====Variable markup==== In Harlowe, variables start with ''%%$%%'' (for normal variables) or ''%%_%%'' (for temp variables, which only exist inside a single passage, hook or lambda). Due to this syntax potentially conflicting with dollar values (such as $1.50) in your story text, variables cannot begin with a numeral. You can print the contents of variables, or any further items within them, using the [[harlowe:print|(print:)]] and [[harlowe:for|(for:)]] macros. Or, if you only want to print a single variable, you can just enter the variable's name directly in your passage's prose. Your beloved plushie, $plushieName, awaits you after a long work day. You put your _heldItem down and lift it for a snuggle. Furthermore, if the variable contains a changer command, such as that created by [[harlowe:text-style|(text-style:)]] and such, then the variable can be attached to a hook to apply the changer to the hook: $robotText[Good golly! Your flesh... it's so soft!] _assistantText[Don't touch me, please! I'm ticklish.]