:: Giant hornets You fail to see the hollow log rotting away in the tall grass by a bend in the path until you're right next to it, and by then it's too late. Loud buzzing drowns out the sounds of nature. One by one, a handful of giant hornets appear, each as long as your arm, staring coldly at you as they dance on the breeze. <>\ <>\ <>\ @@text-align:center; [[You must deal with them -> Giant hornet battle]] @@ :: Giant hornet battle A handful of giant hornets are buzzing around you, weaving deadly patterns. Their wings flash in the sun like daggers with every sudden change of direction. (this $enemy.score-point creature is armed with +$enemy.weapon.damage $enemy.weapon.name) * [[Attack -> Attack hornets]] (roll 2d6 + Muscle) * [[Bewitch -> Bewitch hornets]] (roll 2d6 + Magic) * [[Flee -> Flee hornets]] (roll 2d6 + Mischief) :: Attack hornets [nobr] <> <> < $enemy.score>> You stare down the creatures, not letting your guard down for a moment. One of them darts a little too close; with a swift swipe, you swat it out of the air. <> <>

(You roll _roll, dealing _damage wounds.)

<> <= $enemy.score>>

The remaining hornets scatter in a hurry.

<> @@text-align:center;

[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <> @@text-align:center;

[[The other hornets regroup -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ <> <> You stare down the creatures, not letting your guard down. One of them swings too close for comfort; you swat it out of the air, but not before it stings.

(You roll _roll, dealing $player.weapon.damage wounds and taking $enemy.weapon.damage of your own.)

<> <> <= $player.health>> @@text-align:center; [[You are badly hurt]] @@ <= $enemy.score>>

The remaining hornets scatter in a hurry.

<> @@text-align:center;

[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <> @@text-align:center;

[[You take a few steps back -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ <> <> You swipe at the elusive enemies repeatedly. The deftly dodge every single time. Then one lands on you just long enough to sting. And how it stings! <> <>

(You roll _roll, taking _damage wounds.)

<> @@text-align:center; <= $player.health>>

[[You are badly hurt]]


[[You take a few steps back -> Giant hornet battle]]

<> @@ <> :: Bewitch hornets [nobr]

With the flying menaces buzzing around, you frantically wonder what sort of magic might be able to stop such creatures.

<> < 0>> @@text-align:center;

[[Cast spell -> Bewitch hornets!]] / [[Think again -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ <>

Unfortunately, you draw a blank.

<> @@text-align:center;

[[Try something else -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ <
> :: Bewitch hornets! [nobr] <> <> <>

(you roll $roll against a target of $enemy.score)

<> <><> <><> <><> <><> <><> <> :: Sunburst hornets The sun shines brighter as the spell takes hold. You shade your eyes from the dazzling light, but the creatures seem unfazed. <> @@text-align:center; [[So much for that -> Giant hornet battle]] @@ :: Cold-snap hornets [nobr] <= $enemy.score>> As your spell takes hold, the air suddenly becomes frigid. Puddles of water on the ground freeze solid; snowflakes form in the air. You clothes are insulated well enough, but the creatures don't fare so well: they slow down noticeably. <> <>

In fact they're done for, and soon give up, leaving you alone.

<> @@text-align:center;

[[Find your bearings -> Search the area]]

@@ <> @@text-align:center;

[[But still they come -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ <
> <> Under your spell, the air suddenly becomes frigid. Puddles of water on the ground freeze solid; snowflakes drift by. You shiver hard despite insulated clothes. The creatures merely circle at a safe distance, then return to sting. <> <>

(You take _damage wounds.)

<> @@text-align:center; <= $player.health>>

[[You are badly hurt]]


[[You take a few steps back -> Giant hornet battle]]

<> @@ <
> :: Smoke-screen hornets [nobr] < $enemy.score>> Sparks and flame burst from your fingertips, producing a thick plume of smoke that spreads in front of you as if driven by wind. It catches the creatures head-on; they scatter, but for one or two that fall to the ground, twitching. <> <>

Those that are still airborne fly away and never come back.

<> @@text-align:center;

[[Find your bearings -> Search the area]]

@@ <> @@text-align:center;

[[The rest still come -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ <
> <> Sparks and flame burst from your fingertips, producing a thick plume of smoke that spreads in front of you as if driven by wind. It forces the creatures to scatter and give you some space. @@text-align:center;

[[Then they come back -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ <> Sparks and flame burst from your fingertips, producing a thick plume of smoke that spreads in front of you as if driven by wind. It makes the creatures scatter briefly, but then they circle back. One stings. <> <>

(You take _damage wounds.)

<> @@text-align:center; <= $player.health>>

[[You are badly hurt]]


[[You take a few steps back -> Giant hornet battle]]

<> @@ <
> :: Undergrowth hornets [nobr]

Strong vines sprout from the ground, growing preternaturally fast. They twist around, forming a fence between you and the creatures, but the latter simply fly over and come at you again.


[[So much for that -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ :: Windstorm hornets [nobr] < $enemy.score>> At first nothing seems to happen, then a strong wind picks up, and soon grows into a howling gale. The creatures are blown away with a vengeance. <> <> @@text-align:center;

[[They don't come back -> Search the area]]

@@ <> At first nothing seems to happen, then a strong wind picks up, and soon grows into a howling gale. The creatures are blown away with a vengeance. One or two never return. <> <>

In fact, they're done for, and soon give up, leaving you alone.

<> @@text-align:center;

[[Find your bearings -> Search the area]]

@@ <> <> @@text-align:center;

[[The rest still come -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ <
> <> At first nothing seems to happen, then a strong wind picks up, and soon grows into a howling gale. It circles back, turning into a twister as you fumble the spell in the heat of battle. While you rub dust out of your eyes, one of the creatures lands on you and stings. <> <>

(You take _damage wounds.)

<> @@text-align:center; <= $player.health>>

[[You are badly hurt]]


[[You take a few steps back -> Giant hornet battle]]

<> @@ <
> :: Flee hornets [nobr] Screw this. You turn tail and run. They give chase. <> <> < $enemy.score>>

But you know too many tricks. At length, the buzzing fades. It's just you and the forest again.

(You roll _roll, getting away unscathed.)

<> @@text-align:center;

[[Find your bearings -> Respite]]

@@ <>

You use every trick you can think of, only to find a hovering menace waiting for you at every turn. At least they were too busy to sting.

(You roll _roll; it's a stalemate for now.)


[[Think again -> Giant hornet battle]]

@@ <>

And it's no use. Try as you might, a hovering menace is waiting for you at every turn. Another comes from behind and stings.

<> <>

(You roll _roll, taking _damage wounds.)

<> @@text-align:center; <= $player.health>>

[[You are badly hurt]]


[[You take a few steps back -> Giant hornet battle]]

<> @@ <>