REM -- The Misadventure of the Holy Grail REM -- From the Apple II Eamon Adventure by Evan Hodson REM -- Translated to Adventure Game Toolkit by Michael Detlefsen 1989 INTRO You are wandering in a shadowy, ever-changing landscape where everything seems to be made of fog. You try to remember who you are, but half-memories are all that come into your mind. You look down and see a sword in your hand. Hmmmm. You could hurt your- self with that thing. The fog seems to thin out to your right, so you walk slowly in that direction ....... END_INTRO VERB dummy_verb1 buy purchase dummy_verb2 say dummy_verb3 give dummy_verb4 count dummy_verb5 feed dummy_verb6 panic END_VERB MAX_LIVES 50 MAX_POINTS 342 REM -- ROOM INFORMATION ROOM_DESCR 76 You are standing in a large grassy field with a signpost that points to the only direction that you are able to go... to the north. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 76 In a large grassy field north 6 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 3 You see a field of peat. There are several peasants in the distance who apparently are harvesting the peat! The road leads to the east and a small chapel lies to the south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 3 At the Peat Bog south 68 east 4 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 4 A break in the forest reveals the road branching into a t-intersection. To the north, the road is broad and wide, but the east-west route is smaller and not as well-travelled. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 4 At a meeting of roads north 9 east 5 west 3 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 5 The road you are on runs east and west. The trees grow right up to the very edge of the road in this area. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 5 On a road with many trees east 6 west 4 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 6 You see a clearing surrounded by a grove of trees. There are several bodies in the area in varying states of decay... The road runs east and west from here, as well as north and back to the south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 6 In a clearing north 11 south 76 east 7 west 5 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 7 The road in this area runs to the east and west through a lightly-forested area that is quite pleasant, actually. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 7 On an east/west road east 8 west 6 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 8 You see that the road here bends to the north as well as to the west. You are unable to see very far into the trees lining the roadway. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 8 At a n/w bend north 13 west 7 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 9 You come to another intersection; this one a 't' that leads to the east and also north and south. The area is very well shaded with pines and evergreens. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 9 At the evergreens north 16 south 4 east 10 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 10 A wooden rail fence lines both sides of the road here, and you can see small cottages off aways from the road. You can go either east or west. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 10 On a fence-lined road east 11 west 9 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 11 The road widens into a four-way intersection. To the north you can see a castle, to the south a grove of trees, and an east-west route running through what appears to be farmland. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 11 At meeting of roads north 18 south 6 east 12 west 10 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 12 Plowed fields line the road in this area but you see no one in the fields at the moment. Off to the east a castle rises up on a small hill and the road also leads off to the west. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 12 Near plowed fields south 7 east 13 west 11 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 13 East is a castle. A sign on the gate reads 'Off Limits To Knights.' There are many sweet young ladies hanging over the walls screaming, 'Ooooh! Welcome! Come in! Come in!' The road goes west and south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 13 At the Castle Asthma south 8 west 12 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 14 You are in a small village. The stench is horrendous and there is sewage all about. The only structure of interest is a stable to the north. The road goes off to the east. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 14 In a small village north 19 east 15 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 15 You can see a small village off to the west. Though you cannot see it very well, you can smell it distinctly! The road is quite wide and well-packed and leads east and west. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 15 On a well-travelled road east 16 west 14 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 16 You are at a four-way intersection of sorts. The east-west road is spacious and open, as is the route south. But the road north is not much more than a path and leads into the dark forest of Velveeta. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 16 4-way stop north 20 south 9 east 17 west 15 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 17 This stretch of road is quite pleasant. Birds sing in the trees and the sun doth shine. To the east, a castle can be seen and to the west the road leads over a slight incline. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 17 On a pleasant stretch of road east 18 west 16 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 18 A huge castle looms just off the road to the east. It is solidly built and looks impossible to storm. The road leads to the west and south and a less-used path leads north into dense foliage--the dark forest of Velveeta. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 18 At the Scottish Castle north 21 south 11 west 17 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 19 You are in the stable. It is a relief to get in here, because it actually smells better than the rest of the village! You see no animals of any kind. The door is in the south wall. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 19 In the stable south 14 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 20 You are in an area thickly overgrown with trees and bushes. Visibility is only a few feet, and it is very dark. You can travel only north or south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 20 In the dark forest of Velveeta north 22 south 16 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 21 The forest here is extremely dense and it is difficult to see very far. The gloom here gives you an ominous feeling of dread. You can continue only north or south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 21 In the dark forest of Velveeta north 23 south 18 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 22 The north-south route here is almost a jungle. It is very dark and very ominous and you are gripped with fear. This mood is heightened when you think you see movement in the trees along the road. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 22 In more of the dark forest north 25 south 20 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 23 Your only choices here are to go to the north or south, as the undergrowth (and overgrowth for that matter) prevents all other movement. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 23 In more of the dark forest north 27 south 21 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 24 You see that the forest thins out here to a great deal. The road curves to the north and leads back into the forest to the east. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 24 At a n/e bend in the road north 29 east 25 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 25 You are at a four-way intersection that is remarkably free of the dense growth of the forest. It appears to be a place of religious significance for some strange cult. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 25 Shrine of the Knights of Boo north 30 south 22 east 26 west 24 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 26 You are unable to go farther. Even when you hack at the undergrowth with your weapons you cannot clear a path. You must return west. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 26 At a dead end west 25 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 27 You are still on a north-south road that is lined with thick forest. It is rather pretty here, so that you could almost overlook the two knights impaled on a large sword sticking out of an oak tree to your right. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 27 On a path with impaled knights north 28 south 23 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 28 The forest is still very thick here, but you see a signpost off to the side of the road! END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 28 On a road with a signpost north 31 south 27 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 29 You see here that the forest has thinned out to normal proportions. It is quite an idyllic scene. The road forms a 't' to the north, south and east and a small stream babbles lazily. A castle lies to the north. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 29 In an idyllic scene north 34 south 24 east 30 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 30 There is much less of the forest here. The road bends off to the west and back to the south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 30 At a s/w bend south 25 west 29 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 31 You are in a clearing, but it is a dead end. You can only return south. You may want to do so, too, because the area is littered with bones, bodies and weapons. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 31 At a dead end south 28 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 32 You are at the top of the tall tower. The spartan room here has very little furniture, but you are most struck by the line of sheets tied to the bed and leading out of the window and down the wall. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 32 In the tall tower east 33 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 33 You are inside Damp Castle. There are festive decorations all about. There is a long table in the middle of the room. The tall tower is to the west and the gate is to the east. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 33 Inside Damp Castle east 34 west 32 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 34 Damp Castle looms out of a bog to the west. It appears to be built on the remnants of other castles that have sunk before it. You can head south or east if you do not enter the castle. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 34 At Damp Castle south 29 east 35 west 33 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 35 As you leave the swamp you notice that it has become much colder. The trees in the area are much fewer in number. Damp Castle is to the west, or you can go north or east. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 35 In a colder area north 37 east 36 west 34 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 36 The wind is now blowing fiercely and it is bitterly cold. You can go west or to the north, otherwise you will perish in the wastes of Foobar. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 36 In the frozen land of Foobar north 38 west 35 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 37 The path you are on runs north and south and also to the east. There are large snow drifts and ice formations all about you, and it is colder than a ..... well, let's just say it's cold... END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 37 In the frozen land of Foobar north 41 south 35 east 38 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 38 You are at a crossroad, but every way that you look you see nothing but the frozen lands of Foobar. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 38 In the frozen land of Foobar north 42 south 36 east 39 west 37 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 39 You have come to a steep cliff. You can only return west. You see below you a village with many flags. In fact, you see the entire Russian hockey team and several burly women's figure skaters. It is the Olympics! END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 39 At the Winter Olympics west 38 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 40 It is still cold, and the path goes to the north and east. It is very scenic, and off across the valley you see a large caribou, wearing an amusing hat and what appears to be a large kite. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 40 In the frozen land of Foobar north 43 east 41 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 41 The path now forms a t-intersection with an east-west route and a dog-leg to the south. There is snow and ice all about you. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 41 In the frozen land of Foobar south 37 east 42 west 40 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 42 Here the path branches to the north, west and south. The wind is picking up snow and blowing it around, making it very difficult to see. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 42 In the frozen land of Foobar north 45 south 38 west 41 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 43 You are at the edge of a ravine. Any noise could cause an avalanche! You can only return to the south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 43 In the frozen land of Foobar south 40 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 44 There is only snow in patches here. The sun is out and there are clumps of grass here and there. The path winds north and east along a ravine. There are several large rock formations nearby. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 44 On a ravine path north 46 east 45 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 45 The path curves from the south to the west and there is much less snow here. You seem to be able to see some trees over to the west. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 45 In the frozen land of Foobar south 42 west 44 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 46 You are at the entrance to a cave. You cannot count the bones strewn about the area and you see a number of broken weapons and pieces of armor. You can go down into the cave or to the south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 46 At the entrance to a cave south 44 down 47 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 47 You are in a narrow passage inside of the cave. It twists off to the east, or you can go up out of the cave. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 47 In the cave east 48 up 46 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 48 The passage opens up and it is easier to move. The smooth cave walls look as though they have been finished with hand tools. You can go east, north or west. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 48 In a finished passage north 54 east 49 west 47 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 49 This room also has smooth walls and even corners. The passage bends west to north. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 49 In a room with corners north 55 west 48 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 50 You can go to the north from here, and you can see that there is a room there. The space you are in here is a fairly large passage. You can also go to the east . END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 50 At a n/e bend north 56 east 51 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 51 The passage here is rather large and it leads north, west and east. You spot an inscription on the south wall. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 51 At a t-intersection north 57 east 52 west 50 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 52 You are at a t-intersection. You can go east to west or to the north. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 52 At another t-intersection north 58 east 53 west 51 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 53 Here you find the passage leads off to the north as well as to the east and on westward. The chamber here is very large. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 53 In a large chamber north 59 east 54 west 52 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 54 The passage branches out west, south and east. A rapid choice would be advisable because some of the rocks look like they are about to come loose and collapse the passage! END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 54 At a t-intersection south 48 east 55 west 53 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 55 Yet another 3-way choice awaits you: west or north-south. There are many unusual rock formations here, but you're not on a tour and have to push on. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 55 At a n/s-w fork north 60 south 49 west 54 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 56 This is a dead end. Your only exit is to the south. The rock looks like it was melted and then cooled in odd forms. There is an inscription on the north wall... could it be??? END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 56 At a dead end south 50 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 57 The passage bends south to east here. The walls here glimmer with possible metallic content, but it is probably only fool's gold or the like. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 57 At a s/e bend south 51 east 58 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 58 Passageways lead off in all directions from here. Your footsteps echo as you walk through this chamber. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 58 At a 4-way intersection north 62 south 52 east 59 west 57 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 59 The passage here is rather low, but it is quite wide. You can get through easily on all fours. Directions are west and south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 59 In a cramped passage south 53 west 58 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 60 The ceiling in this area is much lower now. Though you must stoop a bit, you can go east or south with no trouble. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 60 At an e/s bend south 55 east 61 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 61 The passage widens here but it is still a low clearance. You can see a room to the north. You can also go to the west. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 61 At a low area north 67 west 60 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 62 You can see light up to the east! Other than to the south, that is the only way you can go. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 62 At the exit to the cave south 58 up 63 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 63 You are on a grassy path that leads east and west. Actually, you'd have to go down to go west... you cannot see what lies east... your vision is obscured by a thick smoke or fog. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 63 On a grassy path east 64 down 62 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 64 You are at the Creek of Doom! It is a controlled access affair, and the only way to the other side is a log bridge that is suspended over the Creek. You cannot tell the depth of the creek because of a curious fog filling the void. Ominous cries emanate from the haze... the log bridge leads to the north. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 64 At the Creek of Doom! north 71 west 63 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 65 You are standing outside of the Castle of Oops! The gate to the north is ajar and it appears to be the only entrance. There is a dock to the south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 65 At the Castle Oops north 66 south 74 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 66 You are inside the Castle of Oops. It looks very old, but even the courtyard is filled with a quiet majesty. You are overcome with a feeling of solemnity. The only exit you see is to the south. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 66 Inside the Castle Oops south 65 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 67 You are at dead end. You can only go south. There is an inscription on the east wall. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 67 At a dead end south 61 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 68 You are in a small chapel. It smells of mold and mildew, and the furnishings are old and in disrepair. It has not been used, alas, in a long time... the only door is to the north. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 68 In a small chapel north 3 END_ROOM ROOM 70 Swirling Mist GAME_WIN END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 70 Oh, well...... END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 71 Top of Small Hill south 64 down 72 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 71 You are at the top of a small hill. To the south you can see a valley filled with smoke. Downwards in the distance, you see a lake. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 72 Bottom of the Hill up 71 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 72 You are at the bottom of the hill, and at the shore of a large lake. In the center of the lake, you see an ominous castle. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 73 In the Mystical Boat east 74 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 73 You are in the Mystical Boat. It must be a Mystical Boat, because no one is driving! There is a rather decrepit dock to the east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 74 On the Shabby Dock west 73 north 65 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 74 This is a very poorly-maintained dock. It sags a lot, and most of the boards seem to be pretty rotten. There is a way to the north, and there is a boat to the west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 75 Room Mysterious END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 75 You are in a mysterious room. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 2 Howling wilderness END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 2 Uh, oh, the fog is starting to swirl around and the wind is starting to blow pretty hard! You'd better take steps to remove yourself from here. Any direction looks good at this moment! END_ROOM_DESCR REM -- NOUNS FILE NOUN 200 sword adequate There is an adequate sword here. location 1 weight 15 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 200 You see an entirely adequate sword. If you actually tried to fight with it, you might be in real trouble. But then again....... END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 201 stick dynamite The Sacred Dynamite Stick of Philadelphia is here. location 0 movable weight 2 readable noun_synonyms dynamite END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 201 You see, on a velvet pillow under the altar, the Sacred Dynamite Stick of Philadelphia! It has writing on the side. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 202 Grail Holy The Holy Grail is here. location 66 movable weight 5 points 10000 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 202 It's the Holy Grail! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 203 pottery lovely There is a pot here. location 0 movable weight 2 noun_synonyms pot pots END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 203 You see a lovely pot here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 204 tapestry woven There is a valuable tapestry here. location 68 movable weight 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 204 You see a very valuable tapestry here. It depicts the Last Supper. Across the top, in ornately woven letters, it says: 'La Lasta Vespermang^o' END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 205 dishes golden There are dishes here. location 33 movable weight 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 205 You see place settings for eight laid out on a table. They are clearly gifts for the wedding. The only remarkable thing about the dishes is that they are made of gold! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 206 diamond huge There is a huge diamond here. location 56 movable weight 1 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 206 You see a fist-sized diamond jutting out of the west wall. You could probably just grab it (hint, hint). END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 207 chest jewel There is a jewel chest here. location 31 movable weight 30 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 207 You see a locked chest that is probably filled to the top with fabulous jewels. Ill-gotten gains from unfortunate travelers, no doubt. At any rate, it's very heavy for its size. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 208 coconuts several You see coconuts here. location 0 movable weight 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 208 As you look into the stalls, you see no animals, but rather empty halves of pineapples. Some even have little bits and bridles. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 209 note scrawled There is a note here. location 0 readable weight 1 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 209 Yes it's a note all right! It even has writing on it! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 210 sword Liverwurst The sword 'Liverwurst' is here. location 0 weight 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 210 You see Brave Sir Wren's sword 'Liverwurst'. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 211 sword Killer The sword 'Killer' is here. location 0 weight 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 211 You see Sir Launcelot's weapon, the sword 'Killer'. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 212 bomb atomic There is an atomic bomb here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 212 You see an atomic bomb. It's ticking. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 213 mace Chastity-Belt The mace 'Chastity-Belt' is here. location 0 weight 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 213 You see Sir Galahad's weapon, the mace 'Chastity-Belt'. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 214 axe Celsius The axe 'Celsius' is here. location 0 weight 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 214 You see Sir Bedivere's weapon, the axe 'Celsius'. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 215 sword Excaliber The sword 'Excaliber' is here. location 0 weight 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 215 You see King Arthur's weapon, the mighty 'Excaliber'. On the blade near the pommel, it says (in fine print) "Camelot Pat. Pend.". END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 216 turkey dead There is a dead turkey here. location 0 weight 300 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 216 You see the remains of the vicious turkey of San Jose. Boy, will it ever make a lot of soup! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 217 armadillo dead There are dead armadillo bits here. location 0 weight 1 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 217 You see the tattered remains of the little armadillo. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 218 Howie dead Howie's dead body is here. location 0 weight 145 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 218 You see the body of Howie the Potter here. He seems to have fallen over backwards into the cart and crushed all the pots o unidentifiable bits. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 219 Sherbet dead Dead Prince Sherbet is here. location 0 weight 120 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 219 You see the body of the wimp, Prince Sherbet. He's just as annoying in death as he was in life. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 220 Dad dead Dead Dad is here. location 0 weight 180 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 220 You see the body of Prince Sherbet's dad. He's much calmer now. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 221 Chester dead The finally-silent form of Chester is here. location 0 weight 120 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 221 You see the dead body of Chester, the community bore. You suppress an almost over-powering urge to yawn. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 222 sign rickety There is a sign here. location 28 readable unmovable END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 222 There is a rickety sign here, with words crudely inscribed upon it. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 223 Knight dead The dead 4-Headed Knight is here. location 0 weight 800 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 223 The body of the 4-Headed Knight lies here. That thing must weigh 800 pounds! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 224 Boo phooey There is a phoney Boo here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 224 Fake entry. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 225 bolt crossbow There is a crossbow bolt here. location 0 weight 1 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 225 There is a feathered crossbow bolt here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 226 bomber stealth There is a stealth bomber here. location 0 weight 900 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 226 There is a large stealth bomber here, the largest you have ever seen! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 227 seed bird There is a sack of bird seed here. location 0 weight 5 movable noun_synonyms food sack END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 227 You see a large sack of bird seed here. This would keep a herd of birds happy for weeks! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 228 pig dead There is a dead pig here. location 0 weight 1200 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 228 You see a bloated, dead pig here. It looks at though it had been dropped from quite a height. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 229 parrot stunned There is parrot here. location 0 weight 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 229 There is a stunned parrot here. If you didn't know better, you'd think it was dead! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 230 mirror polished There is a small mirror here. location 242 unmovable noun_synonyms metal END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 230 There is a small mirror here. It's part of the drawer, and cannot be removed. The rest of the drawer is divided into small sections. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 231 four foobly There is a foobly four here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 231 Foobly four END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 232 inscription cryptic There is an inscription here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 232 There is an inscription here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 233 blancmange yellow There is a yellow blancmange here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESC 233 You see a yellow, four-door, blancmange convertible here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 234 lupin yellow There is a yellow lupin here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESC 234 You see a yellow, two-door, lupin convertible here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 235 larch yellow There is a yellow larch here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESC 235 You see a yellow, three-door, larch coupe here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 236 skaters russian There are skaters below. location 0 noun_synonyms skater END_NOUN NOUN_DESC 236 Phoney skaters. (Sing to the tune of Tiny Bubbles) END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 237 letters shiny There are letters on the ice. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 237 There are some stupid letters here on the ice. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 238 dostoevski yellow There is a yellow automobile here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESC 238 You see a yellow, four-door, dostoevski hatchback here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 239 yes redundant There is a yes here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 239 There is a large yes here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 240 color dull There is a dull color here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 240 You see a color here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 241 no redundant There is a no here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 241 There is a large no here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 242 stand crude There is a crude stand here. location 32 closed closable unmovable noun_synonyms drawer END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 242 There is a heavy wooden stand here. It has a small drawer in the side. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 243 comb bone There is a comb here. location 242 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 243 You see an ornately carved comb here, apparently made from a caribou antler. In small, fine print, it says, 'My aunt was once bitten by this caribou.' END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 244 brush stiff There is a hairbrush here. location 242 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 244 You see a very nice hairbrush here. There is gold inlay along the sides, and there are initials carved on the back, 'P.S.'. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 245 toothbrush well-used There is a toothbrush here. location 242 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 245 There is a well-used wooden toothbrush here. It is a short stick, with end split many times with a knife to make bristles. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 246 boat mystical There is a mystical boat here. location 0 weight 80000 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 246 You see a mystical boat here. It says so right near the prow: "Mystical Boat". END_NOUN_DESC NOUN 247 Knight5 Dead There is a dead Scottish Knight5 here. location 0 weight 150 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 247 You see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 248 Knight4 Dead There is a dead Scottish Knight4 here. location 0 weight 150 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 248 You see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 249 Knight3 Dead There is a dead Scottish Knight3 here. location 0 weight 150 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 249 You see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 250 Knight2 Dead There is a dead Scottish Knight2 here. location 0 weight 150 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 250 You see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 251 Knight Dead There is a dead Head Scottish Knight here. location 0 weight 150 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 251 You see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. It's the first time you have seen him with his mouth closed. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 252 crest family There is a family crest here. location 19 weight 2 readable noun_synonyms plaque END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 252 You see a plaque with a family crest carved upon it. It depicts a small mammal of some sort with weird ears (and apparently wearing armor), sitting on top of a stone structure that seems to be half-buried in mud. There are words at the bottom. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 253 seven useless There is a useless seven here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 253 Don't look behind you. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 254 self invisible There is an invisible self here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 254 You figure it out. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 255 male personable There is a stupid parser here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 255 What fun. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 256 female personable There is a stupid parser here. location 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 256 What fun. END_NOUN_DESCR REM -- CREATURES FILE ********************************************** CREATURE 300 Knight Dark There is a Dark Knight here. location 6 weapon 200 time_thresh 10 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 300 You see a large Dark Knight here. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 301 Wren Sir Sir Wren is here. location 23 man groupmember END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 301 You see a knight with a large purple worm emblazoned on his shield. It is Brave Sir Wren! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 302 Galahad Sir Sir Galahad is here. location 0 man groupmember END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 302 You see a brave and handsome knight here. He looks as if he would be polite to just about anyone. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 303 Launcelot Sir Sir Launcelot is here. location 0 man groupmember END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 303 You see a brave and strong knight here. He looks as if he could best just about anybody in a fair fight. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 304 Bedivere Sir The addled Sir Bedivere is here. location 4 man groupmember END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 304 You see a somewhat confused-looking knight here. He doesn't look like someone you should ask directions of. He's trying to tie a pineapple to an Indo-Chinese grackle. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 305 Arthur King King Arthur is here. location 4 man groupmember END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 305 You see an armored figure with a dragon on his shield and a crown on his head. It is King Arthur, ruler of the Britons and wielder of Excaliber! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 306 troll old The old troll from the four-way stop. location 64 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 306 There, before you, still cackling, is the old troll from the 4-way stop. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 307 Don Wizard Don the Wizard is here. location 44 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 307 You see a tall figure wearing robes and an odd helmet with the words 'Dallas Cowboys' written across the front. He is casting fireballs and causing huge explosions. It is the dreaded wizard known as....... Don! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 308 Knight 4-Headed There is a 4-Headed Knight here. location 31 man hostile END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 308 Before you stands a huge figure clad in chain mail. It is the dread 4-Headed Knight, the fiercest creature for yards around. You can hear the 4 heads arguing, but they agree on one thing........ killing you! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 309 Armadillo Cute There is a cute little armadillo here. location 46 hostile creature_synonyms dillo END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 309 You see a small grey armadillo with a quivering pinkish-gray nose. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 310 Beast Yellow The Yellow beast is here. location 53 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 310 You see before you the horrible Yellow Beast of Ooops! It has 42 eyes and jaws ten feet across! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 311 Howie Crafty Howie the Potter is here. location 14 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 311 You see a man sitting on a cart loaded with pottery. It is Howie the Potter. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 312 Knight Head The Head Knight of Boo is here. location 25 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 312 You see a nine-foot tall figure in a helmet with huge horns who announces, 'We are the Knights who say 'Boo'! If you do not appease us with pottery, you will not leave this wood alive!' END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 313 Knight Second The Second Knight of Boo is here. location 25 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 313 You see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 314 Knight Third The Third Knight of Boo is here. location 25 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 314 You see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 315 Knight Fourth The Fourth Knight of Boo is here. location 25 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 315 You see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 316 Knight Fifth The Fifth Knight of Boo is here. location 25 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 316 You see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 317 Knight Sixth The Sixth Knight of Boo is here. location 25 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 317 You see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 318 Turkey Vicious There is a Vicious Turkey here. location 0 hostile END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 318 It's a turkey scratching in the snow..... but it is a 300-pound turkey! It is Lester, the vicious turkey of Philadelphia!! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 319 Minstrel Wren's Sir Wren's favorite minstrel is here. location 23 man groupmember END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 319 You see a minstrel here. He doesn't look like he would stick around if the going got tough. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 320 Sherbet Prince Prince Sherbet is here. location 32 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 320 You see a nauseating wimp clothed in a dress-like robe near an open window. It is Prince Sherbet, and he looks like he is trying to destroy a ukelele. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 321 Dad Sherbet's Dad is here. location 32 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 321 You see a large man dressed in furs who sounds like Daffy Duck. It is Prince Sherbet's dad. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 322 Guard1 First The Guard1 is here. location 33 man hostile time_thresh 50 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 322 You see a yeoman guard here. He looks like he's itching for a fight! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 323 Guard2 Second The Guard2 is here. location 33 man hostile time_thresh 50 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 323 You see a yeoman guard here. He's waving his sword around! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 324 Guard3 Third You see Guard3 here. location 32 man hostile time_thresh 50 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 324 You see a yeoman guard here. He's spoiling for a fight! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 325 Guard4 Fourth You see Guard4 here, hiccuping. location 32 man hostile time_thresh 50 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 325 You see a yeoman guard here. He just hiccups. But in a threatening manner! END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 326 Chester Boring Chester is here. location 3 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 326 You see a stooped figure here, digging in the peat moss. You take a look at what he is planting, blink several times, and take a closer look. You were right the first time. He's planting bees. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 327 Knight1 Head The Head Scottish Knight is here. location 66 man hostile END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 327 You see the Head Scottish Knight here. He is wearing a pointy mustache that looks as if you could use it as a leather punch. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 328 Knight2 Scottish The second Scottish Knight is here. location 66 man hostile END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 328 You see an Scottish Knight here. He is laughing at the remarks the Head Scottish Knight has made. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 329 Knight3 Scottish The third Scottish Knight is here. location 66 man hostile END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 329 You see an Scottish Knight here. He is laughing at the remarks the Head Scottish Knight has made. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 330 Knight4 Scottish The fourth Scottish Knight is here. location 66 man hostile END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 330 You see an Scottish Knight here. He is laughing at the remarks the Head Scottish Knight has made. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 331 Knight5 Scottish The fifth Scottish Knight is here. location 66 man hostile END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 331 You see an Scottish Knight here. He is laughing at the remarks the Head Scottish Knight has made. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 332 Knight Dark There is a Dark Knight here. location 0 weapon 200 man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 332 You see a large Dark Knight here. He doesn't seem to be *quite* all here, though. He's screaming 'Come on and fight, you sissy!', but is now quite harmless. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 333 parrot lively There is a parrot here. location 0 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 333 You see a colorful, lively parrot here. It seems to be watching you with a certain amusement. It looks hungry, also. END_CREATURE_DESCR REM -- questions ************************************************************ QUESTION 1 Be ye Male or Female? (Don't abbreviate!) ANSWER 1 Male QUESTION 2 What is your name? ANSWER 2 Delbert QUESTION 3 What is your name? ANSWER 3 Griselda QUESTION 4 What is the object of your quest? ANSWER 4 Grail QUESTION 5 What is your favorite color? ANSWER 5 Green QUESTION 6 What is your favorite color? ANSWER 6 Blue REM -- read ********************************************************** TEXT 201 Printed on the side in extremely small letters, it says: INSTRUCTIONS 1) Count to seven. Uh, make that four, count to four. 2) Throw the Sacred Dynamite Stick. 3) Wait. END_TEXT TEXT 209 It says, 'I'm being held prisoner by my father who wishes me to learn to play the ukelele against my will. Please, please! Rescue me! I'm in the tall tower at Damp Castle.' END_TEXT TEXT 222 It says, 'Camelot- 18 south, 4-Headed Knight and probable death- 1 north.' END_TEXT TEXT 252 They say 'Valuable family secret legend divulged if returned to owner.' END_TEXT