Pyramid of Doom (Scott Adams) ----------------------------- (You begin in a desert) GET POLE (it's actually a shovel), GO POOL, GET WATER, GET KEY, E, E, N, DIG, GET KEY (tiny), S, DIG (you make a hole), GET STONE (this reveals a door), GO HOLE, UNLOCK DOOR (with the tiny key), U, UNLOCK DOOR (with the first key), GO DOOR, LIGHT FLASHLITE, DROP KEY, DROP KEY, GET PISTOL, N, E, GET FLUTE, W, S, S, LOOK ASHES, GET *NECKLACE*, LOOK FIREPLACE, GET COAL, WASH COAL (it's a ruby!), PLAY FLUTE (a cobra emerges and opens a passageway), GO PASSAGE (there's a small chance that the rats will kill you), N, E, DROP FLUTE, GET JERKY, LOOK HIEROGLYPHICS, READ MARKINGS (store treasures here - ah!), DROP *NECKLACE*, W, N, FEED OYSTER (with the jerky - you may now pass it instead of going past the rats - it also drops a pearl), W, S, OPEN SARCOPHAGUS, GO SARCOPHAGUS, D, POUR WATER (the mummy falls asleep), DROP CANTEEN, DROP STONE, DROP SHOVEL, GET TAPESTRY (this reveals an alcove), GO ALCOVE, LOOK BOX, LOOK BOX, GET GLOVE (the bones are worthless), LOOK SKULL, GET *TEETH*, GET SKULL, W, S, DROP SKULL (the skeleton lowers the ladder), N, N, WEAR GLOVE, HIT BRICKS (they reveal a door), GO DOOR (you are forced to switch off the light), FEEL FLOOR (logical?!), GET *COIN*, E, LIGHT FLASHLITE, GET *SCARAB*, W, W, LIGHT FLASHLITE, S, U, W, N, E, GO ARCHWAY, E, DROP *TAPESTRY*, DROP *COIN*, DROP *SCARAB*, DROP *TEETH*, W, N, W, S, GET KEY (should be the tiny one), GO SARCOPHAGUS, D, N, GET ROPE, S, S, CLIMB LADDER, S, GET *SAPPHIRE*, THROW RUBY ("the heart of the statue" melts in the acid pool), THROW ROPE (allows you to climb up), W, N, LOOK EXPLORER, LOOK RUBBISH, GET *PIN*, GET *CARVING*, W, S, CLIMB ROPE, OPEN CHEST (if you've removed the statue), GET *CROWN*, D, W, D, N, U, W, N, E, GO ARCHWAY, E, DROP *CROWN*, DROP *CARVING*, DROP *PIN*, DROP *SAPPHIRE*, W, N, W, S, GO SARCOPHAGUS, D, S, GET SAW, CLIMB LADDER, S, CLIMB ROPE, PULL CHAIN (this reveals a staircase), GO STAIRCASE, WEAR GLOVE (to save you from a poisoned death!), OPEN COFFER, LOOK COFFER, GET *BRACELET*, SAW BARS, GO WINDOW, GET *BAR*, W, D, D, W, D, N, U, W, N, SAW TABLE (nice hiding place!), GET *NECKLACE*, E, DROP GLOVE, GET *PEARL* (from earlier), GO ARCHWAY, E, DROP *PEARL*, DROP *NECKLACE*, DROP *BAR*, DROP *BRACELET*, SCORE (you've stored all 13 treasures. Way to go!) Notes: If the nomad shows up, shoot him! He might not hurt you, then again... Occasionally, the glove will fall off - just pick it up again. Jacob Gunness - January 1999 ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: