with less than you had hoped, only $5,000. Desc: Desc: You quickly delete the account ID, since having it would put you away for a LONG time. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 76, 1 Code: Call MoveObject 74, 3 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Timer", 0 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "LeaveTimer", 0 Code: Call MoveObject 72, 3 Test: 1=1 Desc: You activate the Teller Daemon, and it dutifully makes a copy of itself. The copy comes to wait on you. Desc: Desc: The Teller informs you that you must have a valid, active account ID in order to be served, and deletes itself. Desc: ; ; ElectroCash ID ; Object: 74 ElectroCash Account ID - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: ID 0 Flag: Active 0 Flag: Weight 1 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(74, "Active") = 1 Desc: The ID looks like a normal bank card. It is small, flat, and has a small Activate/Deactivate touch area on it. Desc: Desc: It is currently Active. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The ID looks like a normal bank card. It is small, flat, and has a small Activate/Deactivate touch area on it. Desc: Desc: It is currently Inactive. Desc: Verb: Drop Test: GetFlag(72, "Incarnation") > 3 Desc: You went to a lot of trouble, and a lot of risk to get this program. You are not about to drop it until you have used it. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You release the account ID, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 74, 3 Verb: Activate Test: GetFlag(74, "Active") = 1 Desc: The ID is already active. Test: 1=1 Desc: You touch the activation spot, and the word 'Active' lights up. It is, of course, now active. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 74, "Active", 1 Verb: Deactivate Test: GetFlag(74, "Active") = 0 Desc: The ID is not currently active. Test: 1=1 Desc: You touch the activation spot, and the word 'Active' dims. The ID is now no longer active. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 74, "Active", 0 ; ; Transfer Point from ElectroCash ; Object: 75 Transfer Point Flag: Location 71 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: Gateway-PUB Test: IsHolding(76) Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 72, 3 Code: Call SetFlag 72, "Timer", 0 Code: Call MovePlayer 5 Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 ; ; Credit file worth $5000 ; Object: 76 $5000 Credit Code Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: It looks like a paper check, very nicely done and stylish. The number $5000 is printed in the 'amount' box. Desc: Desc: In reality, this is a very sophisticated code file, which is virtually impossible to alter. Some very good work went into making these things. Desc: ; ; Police-GOV ; Object: 77 Police-GOV Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 78 Content: 79 Content: 80 Content: 81 Verb: Look Test: IsPresent(79) Desc: This is the lobby of the local police department. The decor is modern looking, with leather seats and dark wooden furniture. It conveys an air of sterile efficiency. Desc: Desc: The place is nearly deserted. When crime is commonplace, not many people call the police. When they do, they probably call the private police of the Corp they work for. Desc: Desc: The only people here are the desk sergeant and a woman who looks like a secretary. They are both in blue uniforms, his a crisp shirt and pants, with a bright badge reading '8356'. Hers is an equally crisp blouse and skirt. You figure she is a secretary because she does not have a badge. Desc: Desc: The entrance to the station lies to the North. However, before you go in, you have to convince the sergeant that you have sufficient cause to enter. Desc: Test: (GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 0) | (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 0) Desc: This is the lobby of the local police department. The decor is modern looking, with leather seats and dark wooden furniture. It conveys an air of sterile efficiency. Desc: Desc: The place is nearly deserted. When crime is commonplace, not many people call the police. When they do, they probably call the private police of the Corp they work for. Desc: Desc: The only other person here is the desk sergeant, who is sitting behind his desk, occasionally giving you an angry glance. Good icon sculpting there, that angry look. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: This is the lobby of the local police department. The decor is modern looking, with leather seats and dark wooden furniture. It conveys an air of sterile efficiency. Desc: Desc: The air here seems lighter, and the desk sergeant looks like he is ready to burst a seam. Suzie must have come back. Good for them. ; ; Sergeant ; Object: 78 Sergeant Flag: Location 77 Flag: Talk 0 Flag: Pay 0 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(78, "Talk") = 0 Desc: The sergeant has a scanned icon, which is pretty much standard for police. He looks big, threatening, and powerful. Desc: Desc: He is absorbed in conversation with a secretary, and things seem serious. You would attract their attention if you tried to listen in, but by their body language, they seem to be arguing. Actually, he seems to be pleading. He may drop to his knees any second! Desc: Test: (GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 0) & (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 0) Desc: The sergeant has a scanned icon, which is pretty much standard for police. He looks big, threatening, and powerful. Desc: Desc: He is gripping the edge of his desk hard, and staring at you with enough intensity that you can almost feel heat. There is no word for anger that is strong enough to describe this man. Desc: Test: \((GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 1) & (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 1)) Desc: The sergeant has a scanned icon, which is pretty much standard for police. He looks big, threatening, and powerful. Desc: Desc: He looks horrible. His face is expressionless, but his body language says complete despair. He is slumped in his chair, with his forehead resting on his hands. At least he isn't going to try and kill you now. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The sergeant has a scanned icon, which is pretty much standard for police. He looks big, threatening, and powerful. Desc: Desc: He is a picture of happiness. You start to think that maybe he was less frightening when he was miserable. There is a limit to how many teeth someone can show without making you uncomfortable, and this guy has definitely passed it. Ah, love. Verb: Talk Test: GetFlag(78, "Talk") = 0 Desc: As you approach the sergeant, the secretary takes a step away from him. Her voice is practically dripping with anger as she says "I guess you have to Work now, as usual." She pauses only to glare at you, a good trick since her icon's face is not fully articulated, but she manages to convey every ounce of anger and frustration she has to you. Desc: Desc: "Suzie, hold on. I don't work these hours because I like it. It's not my fault." Desc: Desc: Suzie, the secretary, turns and fixes her chilling glare on the officer. "Tell it to someone else, I'm not taking it any more. Goodbye. Don't bother calling." Desc: Desc: She stalks to the Transfer Point like an angry goddess and disappears, leaving you with the angry officer #8356. He turns on you like he is going to tear you apart with his bare hands. You can see him remember that he is in the web, and relax his arms. Instead he approaches menacingly. Desc: Desc: "I don't know what you want, punk" He says. "but you sure aren't going to get it. I've been working overtime for months to buy her a decent honeymoon, and you come along and blow the whole deal. I don't care if somebody is burning your house down, you don't get in here until I get five grand to finish paying off a honeymoon, and Suzie Myers to share it with." Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 78, "Talk", 1 Code: Call MoveObject 79, 8 Test: (GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 0) & (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 0) & IsHolding(76) Desc: The officer is not pleased to see you. He stands up, remembers that he is logged in, and sits back down. "What do you want?" He growls, and you can almost feel the hairs rise on the back of your neck. Desc: Desc: "Look..." You stammer. "I feel really bad about your girlfriend before, and I want to make it up to you." You hold up the $5000 check. "This will at least give you enough for that honeymoon." Desc: Desc: the officer snatches the money from your hands, then stops. It doesn't matter now anyway." he moans. She won't even talk to me, how am I supposed to propose. Hell!" Desc: Desc: With a thump, he sits down and puts his head in his hands. He pockets the check first, though, so either he is harboring some hopes or he has a greedy streak. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 78, "Pay", 1 Code: Call MoveObject 76, 3 Test: (GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 0) & (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 0) & \IsHolding(76) Desc: The officer is not pleased to see you. He stands up, remembers that he is logged in, and sits back down. "What do you want?" He growls, and you can almost feel the hairs rise on the back of your neck. Desc: Desc: "Look..." You stammer. "I feel really bad about your girlfriend, but there's nothing I can do about it. Just let me into the precinct, it's important." Desc: Desc: He stands up again, and steps towards you. "I don't care if there's a fire in a room full of nuns, you suffer until I'm happy. If you were more important than Suzie, you'd be talking to a Corp cop. So bugger off." Desc: Desc: You retreat from the threatening officer before he tries to pummel you despite the fact it is impossible. Desc: Test: (GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 0) & (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 0) Desc: The officer is not pleased to see you. He stands up, remembers that he is logged in, and sits back down. "What do you want?" He growls, and you can almost feel the hairs rise on the back of your neck. Desc: Desc: "Look..." You stammer. "I feel really bad about your girlfriend, but there's nothing I can do about it. Just let me into the precinct, it's important." Just to illustrate the point, you hold up the check you got from the MoneyBooth. Desc: Desc: He stands up and snatches the check from your hand. "And just what good will this do?" he growls. "There's nobody to spend it on!" He collapses into the chair. "Listen, get Suzie back here. Just get her to come talk to me, and I'll let you in no questions asked. Now get out of here." Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 78, "Pay", 1 Code: Call MoveObject 76, 3 Test: (GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 1) & (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 0) Desc: You approach the officer. "Can't you just let me in for a while, it's really important" Desc: Desc: He says, "No. You know what I need, so go away." Desc: Test: (GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 0) & (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 1) & (IsHolding(76)) Desc: The officer looks less angry than he did before, Suzie must have come and talked to him. "Hi there." You say, trying to sound confident. "Can I go in now?" Desc: Desc: He looks astounded. "Let you in! If Suzie hadn't stopped by and talked to me, I'd tear your virtual head off! Now I'm back where I started, I want to marry her, but I need another five grand. You go take care of your own problems." Desc: Desc: "Well", you say, "I can help you with your problems if you help me with mine." Desc: Desc: He looks dubious until you hand him the check. Then his eyes go wide. He puts the check away and says "Go right ahead in." Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 78, "Pay", 1 Code: Call MoveObject 76, 3 Test: (GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 0) & (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 1) Desc: The officer looks less angry than he did before, Suzie must have come and talked to him. "Hi there." You say, trying to sound confident. "Can I go in now?" Desc: Desc: He looks astounded. "Let you in! If Suzie hadn't stopped by and talked to me, I'd tear your virtual head off! Now I'm back where I started, I want to marry her, but I need another five grand. You go take care of your own problems." Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You approach, but the officer starts talking before you can. "I never thought a fight like that could lead to this. I'm getting married in two weeks. You can go ahead in. Desc: ; ; the secretary (Suzie) ; Object: 79 Secretary Flag: Location 77 Flag: Rose 0 Flag: Twit 0 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(78, "Talk") = 0 Desc: The secretary has a scanned icon. She is an attractive woman, in her mid to late twenties. The harsh lines of her uniform tend to accentuate her aura of strength and determination. Going by first impressions, you envy this officer, not for his job, but for his girlfriend. Desc: Desc: Right now, however, he does not seem blessed to have this particular girlfriend. She seems quite irate about something, and you are glad not to be the focus of her anger. Desc: Test: GetFlag(79, "Twit") = 0 Desc: Suzie is sitting in the corner with her head in her hands. Her palms are over her eyes, so she must have pushed up her visor to cry and forgot to log out. It's amazing what couples go through because of misunderstandings like this. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: Suzie is sitting in the corner, but you can't tell what she is doing because she has you twitted out. You do not currently exist in the WEB for her. Usually these things have a timer, so you will just have to wait until it turns off. Desc: Verb: Talk Test: GetFlag(78, "Talk") = 0 Desc: As you approach the secretary, she notices you and steps away from the officer. Her voice is practically dripping with anger as she says "I guess you have to Work now, as usual." She pauses only to glare at you, a good trick since her icon's face is not fully articulated, but she manages to convey every ounce of anger and frustration she has to you. Desc: Desc: "Suzie, hold on. I don't work these hours because I like it. It's not my fault." Desc: Desc: Suzie, the secretary, turns and fixes her chilling glare on the officer. "Tell it to someone else, I'm not taking it any more. Goodbye. Don't bother calling." Desc: Desc: She stalks to the Transfer Point like an angry goddess and disappears, leaving you with the angry officer #8356. He turns on you like he is going to tear you apart with his bare hands. You can see him remember that he is in the web, and relax his arms. Instead he approaches menacingly. Desc: Desc: "I don't know what you want, punk" He says. "but you sure aren't going to get it. I've been working overtime for months to buy her a decent honeymoon, and you come along and blow the whole deal. I don't care if somebody is burning your house down, you don't get in here until I get five grand to finish paying off a honeymoon, and Suzie Myers to share it with." Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 78, "Talk", 1 Code: Call MoveObject 79, 8 Test: GetFlag(79, "Twit") > 0 Desc: You can not talk to her right now, she has a twit filter running. You will have to wait until she turns it off. Desc: Test: GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 0 & IsHolding(84) Desc: You walk up to the secretary and say "Excuse me..." Her head whips around, and she says "who's there, oh, damn." She makes a gesture with her hands near her head, flipping a VR visor into viewing position. The first thing she sees is the beautiful bouquet in your hands, and she gives a small gasp. Desc: Desc: Seeing your opening, you quickly speak up. "These are for you, from your boyfriend, officer 8356. He didn't say his name. He said to tell you that he has something very important to tell you, and he loves you. He told me what he has to say, and I think you want to hear it. Desc: Desc: "What do you care?" She growls. "What does he care? He says he cares, then he works extra shifts just to get out of dates. We never get any time to ourselves. Its just work, work, work." Desc: Desc: You have seen this before. "Go talk to him. Ask him to explain. He will and you will be happy." You set the bouquet program on the table and walk away. After a few minutes, she picks up the flowers and walks out of the PUB. She will talk to him. If she was going somewhere else, she would have left the flowers. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 79, 3 Code: Call MoveObject 84, 3 Code: Call SetFlag 79, "Rose", 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk up to the secretary and say "Excuse me..." Her head whips around, and she says "who's there, oh, damn." She makes a gesture with her hands near her head, flipping a VR visor into viewing position. The first thing she sees is your slippers. Desc: Desc: With amazing agility, she activates a twit filter, and is encased in a translucent grey field. Her motions, though blurred, suggest that she flipped her visor back up. You're not going to get anywhere without something to distract her while you make your sales pitch. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 79, "Twit", 5 ; ; North from police-GOV to Lobby-Police-GOV ; Object: 80 North Flag: Location 77 IVerb: Go Test: (GetFlag(78, "Pay") = 1) & (GetFlag(79, "Rose") = 1) Desc: The officer says "Go right ahead in." and opens the door for you. Desc: Desc: You enter Lobby-Police-GOV Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 82 Test: 1=1 Desc: The officer looks at you. "You aren't going in there unless I let you, and I'm not letting you. Desc: ; ; transfer point from police-GOV ; Object: 81 Transfer Point Flag: Location 77 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: Gateway-GOV Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 20 ; ; lobby-police-gov ; Object: 82 Lobby-Police-GOV Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 85 Content: 86 Content: 101 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The lobby of the police department is full of activity, with officers and secretaries shuffling papers one way or the other, and citizens making complaints or being arrested. Desc: Desc: To the West is a doorway marked "Lockers". It seems completely unguarded, but officers enter and leave there on a regular basis. If you managed to sneak in, you would only have a few minutes to get out again. Desc: Desc: To the north is a door marked "Records". That is where you need to get. There is a rather mousy looking officer guarding the door. She nods at any other officers that enter, and will not let anyone else through. Desc: ; ; the original of the Rose program ; Object: 83 Rose - O Flag: Location 27 Flag: Weight 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program is an excellent example of what is known as Icon Sculpture. It is just a pretty thing existing in the WEB. However, this one is VERY well done. Desc: Desc: It depicts a bouquet of roses, down to the last detail. Tiny drops of dew glisten on the leaves, the petals feel soft, and bend slightly to the touch, and the scent is both beautiful and subtle. you find yourself thinking of the last time you gave someone roses, and the way you felt about her. There is a stinging sensation in the corner of your eye, where a tear contacts the burned flesh of your face. Desc: Desc: While it has no practical worth, this program is the work of masters. Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(84) Desc: You already have a copy of the Rose program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You get the Rose program, and a copy is placed in your deck. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 84, 1 ; ; Rose - C ; Object: 84 Rose - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program is an excellent example of what is known as Icon Sculpture. It is just a pretty thing existing in the WEB. However, this one is VERY well done. Desc: Desc: It depicts a bouquet of roses, down to the last detail. Tiny drops of dew glisten on the leaves, the petals feel soft, and bend slightly to the touch, and the scent is both beautiful and subtle. you find yourself thinking of the last time you gave someone roses, and the way you felt about her. There is a stinging sensation in the corner of your eye, where a tear contacts the burned flesh of your face. Desc: Desc: While it has no practical worth, this program is the work of masters. Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(84) Desc: You drop the Rose program, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 84, 3 Test: 1=1 Desc: You do not have the Rose program in your deck. Desc: ; ; North from Lobby-Police-GOV ; Object: 85 North Flag: Location 82 IVerb: Go Test: GetFlag(1,"Icon") = 2 Desc: The officer guarding the records room nods and smiles. "I hear you finally proposed. Congratulations." she says. You just smile, nod and enter the records room. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 87 Test: 1=1 Desc: The officer guarding the records room says "Sorry, police business only." Desc: ; ; West from Lobby-Police-GOV ; Object: 86 West Flag: Location 82 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You wait until the locker room looks empty, then slip in unnoticed. You will not have much time before someone catches you here. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 88 Code: Call SetFlag 88, "Timer", 5 ; ; the records room ; Object: 87 Records-Police-GOV Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 89 Content: 94 Content: 96 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is the Spartan records room for the governmental police department. There are several officers working with Database Daemons to extract specific information from the billions of records available. Desc: Desc: The atmosphere is slightly tense, and very businesslike. You swear you can smell stale sweat, but it must be your imagination. Either that or Vapors has been here. Occasionally you hear a quiet expletive, but otherwise it is as quiet as a library. Desc: Desc: There is, as always, a Database Daemon free. There is also a trash can in the corner. Desc: ; ; Locker Room ; Object: 88 Lockers-Police-GOV Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Flag: Timer -1 Content: 97 Content: 100 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: In real life, this locker room would be littered with old socks and unidentifiable trash, with an unthinkable musty smell permeating everything unfortunate enough to come through. Here in the WEB, however, it is clean and completely odorless. Desc: Desc: The only useful object here is a row of lockers against one wall. Desc: ; ; Database Daemon ; Object: 89 Database Daemon Flag: Location 87 Flag: Holds 50 Content: 95 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Database Daemon looks like a simple computer terminal, with an old fashioned screen instead of goggles. It is used to search the huge database of police reports to find useful information. Desc: Desc: As with any Daemon program, there is one terminal which is not in use. Desc: Verb: Search Test: IsHolding(95) Desc: You already have the information you were after, there is no need to search any more. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The information you want is pretty specific, so it is easy to find. you enter the date, time, and place, and get a list of about 50 crimes reported in that building within 15 minutes of the time you entered. One of these was the attack on you. There were also 23 break-ins, 17 assaults, 2 muggings, 1 other murder (drug related), and some other miscellaneous crimes. Desc: Desc: You make a copy of the report about you, and place it in your deck. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 95, 1 ; ; FlickerFast program ; Object: 90 FlickerFast - C Flag: Weight 1 Flag: Location 94 Flag: Running 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program looks like a slingshot. It is used to make a program you want to run execute on someone else's time. It is useful for getting access where you are not allowed, but someone else nearby is. Desc: Desc: Simply run the FlickerFast program, then immediately run the second program. The second program will be run from the account of some random person in the area, not from yours. Great fun at parties. Desc: Verb: Run Test: GetFlag(90, "Running") > 0 Desc: You deactivate the FlickerFast program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You activate the FlickerFast program. There is no visible sign, buy you know that the next program you run will be run under someone else's name. If it raises security alarms, the alarms will target someone else, and not you. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 90, "Running", 2 Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(90) Desc: You already have the FlickerFast program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the FlickerFast program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 90, 1 Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(90) Desc: After all the trouble you went to get it back? No way is this program getting dropped. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not holding the FlickerFast program. Desc: ; ; Crasher program ; Object: 91 Program Crash - C Flag: Weight 1 Flag: Location 94 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program has an icon that resembles a large axe. It is gruesome in every way. The head is long, the edge nicked and wicked. Blood drips from the blade and disappears after splashing on the floor. Desc: Desc: It is similar in a practical sense. It is designed to kill programs. It seeks them out in memory, and creates large gashes in their code, erasing whole routines. Unfortunately, many security programs have defenses against this program, because it has been around for a long time. Still, when it works, it really works. Desc: Verb: Run Test: InLocation(107,1) & (GetFlag(110,"Distracted")>0) & (GetFlag(90,"Running")>0) Desc: A bloody axe flies from one of the executives standing in line and smashes into the Data Barrier. With a crash, the gate swings open and the program signals that it has encountered an error. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 111, "Up", 0 Test: InLocation(107,1) & (GetFlag(110,"Distracted")>0) Desc: A bloody axe flies from your hand and smashes into the Data Barrier. With a crash, the gate swings open and the program signals that it has encountered an error. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 111, "Up", 0 Test: InLocation(107,1) & (GetFlag(90,"Running")>0) Desc: A bloody axe flies from one of the executives standing in line and smashes into the Data Barrier. With a crash, the gate swings open and the program signals that it has encountered an error. Desc: Desc: With amazing speed, the guard draws his weapon and fires at the confused executive. With a flash the executive disappears, his connection to the WEB broken. Desc: Desc: Before returning to work, the guard resets the Data Barrier. Desc: Test: InLocation(107,1) Desc: A bloody axe flies from one of the executives standing in line and smashes into the Data Barrier. With a crash, the gate swings open and the program signals that it has encountered an error. Desc: Desc: With amazing speed, the guard draws his weapon and fires. Suddenly everything is black. You realize that you have been logged out. With no hands to log yourself back in, you will soon go mad from sensory deprivation. Desc: Desc: After what seems years, the WEB resolves itself around you. Someone must have been watching. From the clock you see that you were only off line for a few minutes, but you wouldn't have been able to last much longer. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 Test: InLocation(16,1) | InLocation(38,1) | InLocation(71,1) | IsPresent(135) Desc: A bloody axe flies from your hand and strikes the security program. Suddenly everything is black. You realize that you have been logged out. With no hands to log yourself back in, you will soon go mad from sensory deprivation. Desc: Desc: After what seems years, the WEB resolves itself around you. Someone must have been watching. From the clock you see that you were only off line for a few minutes, but you wouldn't have been able to last much longer. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: A bloody axe flies from your hand and clatters across the floor, striking noting. There must not be any security programs here. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(91) Desc: You already have the Crasher program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the Crasher program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 91,1 Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(91) Desc: After all the trouble you went to to get it back? No way is this program getting dropped. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not holding the Crasher program. Desc: ; ; icon Steal Program ; Object: 92 Icon Steal - C Flag: Location 94 Flag: Weight 1 Verb: Run Test: InLocation(107,1) & (\IsHolding(165)) Desc: The program quickly retrieves the icon of the Security Guard, with no interesting effects. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 165, 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: Looking around, you decide that there is nobody here with an Icon you want to duplicate. Desc: Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program looks like an egg of silly-putty. Silly putty is an ancient toy, sort of a viscous polycarbon clay. Children stuck it on pictures, and it absorbed the ink. Then you pressed it against blank paper, and got a crude, misshapen copy. Desc: Desc: This program, however, is much more effective. It makes a perfect copy, at least to human eyes, of someone else's icon. This is not supposed to be possible, and is definitely illegal. It is great when you break into a place with human guards. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(92) Desc: You already have the Icon Steal program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the Icon Steal program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 92, 1 Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(92) Desc: After all the trouble you went to get it back? No way is this program getting dropped. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not holding the Icon Steal program. Desc: ; ; Anti-Twit Program ; Object: 93 Anti Twit - C Flag: Location 94 Flag: Weight 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program is shaped like a glove. When run, it takes control of the user's icon, and graphically slashes down the target's twit filter. This scares most newbies off, but experienced WEB users just put it up again. Desc: Verb: Run Test: InLocation(8,1) & (GetFlag(10,"Twit")=1) Desc: You activate the anti-twit program and slash away the Twit filter from the GMSC employee. Desc: Desc: He stands staring at you, terrified by the graphics of the program. "I just wanted to tell you that you left your ID on. Go ahead, twit me out, get fired." Desc: Desc: The person suddenly disappears. They must have logged out to get away from you. Well, if that person is lucky, they might not get fired now. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: No one in this area is using a twit filter. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(93) Desc: You already have the Anti-Twit program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the Anti-Twit program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 93,1 Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(93) Desc: After all the trouble you went to to get it back? No way is this program getting dropped. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not holding the Anti-Twit program. Desc: ; ; trashcan ; Object: 94 Trashcan Flag: holds 5 Flag: Location 87 Content: 90 Content: 91 Content: 92 Content: 93 Verb: Look Test: InLocation(94, 93) Desc: The trashcan looks like an unpainted steel can. It is currently bulging, like a it is some sort of steel balloon. This indicates that there is something inside to be deleted. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The trashcan looks like an unpainted steel can. Desc: Verb: Empty Test: InLocation(94, 93) Desc: You open the can and empty its contents onto the floor. There are 4 programs inside, The programs from your old deck! They must have found the deck, looked at the contents, and then put them here for disposal! Desc: Desc: You thank every star there is that these still exist. You put a lot of time and effort into either creating or acquiring this software. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 90, 87 Code: Call MoveObject 91, 87 Code: Call MoveObject 92, 87 Code: Call MoveObject 93, 87 Test: 1=1 Desc: There is nothing in the trashcan. Desc: ; ; Police Report ; Object: 95 Police Report Flag: Location 89 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program looks like a plain text reader. It is just a data file. Desc: Desc: It does not take a significant amount of space. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(95) Desc: You are already holding the police report. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You copy the Police Report to your deck. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 95, 1 Verb: Read Test: 1=1 Desc: INCIDENT REPORT Desc: Desc: Location: Grid AX-82, Building 342, Apartment 1404 Desc: Date : 8/10/2203 Desc: Time : 2: 36 AM Desc: Desc: On the listed date and time, an anonymous call was received at the Governmental Police Department - Grid AX-82. This call reported an individual with a rifle entering Apartment 1404 of building 342. This call was traced 472-578-682-9874. The owner of this number is unlisted, but is part of a block belonging to International Businesses Inc. Desc: Desc: 2 officers were dispatched. Upon arriving, they witnessed an explosion from the building. They witnessed a seemingly armed suspect fleeing the scene, and gave chase. The suspect fired, using a flechette rifle. The officers returned fire, and killed the suspect. Desc: Desc: Upon examination of apartment 1404, evidence was found of the use of explosives and a flechette rifle. The sole occupant, one John Smith, (NOTE: This name has been proven an alias) was found severely injured, and died shortly after reaching the hospital. Desc: Desc: Examination of the apartment showed that nothing was stolen, though there was significant property damage. Desc: Desc: This attack has all the signs of a contract murder. Were it not for the anonymous call, the attacker would have escaped. The case has been closed by order of IBI Corporate Police. Desc: Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(95) Desc: You drop the police report, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 95, 3 Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not carrying the police report. Desc: ; ; South from records-pub ; Object: 96 South Flag: Location 87 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You enter the main lobby of the police station. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 82 ; ; Lockers ; Object: 97 Lockers Flag: Location 88 Flag: Open 0 Flag: Holds 99999 Content: 98 Content: 99 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(97,"Open") Desc: This looks like a standard set of lockers for holding your things while you don't need them. Desc: Desc: One of the lockers is open. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: This looks like a standard set of lockers for holding your things while you don't need them. They usually use a lock and key, but these probably work differently. Probably a password of some sort. Desc: Desc: All of the lockers are currently closed. Desc: Verb: Open Test: GetFlag(97,"Open") Desc: You have already opened the only locker that you have any hope of getting into. Desc: Test: Resident("Police") = 1 Desc: Success! One of the lockers opens! Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 97, "Open", 1 Code: If InLocation(97, 98) Then Call MoveObject 98, 88 Code: If InLocation(97, 99) Then Call MoveObject 99, 88 Test: 1=1 Desc: Damn! The username and password must have been wrong! Well, the only way to win is to keep trying. Desc: Verb: Close Test: GetFlag(97, "Open") = 0 Desc: But none of the lockers are open. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You close the locker. Desc: Code: If InLocation(88, 98) Then Call MoveObject 98, 97 Code: If InLocation(88, 99) Then Call MoveObject 99, 97 Code: Call SetFlag 97, "Open", 0 ; ; dictionary hack -c ; Object: 98 Dictionary Hack - C Flag: Weight 1 Flag: Location 97 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program looks like an antique paper dictionary, with an electrical cord attached. Desc: Desc: Simply plug the program into a security program, and it attempts to bypass that security with a crude, time consuming search. Desc: Desc: This program is really only useful for those time when you want to get a system operator's attention in a hurry. Desc: Verb: Run Test: InLocation(107,1) & (GetFlag(90,"Running")>0) Desc: Alarms begin to blare, and the guard rushes over to one of the executives. The man stammers in confusion as the guard quickly attaches a data probe. The probe will hold the man in place while it scans his deck for offensive programs. Desc: Desc: Everyone in the node is enthralled by the spectacle. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 110,"Distracted",5 Test: InLocation(107,1) Desc: You plug the Dictionary Hack into the Data Barrier, and immediately alarms start to ring. Before you can react, the guard rushes over and catches you with a data probe. Desc: Desc: You are held motionless while the probe searches your deck. When he sees the contents of your deck, the guard curses, draws his pistol, and terminates your job. Desc: Desc: You have been logged off, and everything is black. You realize that you are now totally sensory deprived, and will go mad very soon if you are not logged back in. Desc: Desc: Luckily, someone must be watching your body. After what seems like years, the WEB resolves itself around you again. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer(5) Test: 1=1 Desc: There is nothing here that you would want to use the Dictionary Hack program on. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(90) Desc: You already have the Dictionary Hack program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the Dictionary Hack program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 98, 1 Verb: Drop Test: 1=1 Desc: After all it took to get this program, deleting it would not be a good idea. Desc: ; ; Police Icon - C ; Object: 99 Police Icon - C Flag: Location 97 Flag: Weight 0 Flag: On 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program looks like a badge. When activated, it will override your normal icon with a police uniform. When deactivated, your normal icon will be automatically restored. Desc: Desc: The icon also displays your badge number. You had better be sure not to wear this where its real owner is. Desc: Desc: It does not take up a significant amount of space on your deck. Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(99) Desc: You already have the police icon program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the police icon program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 99, 1 Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(99) Desc: You drop the police icon program, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 99, 97 Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not holding the police icon program. Desc: Verb: Activate Test: \IsHolding(99) Desc: You can not activate programs that are not stored in your deck. Desc: Test: GetFlag(99, "On") = 1 Desc: The police icon program is already active. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You activate the police icon program, and your icon changes to a police uniform. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 99, "On", 1 Code: Call SetFlag 1, "Icon", 2 Verb: Deactivate Test: \IsHolding(99) Desc: You can not deactivate programs that are not stored in your deck. Desc: Test: GetFlag(99, "On") = 0 Desc: The police icon program is not currently active. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You deactivate the police icon program, and your normal icon is restored. Desc: Desc: Whew! That feels much better! Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 99, "On", 0 Code: Call SetFlag 1, "Icon", 1 ; ; east from lockers-police-gov ; Object: 100 East Flag: Location 88 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk east back to Police-GOV. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 82 ; ; go south from Police-GOV ; Object: 101 South Flag: Location 82 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You casually leave the police department. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 77 ; ; Lobby.IBI.Corp ; Object: 102 Lobby-IBI-CORP Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 103 Content: 104 Content: 105 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The entrance to IBI radiates old power. The walls are paneled in Mahogany with fixtures in Brass, not gold. While most companies attempt to show extravagance beyond what is possible, IBI has gone for extravagance which may very well exist. This has a much more profound effect when you are standing in this great entryway. Desc: Desc: On the northern wall there is a tasteful vending machine offering free samples of some product. There is a door to the East marked "Employees Only". Just outside the door to the West is a transfer point. Desc: ; ;Transfer point ; Object: 103 Transfer Point Flag: Location 102 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a yellow disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: Gateway-Corp Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 18 ; ; east from lobby to security ; Object: 104 East Flag: Location 102 IVerb: Go Test: GetFlag(1,"IBI")=0 Desc: The door refuses to open, and a voice says "Only Employees and official visitors to IBI may pass this point. Please contact your local IBI offices to set up an appointment. Thank you for visiting IBI." Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You enter the IBI security post. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 107 ; ;Vending Machine ; Object: 105 Vending Machine Flag: Holds 5 Flag: Location 102 Flag: Used 0 Content: 106 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The machine is about the size of a large refrigerator, with the words "Free Samples" splashed across the front. There is a single button on the machine, which reads "File Rescue 116.3". There is a small sign above the button. Desc: Verb: Push Button Test: GetFlag(105,"Used")=1 Desc: Only one demo copy of File Rescue is allowed per customer. Please contact IBI sales to purchase the registered version. Desc: Desc: Thank you. Desc: Test: \WeightCheck(106,1) Desc: A small screen appears on the front of the machine reading "You do not have enough free space on your deck to download this file." After a few seconds, the screen disappears. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: There is a sound like something metal falling through a long box, and a 'File Rescue' program appears on your deck. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 106, 1 Code: Call SetFlag 105, "Used", 1 Verb: Read Sign Test: 1=1 Desc: "File Rescue Version 116.3 is the latest in file recovery. It will recover any file dropped on any node, even nodes with absolutely no storage of their own. File Rescue can even restore purposefully wiped files from the WEB by searching transmission buffers for parts of the lost program. The original will be reconstructed in its entirety over 50% of the time. Recovery rate for casually deleted files exceeded 99.8%! Desc: Desc: The sample dispensed from this machine will restore 1 file, then self destruct. One copy per customer, please. Desc: Verb: Move Test: 1=1 Desc: You push the machine, then remember that this is the WEB. The machine is not going anywhere. Desc: ; ; The File Rescue Program ; Object: 106 File Rescue - C Flag: Location 105 Flag: Weight 2 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The File Rescue program looks like a tablet from a science fiction movie. It is about the size of a sheet of paper, and about 1/2" thick. On one side is an ongoing animation displaying the virtues of File Rescue and how no responsible data processing professional can live without it. Desc: Verb: Run Test: InLocation(159,1) Desc: The screen on the program displays "Searching..." After a few seconds, a program appears on the desk. It has the standard icon, a small blue sphere. Desc: Desc: The File Rescue program disintegrates, blowing away on an unfelt wind like it was made of sand. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 106, 3 Code: Call MoveObject 163, 159 Verb: Drop Test: 1=1 Desc: The vending machine won't give you another copy, you had better save it. Desc: Verb: Get Test: 1=1 Desc: You are already carrying the File Rescue program. Desc: ; ;Security-IBI-Corp ; Object: 107 Security-IBI-CORP Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 108 Content: 109 Content: 110 Content: 111 Content: 112 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(111,"Up") = 0 Desc: This is the master security post for the main offices of IBI. The room is large but spartan. The walls are dull metal, and the lighting is indirect and sterile. Desc: Desc: There is a short line of people here waiting to get in. A security guard is accosting another user, with a little help from you. There is also a Data Barrier, but it is not currently active. Desc: Desc: There is nothing left to keep you out. Desc: Test: GetFlag(110,"Distracted") > 0 Desc: This is the master security post for the main offices of IBI. The room is large but spartan. The walls are dull metal, and the lighting is indirect and sterile. Desc: Desc: There is a short line of people here waiting to get in. A security guard is accosting another user, with a little help from you. There is also a Data Barrier, a kind of electronic toll gate. Desc: Desc: The Data Barrier is the only thing stopping you now. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: This is the master security post for the main offices of IBI. The room is large but spartan. The walls are dull metal, and the lighting is indirect and sterile. Desc: Desc: There is a short line of people here waiting to get in. A security guard is checking people's IDs before letting them in. There is also a Data Barrier, a kind of electronic toll gate. Desc: Desc: The guard does a sight check, the machine does a digital check. Security just doesn't get any tighter than this. Desc: ; ; west from security to lobby Object: 108 West Flag: Location 107 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You return to the Lobby. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 102 ; ; east from security to hall1 ; Object: 109 East Flag: Location 107 IVerb: Go Test: GetFlag(111,"Up") = 0 Desc: You quickly step through the Western door while you have the chance. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 113 Code: Call SetFlag 135, "Active", 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: The Data Barrier will not let you through. You will have to disable it somehow. Desc: ; ; The IBI Guard ; Object: 110 Security Guard Flag: Location 107 Flag: Distracted 0 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(110,"Distracted") > 0 Desc: The guard's icon has all the little imperfections that mark a really high quality effect. His uniform is crisp, but rumpled around the knees and elbows. The IBI logo is stitched convincingly into the lapel, and even the sleek looking gun at his hip seems quite realistic. Desc: Desc: He is currently waving some sort of scanning device over one of the executives in line. The executive is protesting loudly, and generally making a spectacle of himself. Desc: Desc: The guard is totally distracted. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The guard's icon has all the little imperfections that mark a really high quality effect. His uniform is crisp, but rumpled around the knees and elbows. The IBI logo is stitched convincingly into the lapel, and even the sleek looking gun at his hip seems quite realistic. Desc: Desc: He is also quite efficient, asking each person their name, IBI employee number, and greeting them in a familiar way. This usually consists of a subtle personal question like, "how's the wife." or "Presenting the Schuman project today?". Sometimes there will be two or three of these. Very hard to bluff past. Desc: Desc: You don't have a name or matching ID, you had better find some way past other than talking to this guy. Desc: Verb: Talk Test: 1=1 Desc: As you approach the guard looks at you. "Please return to the line." he says. "Everyone will be checked in the order in which you arrived." Desc: Verb: Attack Test: 1=1 Desc: Physical strength is useless in the WEB. Desc: ; ; the Data Barrier ; Object: 111 Data Barrier Flag: Location 107 Flag: Up 1 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(111, "Up") = 1 Desc: The Data Barrier looks like a high tech grate. Whenever someone approaches, their icon is scanned in a very science fiction way. From the time it takes, it must be a very through test. Desc: Desc: The Chameleon program is good, but it can not take a scan as comprehensive as this one. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: The data barrier looks like a high tech grate. Whenever someone approaches, their icon is scanned in a very science fiction way. From the time it takes, it must be a very through test. Desc: Desc: Currently, the gate is standing open, and the program is inoperative. Upon closer inspection, you see that the program has crashed and needs to be reset. It is not currently blocking anyone. Desc: ; ; the line of people waiting to get in ; Object: 112 Line of people Flag: Location 107 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(110,"Distracted") = 0 Desc: There are about a half dozen people waiting to be searched by the security guard before entering IBI headquarters. They are standing in an orderly, bored line. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: There are about a half dozen people milling about in confusion. The security guard is arguing with one of them, and pointing at him with some sort of scanning wand. No one is paying any attention to you. Desc: ; ; Hall #1 ; Object: 113 Hall Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 114 Content: 115 Content: 116 Content: 117 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a plain hallway, very tastefully done. Desc: Desc: A door to the West reads 'Exit', a door to the North reads 'Secure Data Storage', a door to the East reads 'Conference Room 1'. The hallway continues to the South. Desc: ; ; North from Hall 1 to Data Vault ; Object: 114 North Flag: Location 113 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: The door is locked with an icon scanning device. It refuses to open. Desc: ; ; South from Hall 2 to Hall 2 ; Object: 115 South Flag: Location 113 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk down the hallway. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 118 ; ; East from hall1 to Conference 1 ; Object: 116 East Flag: Location 113 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You leave the hallway and enter Conference Room 1. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 127 ; ; West from Hall 1 to Security ; Object: 117 West Flag: Location 113 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You leave the hall and enter the Security post. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 107 ; ; Hall #2 ; Object: 118 Hall Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 119 Content: 120 Content: 121 Content: 122 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a plain hallway, very tastefully done. Desc: Desc: Doors to the East, South and West read Conference room 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The hallway continues to the South. Desc: ; ; North from hall 2 to hall 1 ; Object: 119 North Flag: Location 118 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk down the hallway. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 113 ; ; South from hall2 to conference room 3 ; Object: 120 South Flag: Location 118 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You enter the conference room. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 131 ; ; East from hall2 to conference room 2 ; Object: 121 East Flag: Location 118 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You enter the conference room. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 129 ; ; South from hall2 to conference room 3 ; Object: 122 West Flag: Location 118 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You enter the conference room. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 131 ; ;124 DATA VAULT ; Object: 124 Secure Data Storage Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 125 Content: 126 Verb: Look Test: IsPresent(126) Desc: This room is surrounded by row upon row of small boxes, like safe deposit boxes in a bank vault. The boxes are numbered, and judging by the numbers, there must be thousands of them. Desc: Desc: There is a table in the middle of the room. One of the boxes has been removed from the wall and is sitting on the table, with an Uplink program in it. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: This room is surrounded by row upon row of small boxes, like safe deposit boxes in a bank vault. The boxes are numbered, and judging by the numbers, there must be thousands of them. Desc: Desc: There is a table in the middle of the room. Desc: ; ;South from Secure Storage to hall1 ; Object: 125 South Flag: Location 124 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You exit to the hallway. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 113 ; ; Uplink program ; Object: 126 Uplink - C Flag: Location 124 Flag: Weight 1 Flag: OldLocation 0 Flag: On 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This program looks very simple, a small, sleek grey device with a single red button. Desc: Desc: There is writing on the back. Desc: Verb: Read Test: 1=1 Desc: "Upper Level Global Network Access Program: Authorized users only! Possession of this program by unauthorized personnel is a felony punishable by death." Desc: Verb: Activate Test: GetFlag(126,"On") = 1 Desc: The Uplink program is already active. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You press the button on the Uplink program, and experience the blurring sensation of a transfer point, but for a much longer time. It feels as if you have traveled thousands of miles when the world stabilizes again. Desc: Desc: You can almost feel your heart pounding from the excitement. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 126, "OldLocation", GetFlag(1,"Location") Code: Call SetFlag 126, "On", 1 Code: Call MovePlayer(136) Verb: Deactivate Test: GetFlag(126,"On")=0 Desc: The Uplink program is not currently active. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: With a speeding, falling sensation, you rush back to the normal, familiar WEB. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer GetFlag(126,"OldLocation") Code: Call SetFlag 126, "OldLocation", 0 Code: Call SetFlag 126, "On", 0 Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(126) Desc: You are already carrying the Uplink program. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the Uplink program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 126, 1 ; ; Conference Room #1 ; Object: 127 Conference Room #1 Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 128 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a plush conference room. It contains all the normal useless presentation materials; a Display program, an Animation program, etc. Nothing that would help you at all. Desc: ; ; Conference room exit ; Object: 128 West Flag: Location 127 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You exit to the hall. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 113 ; ; Conference Room #2 ; Object: 129 Conference Room #2 Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 130 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a plush conference room. It contains all the normal useless presentation materials; a Display program, an Animation program, etc. Nothing that would help you at all. Desc: ; ; Conference room exit ; Object: 130 West Flag: Location 129 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You exit to the hall. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 118 ; ; Conference Room #3 ; Object: 131 Conference Room #3 Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 132 Content: 135 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a plush conference room. It contains all the normal useless presentation materials; a Display program, an Animation program, etc. Nothing that would help you at all. Desc: ; ; Conference room exit ; Object: 132 North Flag: Location 131 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You exit to the hall. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 118 ; ; Conference Room #4 ; Object: 133 Conference Room #4 Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 134 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is a plush conference room. It contains all the normal useless presentation materials; a Display program, an Animation program, etc. Nothing that would help you at all. Desc: ; ; Conference room exit ; Object: 134 East Flag: Location 133 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You exit to the hall. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 118 ; ; The Watchdog Program ; Object: 135 Watch Dog Flag: Location 131 Flag: Active 0 Flag: RoomList 131,118,129,118,113,127,113,124,113,118,133,118 Flag: Room 1 Flag: NewRoom 118 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The watchdog looks like a mechanical Doberman. It is sleek and menacing. As it wanders around the node, it carefully looks over every thing and every one. Desc: ; ; NORTHAM-NET ; Object: 136 NORTHAM-NET Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 137 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in the strangest node you have ever seen. It is a standard circular disk with a Transfer Point in the middle, but the disk is White. As far as you knew, the only colors were yellow, blue and sliver. Desc: Desc: The color is not the most disturbing thing. Looking over the edge of the disk, you see the earth below you! A perfect globe, free of clouds, but otherwise identical to ancient satellite pictures. Desc: Desc: The node you are in is, apparently, a few hundred miles over North America. Desc: ; ; transfer point ; Object: 137 Transfer Point Flag: Location 136 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a white disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: Headquarters-IBI-CORP Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 152 Verb: EUROPE-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 148 Verb: NORTHPAC-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 140 Verb: SOUTHAM-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 138 ; ; SOUTHAM-NET ; Object: 138 SOUTHAM-NET Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 139 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in the strangest node you have ever seen. It is a standard circular disk with a Transfer Point in the middle, but the disk is White. As far as you knew, the only colors were yellow, blue and sliver. Desc: Desc: The color is not the most disturbing thing. Looking over the edge of the disk, you see the earth below you! A perfect globe, free of clouds, but otherwise identical to ancient satellite pictures. Desc: Desc: The node you are in is, apparently, a few hundred miles over South America. Desc: ; ; transfer point ; Object: 139 Transfer Point Flag: Location 138 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a white disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: AFRICA-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 150 Verb: SOUTHPAC-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 142 Verb: NORTHAM-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 136 ; ; NORTHPAC-NET ; Object: 140 NORTHPAC-NET Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 141 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in the strangest node you have ever seen. It is a standard circular disk with a Transfer Point in the middle, but the disk is White. As far as you knew, the only colors were yellow, blue and sliver. Desc: Desc: The color is not the most disturbing thing. Looking over the edge of the disk, you see the earth below you! A perfect globe, free of clouds, but otherwise identical to ancient satellite pictures. Desc: Desc: The node you are in is, apparently, a few hundred miles over the Northern Pacific Ocean. Desc: ; ; transfer point ; Object: 141 Transfer Point Flag: Location 140 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a white disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: ASIA-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 144 Verb: NORTHAM-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 136 Verb: SOUTHPAC-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 142 ; ; SOUTHPAC-NET ; Object: 142 SOUTHPAC-NET Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 143 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in the strangest node you have ever seen. It is a standard circular disk with a Transfer Point in the middle, but the disk is White. As far as you knew, the only colors were yellow, blue and sliver. Desc: Desc: The color is not the most disturbing thing. Looking over the edge of the disk, you see the earth below you! A perfect globe, free of clouds, but otherwise identical to ancient satellite pictures. Desc: Desc: The node you are in is, apparently, a few hundred miles over South Pacific Ocean. Desc: ; ; transfer point ; Object: 143 Transfer Point Flag: Location 142 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a white disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: AUST-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 146 Verb: NORTHPAC-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 140 Verb: SOUTHAM-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 138 ; ; ASIA-NET ; Object: 144 ASIA-NET Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 145 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in the strangest node you have ever seen. It is a standard circular disk with a Transfer Point in the middle, but the disk is White. As far as you knew, the only colors were yellow, blue and sliver. Desc: Desc: The color is not the most disturbing thing. Looking over the edge of the disk, you see the earth below you! A perfect globe, free of clouds, but otherwise identical to ancient satellite pictures. Desc: Desc: The node you are in is, apparently, a few hundred miles over Asia. Desc: ; ; transfer point ; Object: 145 Transfer Point Flag: Location 144 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a white disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: EUROPE-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 148 Verb: NORTHPAC-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 140 Verb: AUST-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 146 ; ; AUST-NET ; Object: 146 AUST-NET Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 147 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in the strangest node you have ever seen. It is a standard circular disk with a Transfer Point in the middle, but the disk is White. As far as you knew, the only colors were yellow, blue and sliver. Desc: Desc: The color is not the most disturbing thing. Looking over the edge of the disk, you see the earth below you! A perfect globe, free of clouds, but otherwise identical to ancient satellite pictures. Desc: Desc: The node you are in is, apparently, a few hundred miles over Australia. Desc: ; ; transfer point ; Object: 147 Transfer Point Flag: Location 146 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a white disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: AFRICA-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 150 Verb: SOUTHPAC-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 142 Verb: ASIA-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 144 ; ; EUROPE-NET ; Object: 148 NORTHAM-NET Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 149 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in the strangest node you have ever seen. It is a standard circular disk with a Transfer Point in the middle, but the disk is White. As far as you knew, the only colors were yellow, blue and sliver. Desc: Desc: The color is not the most disturbing thing. Looking over the edge of the disk, you see the earth below you! A perfect globe, free of clouds, but otherwise identical to ancient satellite pictures. Desc: Desc: The node you are in is, apparently, a few hundred miles over Europe. Desc: ; ; transfer point ; Object: 149 Transfer Point Flag: Location 148 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a white disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: NORTHAM-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 136 Verb: AFRICA-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 150 Verb: ASIA-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 144 ; ; AFRICA-NET ; Object: 150 AFRICA-NET Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 151 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in the strangest node you have ever seen. It is a standard circular disk with a Transfer Point in the middle, but the disk is White. As far as you knew, the only colors were yellow, blue and sliver. Desc: Desc: The color is not the most disturbing thing. Looking over the edge of the disk, you see the earth below you! A perfect globe, free of clouds, but otherwise identical to ancient satellite pictures. Desc: Desc: The node you are in is, apparently, a few hundred miles over Africa. Desc: ; ; transfer point ; Object: 151 Transfer Point Flag: Location 150 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Transfer Point looks like a pole with arrow shaped signs on it. Some graphic designer decided that this would be 'familiar and comforting' to the general users, even though signs like this have not been seen for 200 years. Desc: Desc: Each arrow has a thin red beam of light going from it to a white disk off in the distance. The name of the destination node is written on the sign. Desc: Verb: EUROPE-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 148 Verb: AUST-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 146 Verb: SOUTHAM-NET Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 138 ; ; Robot closet ; Object: 152 Robot Room Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 153 Content: 154 Content: 167 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This room is plain and white. There are several humanoid robots standing around. They are very thin, with some sort of telescoping limbs. They are like nothing you have ever seen. Desc: Desc: Suddenly you start noticing little things about the room. Little smudges on the wall, scratches on the doorknob. This is not programmed, this is REAL. You must be controlling one of the robots, and seeing with its 'eyes'. Desc: Desc: You have never even heard of this being done. It is insanely expensive, and wasteful in the extreme. Desc: Desc: This is an extreme way for someone to meet with people on the WEB without ever logging in himself. Desc: Desc: On the Northern wall is a button marked "Deactivate Robot". There is a door to the South. Desc: ; ; Robots ; Object: 153 Robots Flag: Location 152 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: There are about a dozen robots here. They are angular and thin, with telescoping sections so they can conform to the height of various users. Desc: Desc: They also have small holographic projectors spaced over the surface. Most likely they superimpose the icon of the user over the robot. Desc: Verb: Get Test: 1=1 Desc: The robot is stronger than you in real life, but not strong enough to pick up the other robots. They must weigh 500 pounds. Desc: Verb: Move Test: 1=1 Desc: You push the robots around, but there is nothing under, behind, or inside them. Desc: ; ; South from Robot Closet ; Object: 154 South Flag: Location 152 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You open the door and leave the Robot Room. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 155 ; ; hallway ; Object: 155 Hallway Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 156 Content: 157 Content: 158 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: This is an opulent hallway. The walls are paneled in deep brown wood, with arched ceilings done in frescoes of ancient warriors. Desc: Desc: There is a door to the north marked 'Robot Closet'. There is an elevator door in the east wall, with a keyhole next to the single button. Desc: Desc: The only interesting door, however, is to the south. It has a gold plaque, real gold, reading 'Hishu McMasters, President'. Desc: ; ; North from hallway ; Object: 156 North Flag: Location 155 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You walk north into the Robot Closet. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 152 ; ; South from hallway ; Object: 157 South Flag: Location 155 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You open the South door, and step into the office of Hishu McMasters, the man who ordered you killed. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 159 ; ; Elevator Door ; Object: 158 Elevator Flag: Location 155 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The elevator has been modified to fit in with the hallway. It is paneled in dark wood, and polished until it reflects. Desc: Desc: The call panel is ivory, and contains a single, unlabeled button. There is a keyhole under the button. Desc: Desc: Even if you managed to get the key, taking the elevator would most likely place you in a security area. Real security is not your specialty. You had better stay up here. Desc: Verb: Press Button Test: 1=1 Desc: Nothing happens. Even if you did have the key, you would just end up somewhere that would get you caught. Better to stay up here. Desc: ; ; President's office ; Object: 159 Office Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Content: 160 Content: 161 Content: 162 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(159,"Visited")=0 Desc: Hishu Mcmaster's office is a picture of old world corporate opulence. The desk is large and mahogany, with a top of the deepest black marble. Tiny holographic projectors allow the desk to act as a WEB feed without using goggles or gloves. The chair is leather and overstuffed, as is the sofa off to one side. There are windows all around, with a mesmerizing view of a major city, most likely somewhere in Colorado or California. It is a place for a king to sit in comfort and view his limitless domain. Desc: Desc: And the king is in. Sitting at the desk is Mr. Hishu McMasters himself. As you enter, something disappears from his hands, and he looks at you. "What do you want, I didn't call security." he says. He glances at the terminal tastefully worked into the desk. "Why, you aren't security at all. How dare you intrude on my office." Desc: Desc: You hear a slight click and realize that he just triggered an alarm somewhere. You have as much time as it takes that elevator to get up here before you loose your only chance at McMasters and the Freedom program is gone. Desc: Desc: McMasters is reaching into a drawer. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: Hishu McMaster's office is a picture of old world corporate opulence. The desk is large and mahogany, with a top of the deepest black marble. The chair is leather and overstuffed, as is the sofa off to one side. There are windows all around, with a mesmerizing view of a major city, most likely somewhere in Colorado or California. It is a place for a king to sit in comfort and view his limitless domain. Desc: ; ; North from McMaster's office ; Object: 160 North Flag: Location 159 IVerb: Go Test: 1=1 Desc: You leave Hishu McMaster's office. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 155 ; ; Hishu McMasters ; Object: 161 Hishu McMasters Flag: Location 159 Flag: Turn 0 Flag: Dead 0 Verb: Look Test: GetFlag(161,"Dead")=1 Desc: McMasters is lying in a boneless pile on the floor. He seems smaller now, simply an old man who died a very violent death. You try to convince yourself that he deserved this, but fail and turn away. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: Hishu McMasters is an old man, probably in his early seventies. His hair is black, and his features are a muddle of nationalities from Asia, Europe and Africa. He is the corporate ideal, his nation is his CORP. Desc: Desc: The look on his face shows utter contempt for you, like you are an insect trying to steal crumbs from his picnic. Desc: Verb: Attack Test: GetFlag(161,"Dead") = 1 Desc: McMasters is already dead. You feel bad enough already, there is no reason to mutilate the corpse. Desc: Test: GetFlag(161,"Turn") = 1 Desc: McMasters cries out in surprise as you leap towards him. He yanks at the drawer as you lash out. As he pulls a pistol from the drawer, but it flies aside as your fist smashes into his jaw. The steel fingers, with the full weight of the 500 pound robot behind them, pulverize his face, completely removing his lower jaw and collapsing the front section of his skull. The corpse flops backwards out of the chair and lies in a ghastly position on the floor. Desc: Desc: You have been a liar, a counterfeiter, and a thief. now you are a murderer as well. You know that he sent a goon to kill you, then tipped off the police so that the assassin would tell no tales. Despite all that, you feel... bad. Disgusted, really. But, there's no help for it now. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 161, "Dead", 1 Code: Call MoveObject 164, 159 Test: GetFlag(161,"Turn") = 2 Desc: You leap forward as McMasters pulls a large, nasty looking plasma gun from the drawer. You strike, ignoring the weapon, and glance your fist off his temple, knocking him down. The gun roars, and something behind yo explodes. Desc: Desc: You lash out again, and hit McMasters solidly in the jaw. His jaw and skull fragment under the force of the robotic fist, and the body falls to the ground with a sickening thud. Desc: Desc: You have been a liar, a counterfeiter, and a thief. now you are a murderer as well. You know that he sent a goon to kill you, then tipped off the police so that the assassin would tell no tales. Despite all that, you feel... bad. Disgusted, really. But, there's no help for it now. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 161, "Dead", 1 Code: Call MoveObject 164, 159 Test: GetFlag(161,"Turn") > 2 Desc: You leap toward McMasters, and the gun roars. There is a blinding flash of light, and an explosion somewhere to your right. You lash out and smash your left fist into his jaw, shattering both the jaw and the skull behind. His corpse drops backwards, suddenly limp, and lands in a disgusting heap on the floor. Desc: Desc: You have been a liar, a counterfeiter, and a thief. now you are a murderer as well. You know that he sent a goon to kill you, then tipped off the police so that the assassin would tell no tales. Despite all that, you feel... bad. Disgusted, really. But, there's no help for it now. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 161, "Dead", 1 Code: Call MoveObject 164, 159 Verb: Talk Test: GetFlag(161,"Dead")=0 Desc: You can't resist asking. "Why did you have me killed? Why did you send an assassin when I did good work for you?" you shout, leaning over the gleaming marble desktop. Desc: Desc: "Why, you must be The Resident!" McMasters growls. "I had you killed because the assassin's fee was cheaper than yours. A simple matter of economics. Besides, if you were dead, you would not be here. So, no harm done, yet." Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You should have thought of that BEFORE you killed him. Desc: ; ;Freedom Program memo ; Object: 162 Memo Flag: Location 159 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The memo is written on actual paper, a very rare commodity to just be scribbling on. McMaster's handwriting is small and messy. You can not read it from here. Desc: Verb: Read Test: IsHolding(162) Desc: TO: Research & Development Desc: From: Hishu McMasters Desc: Desc: I agree with your assessment of this program called 'Freedom'. It is astoundingly dangerous. If activated in the NET satellite nearest the master control computer, it would destroy all controls on the WEB. Any user would be free to link to any part of the WEB, and speak to anyone there. This freedom of speech can not be allowed. Desc: Desc: Luckily, the author of this program did not know where the Master Computer is! I have deleted the program, and the author will be dealt with shortly. His company has been destroyed, along with all notes. Even if the program is reproduced, they do not know where the Master Computer satellite is, except that they can not find it with their telescopes. The irony amazes me. Desc: Desc: Please begin working on safeguards to keep any program like 'Freedom' from presenting a danger ever again. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(162) Desc: You already have the memo. Desc: Test: GetFlag(1,"Location")\=159 | (GetFlag(161,"Dead")=1) Desc: You pick up the memo. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 162, 1 Test: IsHolding(164) Desc: McMasters glares at you, but backs off when you wave the gun in his direction. Desc: Desc: You pick up the memo. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 162, 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: You start to move forward, but stop when McMasters takes careful aim. Grabbing the memo at this point will get you shot! Desc: Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(162) Desc: You drop the memo. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 162, GetFlag(1,"Location") Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not holding the memo. ; ; Freedom Program ; Object: 163 Freedom - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 1 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The Freedom program is shaped like a small lock and key. Written above the key is "Turn key to activate. Your link will be severed." Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(163) Desc: You already have the Freedom program. Desc: Test: GetFlag(1,"Location")\=159 | (GetFlag(161,"Dead")=1) Desc: You pick up the Freedom program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 163, 1 Test: IsHolding(164) Desc: McMasters glares at you, and looks like he just may make a grab for the gun, but changes his mind. Desc: Desc: You pick up the Freedom program. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 163, 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: You start for the Freedom program, but McMasters tenses up, and you back off. Grabbing the Freedom program will get you shot! Desc: Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(163) Desc: What! You need that to open up the WEB, remember? Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You are not carrying the Freedom program. Verb: Run Test: GetFlag(1,"Location") = 138 & (GetFlag(161,"Dead")=0) Desc: You are cast into utter darkness as the Freedom program severs your connection. After what seems like years, you appear again at Gateway-PUB, and see the most fascinating thing of your life. Desc: Desc: The sky is exploding, but on an orderly way. It is like fireworks in zero gravity. Straight lines move outward from a central point. Then seemingly randomly, a new point forms and dozens of new lines go out from it. It is breathtakingly beautiful. Desc: Desc: It is even more beautiful that you know what is happening. Your deck, like every other one on the WEB, is being fed the locations of thousands of nodes you could never reach before. You stare in wonder at the sheer number of computers out there, all connected in a vast tapestry of which you could only see a few threads before. Desc: Desc: You stand for a long time, watching. Partly in awe, partly because all traffic has stopped because of the huge amount of data pouring in. Desc: Desc: A few weeks later, and you see a real room for the first time since you were attacked. The cyborg eyes of your new body are perfect, and reveal the world in ugly detail. You will have to adjust the focus a little later. It is good now just to be alive. Desc: Desc: On a corner outside the hospital, you pick up a newspaper and smile at the headline. "Corporations ask Government for disaster aid." The global computer down time caused by the Freedom program caused thousands of corporate broker programs to think the stock market was crashing. The following electronic panic did crash it, and the corps are not recovering well. IBI was hit particularly hard, thanks to some running about you did after the computers were moving again. Desc: Desc: With the fall of the IBI police, and a copy of a memo ordering an execution, the Government police were able to bring charges against Hishu McMasters and actually convict him for your 'murder'. He now resides in a small, grey room. Desc: Desc: And, you have a new job. With the WEB wide open, electronic crime has skyrocketed. With all those thieves around, Ringer needed someone to keep his security tight. Same day, you might even find out who he really is. For today, you are happy to be secure and alive. Desc: Desc: The End Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 161, "Turn", 5 Code: Call MovePlayer 5 Code: Call EndGame Test: InLocation(138,1) Desc: You are cast into utter darkness as the Freedom program severs your connection. After what seems like years, you appear again at Gateway-PUB, and see the most fascinating thing of your life. Desc: Desc: The sky is exploding, but on an orderly way. It is like fireworks in zero gravity. Straight lines move outward from a central point. Then seemingly randomly, a new point forms and dozens of new lines go out from it. It is breathtakingly beautiful. Desc: Desc: It is even more beautiful that you know what is happening. Your deck, like every other one on the WEB, is being fed the locations of thousands of nodes you could never reach before. You stare in wonder at the sheer number of computers out there, all connected in a vast tapestry of which you could only see a few threads before. Desc: Desc: You stand for a long time, watching. Partly in awe, partly because all traffic has stopped because of the huge amount of data pouring in. Desc: Desc: A few weeks later, and you see a real room for the first time since you were attacked. The cyborg eyes of your new body are perfect, and reveal the world in ugly detail. You will have to adjust the focus a little later. It is good now just to be alive. Desc: Desc: On a corner outside the hospital, you pick up a newspaper and smile at the headline. "Corporations ask Government for disaster aid." The global computer down time caused by the Freedom program caused thousands of corporate broker programs to think the stock market was crashing. The following electronic panic did crash it, and the corps are not recovering well. IBI was hit particularly hard, thanks to some running about you did after the computers were moving again. Desc: Desc: You jump as someone grabs your arm. "Please come with us, sir." a voice says behind your. Turning you see 2 government police men. They quickly search and handcuff you, then take you to the station. Desc: Desc: The charge is the murder of Hishu McMasters. Apparently the Bloodhound program sent after you was able to identify you before the WEB froze. The IBI police have been busy with other things since the crash, so the Government police tracked you down. Desc: Desc: As they lock your cell, you can't help being happy anyway. At least you are alive, and you have a chance for parole in 5 years. And when you get out, the WEB will still be there waiting for you. Desc: Desc: The End Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 161, "Turn", 5 Code: Call MovePlayer 5 Code: Call EndGame Test: 1=1 Desc: You are cast into utter darkness as the Freedom program severs your connection. After what seems like years, you appear again at Gateway-PUB. Desc: Desc: You look around, but nothing visible seems to be happening. You must have run the Freedom program in the wrong place. All you can do now is wait for IBI to find you. Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 5 ; ; Gun ; Object: 164 Plasma Gun Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The gun is large for a modern weapon, with an 8 inch barrel. This barrel contains powerful magnetic coils which shape a ball of superheated plasma into stable ball. When this ball strikes an object, the delicate balance keeping it together is broken and it explodes. Desc: Desc: Despite its size, it is a really BIG gun. Desc: Verb: Get Test: IsHolding(164) Desc: You already have the gun. Test: InLocation(159,1) & (GetFlag(161,"Dead")=0) Desc: You leap forward, twisting your body and hoping that McMasters was not expecting such a stupid move. Desc: Desc: The gun roars, and your right arm explodes. Luckily, you are left handed. You pluck the gun out of McMaster's hand and point it at him. Turnabout is fair play, as they say in all those bad spy novels. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 164, 1 Test: 1=1 Desc: You pick up the gun. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 164, 1 Verb: Drop Test: \IsHolding(164) Desc: You are not holding the gun. Desc: Test: InLocation(159,1) & (GetFlag(161,"Dead")=0) Desc: You toss the gun to the floor. McMasters glances at you for a second, then dives to the weapon and aims at you. Desc: Desc: "I don't know why you did such a stupid thing." he says, "But security will make sure that you don't do it again." Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 164, 159 Test: 1=1 Desc: You drop the gun. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 164, GetFlag(1,"Location") Verb: Fire Test: \IsHolding(164) Desc: You are not holding the gun! Desc: Test: \InLocation(159,1) Desc: There is no one here to shoot. Desc: Test: GetFlag(161,"Dead")=1 Desc: McMasters is already quite dead. There is no reason to mutilate the corpse. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You aim and fire, striking McMasters in the chest. There is a burst of white, and a scream which is cut short. When your eyes clear from the flash, you see him on the floor, very dead. Desc: Desc: You have been a liar, a counterfeiter, and a thief. now you are a murderer as well. You know that he sent a goon to kill you, then tipped off the police so that the assassin would tell no tales. Despite all that, you feel... bad. Disgusted, really. But, there's no help for it now. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 161, "Dead", 1 ; ; IBI security Icon - C ; Object: 165 IBI Security Icon - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: On 0 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The icon looks like a set of doll clothes. Activating it will change your icon to that of the IBI security guard. Desc: Verb: Activate Test: GetFlag(165,"On")=1 Desc: The IBI security icon is already active. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You activate the IBI Security icon, and you are changed. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 1, "Icon", 3 Verb: Deactivate Test: GetFlag(165,"On")=0 Desc: The IBI Security icon is not active. Desc: Test: 1=1 Desc: You deactivate the IBI security icon, and your towel and bunny slippers are restored. Desc: Code: Call SetFlag 1, "Icon", 1 Verb: Drop Test: 1=1 Desc: You drop the IBI security icon, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 165, 3 ; ; the void ; Object: 166 Void Flag: Holds 99999 Flag: Visited 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: You are in a void, floating free. In one direction, the hazy void becomes lighter in the distance. In the other, it becomes darker. Desc: Desc: A voice speaks in your mind. "Move toward the light, and you will receive another chance. Move toward the darkness and all chances will be gone." Desc: Verb: Move toward Light Test: 1=1 Desc: You drift toward the light, and reality begins to spin. The light gets brighter, until you are blinded. Desc: Desc: Slowly, your vision clears... Desc: Code: Call MovePlayer 155 Code: Call MoveObject 160, 159 Code: Call MoveObject 161, 159 Code: Call MoveObject 162, 159 Code: Call MoveObject 163, 3 Code: Call SetFlag 161, "Turn", 0 Code: Call SetFlag 161, "Dead", 0 Code: Call MoveObject 164, 3 Code: Call MoveObject 165, 3 Verb: Move Toward Darkness Test: 1=1 Desc: You drift toward the darkness. Slowly the darkness fills your vision, and you drift into sleep. You never awaken. Desc: Desc: Game Over. Desc: Code: Call EndGame ; ; Disconnect button ; Object: 167 Deactivate Robot button Flag: Location 152 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: The button is round, white, and about 1" in diameter. It glows dimly. Desc: Desc: A small sign over the button reads "Deactivate Robot". Desc: Verb: Press Test: 1=1 Desc: The world blurs for a moment as you speed across the transfer link at impossible speeds. Desc: Code: If IsHolding(162) Then Call MoveObject 162, 152 Code: If IsHolding(164) Then Call MoveObject 164, 152 Code: Call MovePlayer 136 ; ; second message from ringer ; Object: 168 Message 2 - C Flag: Location 3 Flag: Weight 0 Verb: Look Test: 1=1 Desc: It is a standard data file. It looks like a small, glowing blue ball, about the size of a golf ball. Desc: Verb: Read Test: 1=1 Desc: "This is Ringer. We entered GMSC, but the program we were looking for had already been stolen by IBI. I need you to infiltrate IBI and find a program named 'Freedom'. Desc: Desc: GMSC was working for me to develop this program. There are certain programs on the WEB that limit communication on a geographic basis. These programs exist for no other reason than limiting the power to transfer information given to the common man. Desc: Desc: The 'Freedom' program, if used properly, will permanently remove these programs. It will alter the most basic infrastructure of the WEB, so that no such limitations will ever be possible again. Desc: Desc: To use the 'Freedom' program, you need to uplink to the WEB Outersphere. This is a series of 8 satellites which route the WEB world wide. Desc: Desc: Somewhere there is a Master Satellite which controls information flow through these satellites. It is only connected to one satellite at a time, the satellite which is closest to its orbit. You must run the 'Freedom' program in the satellite directly connected to the Master Satellite. Desc: Desc: We do not know where the Master Satellite is. It must be very large, but our astronomers have been unable to detect it. Desc: Desc: From within IBI, you MUST find the 'Freedom' program, uplink to the Outersphere, find the correct satellite, and run the 'Freedom' program. We have been compromised. You are the only hope for a free WEB. Desc: Desc: I have added a code necessary to enter IBI into your icon. It is only a visitor pass, you will have to get past main security yourself. Desc: Desc: Good luck." Desc: Verb: Drop Test: IsHolding(168) Desc: You drop the message, and it disappears. Desc: Code: Call MoveObject 168, 3 Test:1=1 Desc: You are not currently holding the message. Desc: ; ; ; Intro: You are awake. The clock says it is 2: 30 AM, so thee must be a reason you are awake. Trusting your instincts, you get the Beretta handlaser from the end table. Intro: Intro: You move silently toward the bedroom door. There are people who hate you, but most of them don't know who you are, and you just moved in here. A change of residence and name come with every completed job. There have been no hitches or displeased customers lately. Intro: Intro: Just as you reach for the door these thoughts are shattered. The door disappears in a blinding, searing light. Through the agony you feel the dresser opposite the door hit you in the small of the back, a trivial pain to the fire in the front of your body. Intro: Intro: Then something else starts. A pushing feeling starting at your right hip. It continues diagonally to your left shoulder, leaving sharp points of suffering, like ten thousand bee stings across your body. You feel yourself falling, but never feel the floor. Intro: Intro: With a start, you are awake. Looking around, you see the red traceries and yellow disks of the WEB stretching out all around you. you must have fallen asleep on line again. Intro: Intro: Your left arm itches, you must be laying on it. You reach for the LOGOUT button, and find nothing. The logout is gone. Looking around a little more, everything is gone! Your programs, even your Icon! You spent hours on that icon. Getting just the right amount of five o'clock shadow, just the right tackiness to the slippers. It was a masterpiece! Intro: Intro: Just as you are starting to get nervous, a message appears on your deck. Strange dreams just before strange messages make you unhappy. At least you have your backups at Bob's. Intro: Intro: You are standing in a standard Public node. The 'ground' is a neon yellow disk, large enough for everyone present to fit, no matter how many people are here. Intro: Intro: In the center of the disk is a red pole with arrow shaped signs. This is the transfer point to all connected nodes. Intro: Intro: Next to the Transfer Point is a large sign which reads "INFORMATION" in tall block capitals. You can not read the rest without looking more closely. Intro: Intro: As usual, there are hundreds of people moving through this node. Since this is where everyone starts when they log in, it tends to be a busy place. Intro: