Adventure F: THE EYE OF BAIN (Artic) ------------------------------------ (You begin in a grass hut) LIFT POLE (you are free!), GET POLE, GET DAGGER, GET NET, GO HOLE, E, THROW NET (this prevents the bees from attacking you), EXAMINE HIVE, GET NET, W, S, E, GET STONE, BREAK CHAIN (using the stone), DROP STONE, W, FREE MAN (he tells you how to make the sword), GET POST, S, W, JUMP RAVINE (you must be carrying the post), ENTER HUT, GET AXE, E, JUMP RAVINE, E, CUT UNDERGROWTH (with the axe – you find a hidden path), DROP AXE, DROP POST, DROP POLE (you’ll need it here later), GET BUCKET, N, W, FILL BUCKET The desert: W, W, DRINK, W, S, FILL BUCKET (for the return trip), GET SHOVEL, N, E, DRINK, E, E, FILL BUCKET, W, N, DRINK, N, N, N, FILL BUCKET, CLIMB TREE, GET BANANAS, D, GO TENT, THROW DAGGER (the nomad is killed), EXAMINE GIRLS (you find a ruby), GET RUBY, EXAMINE RUBY (”Fire will harm the beast”), EXAMINE TAPESTRY (you find a hole), GO HOLE, DIG, DROP SHOVEL, GET WORMS, GO CAVE, GIVE HONEY (the bear calms down), GO TUNNEL, THROW WORMS (the magpie flies off after them), EXAMINE NEST, GET CROSS, N, E, E, GET SCIMITAR, GET JAR, S, S, S, DRINK, S, S, E, FILL BUCKET, W, W, DRINK, W, S, FILL BUCKET, S, KILL PIRATE (with the scimitar), EXAMINE PIRATE, DROP SCIMITAR, GET HOOK, N, N, E, DRINK, E, E Finale: E, S, GO WELL, SAY FIRE (the ruby sends out a huge flame – the beast runs off), GO HOLE, EXAMINE BONES, DROP RUBY, GET KEY, N, U, W, CLIMB TREE, GIVE BANANAS (the monkey hands you a vine), D, E, DROP BUCKET, GET POLE, GO PATH (which you cleared earlier), E, UNLOCK DOOR (using the key), GO DOOR, D, OIL LEVER (with the jar of oil), PULL LEVER, SHOW CROSS (the skeleton falls apart), EXAMINE COFFIN, DROP CROSS, GET BLADE, U, U, DROP POLE, EXAMINE ALTAR (the pole saves you from falling through the trap door), GET HILT, U, MAKE SWORD (from blade and hilt), GET TORCH, GO WINDOW, TIE VINE, TO GARGOYLE, CLIMB VINE, W, W, N, E, CLIMB SLOPE, LIGHT WOOD (this allows you to go through the grass door in the hut), D, W, N, GO HUT, GO DOOR, GO TEMPLE, KILL SERPENT (with your sword), CLIMB IDOL, DROP SWORD, GET EMERALD (you must have the hook to do this), EXAMINE HEAD, PULL LEVER (this opens a passage below), D, GO PASSAGE, E, GO BOAT (you have escaped with the Eye of Bain – way to go!!) Jacob Gunness – 15/2-1999 ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: