===== Variables ===== [[Expression]]s by themselves aren't particularly powerful. [[Function]]s like previous(), either() and visited() can help in making [[link]]s, [[<>]] and [[<>]] macros more interesting, but if you want anything more complex than those, **variables** will be necessary. A variable is a place to store a value so that you can remember it later. You can store strings, booleans and numbers in variables. The variable ''$name'' might contain the main character's name, "Agatha Christie", or the variable ''$money'' might contain the amount of money Agatha has in her pocket -- the number 15.75. ==== Variable names ==== Variables have a few restrictions on their names. They must start with a $ sign. That's called a sigil — it tells the computer that what's coming next is a variable, not a number or string. After the initial $ sign, a variable name can begin with a letter, either uppercase or lowercase, or an underscore _. After the first letter, you can have any combination of letters, numbers, or underscores. Punctuation and spaces aren't allowed anywhere. Here are some legitimate variable names: $housesDestroyed $_my_favorite_color $AN_EXTREMELY_IMPORTANT_NUMBER $street8 $i Some bad variable names: $what was it called $Idon'tRemember $3.95 $8thSurprise $$$make_money_fast$$$ To manipulate variables, see the articles for the [[<>]] macro and the [[<>]] macro, as well as the [[link]] syntax.