ZK is an interactive fiction game written for the VMS operating system running on a VAX minicomputer back in 1985. It was released on the "OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM Version 4.0" and is still available (as of 10/26/01) from Compaq on the web at: http://www.openvms.compaq.com/freeware/freeware40/zk/ The freeware CD release contains 5 files: Commands.txt - List of commands you can use in ZK. Freeware_readme.txt - Description of the game by the authors. Stan.txt - "A day in the Life of an Image Activator." Zk$key_def.com - Command procedure to define the keypad for ZK. Zk.exe - The ZK executable (obviously). I have not modified these files in any way. In addition, I have added 2 files: Readme.1st - This file. Zk_tv.exe - VESTed Alpha image. A "VESTed" image is an OpenVMS VAX executable that has been translated into an OpenVMS Alpha executable by the DECMigrate utility. This allows you to run a VAX program on an Alpha without having to recompile (which is handy when you don't have the source code, like with ZK). For more info on DECMigrate, go to: http://www.support.compaq.com/amt/decmigrate/index.html I have made no modifications to the VESTed image. I have attempted to play the game, but I can only get as far as the door to the building. I have never been able to get into the building, so I can NOT provide many hints or tips on game play. But if anyone figures out how to get inside the #@!% building, please let me know. #:) Chris Pierce cpierce1972@yahoo.com Disclaimer: All files are supplied as is. I can not be held responsible for problems with any of these files, problems caused by them, or time wasted on them.