I started this port in 1998 while finishing my Master's thesis, or, that is, in an effort to avoid thinking about finishing it. I approached it by performing a dejanews search for anyone else who'd attempted anything like it. Jeff Greenberg was the first I found who had tried it. His attempted port to BASIC, and our subsequent conversations, clarified several issues. He also gave me a copy of the Fortran IV source from which he worked. Roy Buzdor gave me a second copy of the source for comparison's sake, and described the system-call semantics of a variety of HP1000 syscalls which enabled me to really get the port going. Tracy Johnson actually gave me no-strings access to an HP3000 running the original Mystery Mansion, invaluable for consistency checks! Mark von Minden and Alia Rayl found the bulk of the bugs in early versions. Rebecca Zane discovered some seriously nasty ones that only someone who remembered the game could have found.