MANSION(6) MANSION(6) NAME mansion - a murder mystery text adventure SYNOPSIS /usr/games/mansion DESCRIPTION Discover who committed the murder, get the police to arrest them, and escape alive before the end of the day, when the world of mansion comes to an end. Like adventure(6), mansion is more or less self-descriptive, and a large part of the game is simply to find out what you can and cannot do. As far as can be ascertained, nobody has ever managed to get all 999 points, although it is entirely possible. To terminate a game, enter ``quit''; to save a game for later resumption, enter ``suspend'' and then ``restore'' in the first move of a new game to resume it. If you want to play a specific mystery again, then enter ``mystery'' as the first command of a new game. For hints, you can always enter ``help''. HISTORY mansion appears to have been written originally around 1980 (or even earlier) for the HP1000 running RTE (Real Time Executive) and later ported to the HP3000 and MPE (Multi-Processing Executive). It existed mainly under MPE until 1999, when it was ported to C and released to the Unix world for the sake of interactive-fiction lovers everywhere. AUTHORS The game of mansion was written originally in Fortran IV by John Rasins. The C port was done by James Garnett ( in an effort to avoid finishing a dissertation.