package iageserver; import*; import java.util.*; import*; /** * Main server class - responsible for all server operations. */ public class Server { public serverlisten SL = null; public String serverstarted = ""; public boolean serverispublic = false; public int serverport = 1111; public String server_regip = ""; public boolean serverisrunning = false; public AdminListen theAdminThread; public static String spassword = "password"; public boolean useGUI = false; public void parseArgs(String[] args) { String gamefile = ""; try { // If we have no arguments, leave // the server password as it is // and assume they want a gui. if (args.length == 0) { mainframe frame = new mainframe(this); vdu.consolemode = false; } else { // Perform a precheck to see if a -nogui flag // was set. If it wasn't, load the GUI now. int i = 0; boolean noGuiFound = false; while (i < args.length) { if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-nogui")) noGuiFound = true; i++; } if (!noGuiFound) { mainframe frame = new mainframe(this);} // Parse those args. i = 0; while (i < args.length) { // Is it a game file? - look // for UNIX or Windows file separators ("\" or "/") if ((args[i].indexOf("/") != -1) || (args[i].indexOf("\\") != -1)) { gamefile = args[i]; } // Is it a "-nogui" flag and the user wants // console only mode? if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-nogui")) { vdu.consolemode = true; } // Is it a "-pass" instruction? This should // follow the format "-pass:" if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("-pass:")) { int colpos = args[i].indexOf(":"); spassword = args[i].substring(colpos + 1, args[i].length()); } // Is it a "-port" instruction? This should // follow the format "-port:" if (args[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("-port:")) { int colpos = args[i].indexOf(":"); serverport = Integer.parseInt(args[i].substring(colpos + 1, args[i].length())); } // Is it a "--help" or "-help" instruction? If so, // give the user an explanation of how to use the // command interface and quit. if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("--help") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-help")) { // Output version vdu.consolemode = true; vdu.println(data.internalversion); vdu.println(); vdu.println(); vdu.println("Usage: -jar iageserver.jar [OPTIONS] [IAGE game file]"); vdu.println(); vdu.println(" --help, -help Display this help and exit."); vdu.println(" -nogui Start IAGE server in console only mode."); vdu.println(" -port: Start IAGE server on the specified TCP port."); vdu.println(" -pass: Set the server password for remote access."); System.exit(0); } i++; } } // If a file was specified, load it and fire up the server if (!gamefile.equals("")) { startupclass.startup(gamefile); // Fire up our server startServer(); } // Output version vdu.println(data.internalversion); vdu.println(); // Start the remote admin server going now // the program is started up. theAdminThread = new AdminListen(this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void startServer() { if (data.canstartenginenow == true) { vdu.println("Starting engine..."); SL = new serverlisten(serverport); serverispublic = false; serverisrunning = true; } else { vdu.println("Bad data - unable to start server."); } } public void stopServer() { SL.stop(); SL = null; // Kill every user off int i = 1; player p = null; while (i <= data.oplayers.getCount()) { p = (player) data.oplayers.get(i); // Tell player vdu.Transmit("The server operative stopped the server. You have been disconnected.", p); // Stop listening and close their connection p.quit(true); i++; } // Inform server user it's stopped. vdu.println("Server stopped at user request."); serverisrunning = false; } public void killAdminThread() { theAdminThread.killThread(); } public void loadGameFile(String filename) { startupclass.startup(new File("").getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + filename); } }