> give it to him I don't know what "it" refers to. > give apple to him (first taking the apple) I don't know what "him" refers to. > give it I think you wanted to say "give apple to someone". Please try again. > give him I don't know what "him" refers to. > x apple There is nothing special about the apple. > x bob There is nothing special about Bob. > give it to him Bob doesn't seem interested. > put apple on apple You can't put something on itself. > put apple in apple You can't put something inside itself. > search bush You find a pineapple. You take it. > i You're carrying a pineapple and a apple. > drop all pineapple: Dropped. apple: Dropped. > look Room You are in a room. You can see a apple, a banana, Bob and a bush here. > i You are empty handed. > take all apple: Taken. banana: Taken. bush: Taken. > take pineapple Taken. > drop all pineapple: Dropped. bush: Dropped. banana: Dropped. apple: Dropped. > i You are empty handed. > take pineapple Taken. > i You're carrying a pineapple. > restore Enter a file name. Default is "test-issue64.qzl": sdsda Failed restore. > eat apple (first taking the apple) You eat the apple. Not bad. *** You have won *** In that game you scored 0 out of a possible 0, in 18 turns. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT? restore Enter a file name. Default is "sdsda": dasdas Failed restore. Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT? quit [Hit any key to exit.]