window 0,0,24,79 bright red on black explode window 4,4,21,75 bright yellow on red explode shadow rowcol 1,1 " INSTALL MENU TO HARD DRIVE." blue rowcol 5,22 " Simon Avery Adventures" bright green rowcol 7,28 "Please choose an option" bright yellow rowcol 10,10 "1: Install from A: to drive C:" bright cyan rowcol 11 10 "2: Install from A: to drive D:" bright cyan rowcol 12,10 "3: Install from A: to drive E:" bright cyan rowcol 13,10 "4: Install from B: to drive C:" bright yellow rowcol 14,10 "5: Install from B: to drive D:" bright yellow rowcol 15,10 "6: Install from B: to drive E:" bright yellow rowcol 16,10 "" rowcol 17,10 "8: Abort (Return to Menu 1)." cyan rowcol 18,10 "9: Exit to DOS" bright white rowcol 20,22 "Please press a number to select an option...." bright yellow