Miscellaneous notes PEGASUS Winged horse of Greek mythology. Springs of water gushed forth at the strike of his hoof. BALDUR etc Several characters from Norse mythology may be encountered in Asgard. (I am well aware that Fenrir was a wolf but claim author's licence.) BUCEPHALUS Favourite horse of Alexander the Great (356-323BC) who was the founder of Alexandria; a seat of learning from 331BC-642AD. LYONNESSE Country off the coast of North Devon and Cornwall supposedly submerged into the sea. GENIE A spirit in Muslim mythology who takes on various shapes, usually those of enormous hideous men. TOTTER A rag and bone man. ARCHILOCHUS c600-c401BC Greek poet. AESCCHYLUS c525-456BC A prolific Greek dramatist. AGATHON c446-401BC Greek poet and playwright. Coecus APPIUS 4th-3rd cent.BC Roman politician. ARISTOTLE c384-322BC Greek philosopher. Founded a school at Lyceum in Athens. EUCLID c330-260BC A Greek mathematician who lived in Alexandria. ARCHIMEMEDES c287-212BC A Greek mathematician who formulated 'Archimedes law' and invented the Archimedes screw. ERATOSTHENES c276-194BC Greek geographer who calculated the Earth's circumference to within 200 miles THEOCRITUS 270BC- Poet of Syracuse and Alexandria. HIPPARCHUS c190-120BC Greek astronomer who invented trigonometry. Lucius ACCLUS 170 - c85BC Roman playwright. PTOLEMY c100-170AD Egyptian astronomer and geographer who developed theory that the Earth was the centre of the universe. COPERNICUS 1473-1543AD Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that the Sun and not the Earth was the centre of the universe. (It made the maths. much easier !) DO NOT ASK WHY THESE CHARACTERS ARE LIKELY TO APPEAR IN THIS ADVENTURE !