package iageserver; import*; import*; /*** * Handles listening out for admin connections * and allowing remote access **/ public class AdminListen extends Thread { // Server socket used for admin requests ServerSocket SS = null; // The parent frame, used for commanding the server mainframe parent = null; // The IP port to listen for admin requests on final int adminport = 1118; // Determines whether we are listening // for connections. boolean isListening = true; public AdminListen(mainframe tp) { parent = tp; // Start running in a new thread on // instantiation this.start(); } public void run() { try { SS = new ServerSocket(adminport); } catch (Exception e) { vdu.println("Could not initialise admin server on port: " + adminport); return; } while (isListening) { try { new AdminListenThread(SS.accept(), parent).start(); this.yield(); } catch(IOException e) { // Do nothing - always generates an error when socket closed // because SS.accept blocks until connection received. } } try { SS.close(); } catch(IOException e) { vdu.println("Error closing admin server socket - " + e.getMessage()); } } /** Stops the object listening */ public void killThread() { isListening = false; try { SS.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); vdu.println("Unable to close admin server socket: " + e.getMessage()); } } }