:: Broken bridge What's that roar ahead? Oh, it's the rush of water: the stream that flows into the village. Fancy running into it in this part of the forest. And the torrent, swollen from melting snows, is overflowing a jumble of rotten planks eroding away almost as you watch.<> There must be some way to get across; you can't turn back now. * [[Repair the bridge]] (it would take a miracle) * [[Ford the river]] (if you're brave and strong enough) * [[Think of a trick]] (that could be tricky) :: Repair the bridge The pile of rotting planks creaking as water flows around them can hardly be called a bridge anymore. It would take a team of carpenters with tools and timber to make a new one out of the remains. Either that, or witchcraft. <>(Roll 2d6 + Magic against a difficulty score of $difficulty.) Question is, what kind of magic spell could help you with this? <>\ < 0>>\ @@text-align:center; [[Cast spell -> Bewitch bridge!]] / [[Think again -> Broken bridge]] @@ <>\ Unfortunately, you draw a blank. @@text-align:center; [[Try something else -> Broken bridge]] @@ <>\ :: Bewitch bridge! [nobr] <> <> <>

(you roll $roll against a target of $difficulty)

<> <><> <><> <><> <><> <><> <> :: Sunburst bridge Dazzling sunlight fills the riverbed as your spell takes hold, making the water sparkle like a myriad precious stones. It's not clear however how it helps you get to the other side. @@text-align:center;

[[Try something else -> Broken bridge]]

@@ :: Cold-snap bridge [nobr] As your spell takes hold, the air suddenly becomes frigid. Snowflakes form in the air; frost covers half the bridge in an instant. And as you watch, a good stretch of the stream freezes over. <= $difficulty>>

You scramble down the bank and across the ice while the spell holds, and make it to the other side just as the warmth of spring asserts itself again, sending floes down the stream.

<> @@text-align:center;

[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <>

You scramble down the bank and across the ice while the spell holds, tripping and slipping at every step. You almost make it to the other side, too, but then the spell fails early. And the water is cold indeed.

<> <>

(You take <<= $difficulty - $roll>> wounds that ignore armor.)

<= $player.health>>

Suddenly the opposite bank seems like a step too far.


[[You are badly hurt]]

@@ <>

Yet in the end you make it across, hurting, but alive.


[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <> <
> :: Smoke-screen bridge Sparks and flame burst from your fingertips, producing a thick plume of smoke that spreads in front of you as if driven by wind. It reaches all the way across the stream. Too bad you can't walk on smoke. @@text-align:center; [[Try something else -> Broken bridge]] @@ :: Undergrowth bridge [nobr] Strong vines sprout from the ground, growing preternaturally fast. They twist around, coiling around girders and railings to lend the bridge that much more strength. You can only hope it's enough as you proceed to cross it. <= $difficulty>>

Creaks and groans accompany your every step, but in the end you make it safely to the other side.

<> @@text-align:center;

[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <>

Creaks and groans accompany your every step, but it seems you're going to make it... until a plank snaps, almost sending you into the torrent below.

<> <> <>

(You take _damage wounds; your armor helps.)

<= $player.health>>

Suddenly the opposite bank seems like a step too far.


[[You are badly hurt]]

@@ <>

You grab onto something at the last moment and scramble back up, hurting, but alive.


[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <> <
> :: Windstorm bridge At first nothing seems to happen, then a strong wind picks up, and soon grows into a howling gale. The bridge rattles woefully; underneath, water churns. It's almost enough to pick you up and carry you to the other side. Almost, but not quite. @@text-align:center; [[Try something else -> Broken bridge]] @@ :: Ford the river The stream isn't very deep even now, but bone-chilling water and strong currents don't mix well. Worse, the way down is steep and treacherous, covered in thorny brambles and sharp rocks. (Roll 2d6 + Muscle against a difficulty score of $difficulty.) @@text-align:center; [[Brave the waters]] / [[Think again -> Broken bridge]] @@ :: Brave the waters [nobr] <> <> <= $difficulty>> You slip on soft mud and trip on tree roots. It's a painful way down the bank on this side. Then there's the roiling water, cold and furious torrent trying to pull you under and wash you away. At long last you're on the other side, clambering up some steps set under the bridge. <>

(You roll _roll, getting across in one piece.)


[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <> You slip on soft mud and trip on tree roots, getting scrape after bruise on the way down the bank. Then there's the roiling water, cold and furious torrent trying to pull you under at every step. <> <> <>

(You roll _roll, taking _damage wounds that ignore armor.)

<= $player.health>>

Sooner or later, it succeeds. You struggle, but in vain.


[[You are badly hurt]]

@@ <>

Yet in the end you make it across, hurting, but alive.


[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <> <
> :: Think of a trick The way down is steep and treacherous, covered in thorny brambles and sharp rocks. You look up instead. Long-limbed birches lean low over the water; you've perched on thinner branches trying to overhear what neighbors were saying about you. Just look ahead and try not to think of the swirling torrent beneath. <>(Roll 2d6 + Mischief against a difficulty score of $difficulty.) @@text-align:center; [[Brave the treetops]] / [[Think again -> Broken bridge]] @@ :: Brave the treetops [nobr] <> <> <= $difficulty>> Branches creak and sway as you crawl along them, leaning very low halfway over the water where they meet. Yet you make it safely all the way to the other side. <>

(You roll _roll, getting across in one piece.)


[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <> Branches creak and sway as you crawl along them, leaning very low halfway over the water where they meet. Then one snaps and sends you swinging down. <> <> <>

(You roll _roll, taking _damage wounds; your armor helps.)

<= $player.health>>

The opposite bank is just too far to cross the remaining distance.


[[You are badly hurt]]

@@ <>

You just barely make it across, hitting a tree trunk painfully.


[[You catch your breath and move on -> Search the area]]

@@ <> <