**(str-repeated: //[[harlowe:number|Number]], [[harlowe:string|String]]//) → //String//** Also known as: [[harlowe:string-repeated|(string-repeated:)]] A special shorthand combination of the [[harlowe:str|(str:)]] and [[harlowe:repeated|(repeated:)]] macros, this accepts a single [[harlowe:string|string]] and duplicates it the given [[harlowe:number|number]] of times. === Example usage: === * ''%%(str-repeated: 5, "Fool! ")%%'' produces ''%%"Fool! Fool! Fool! Fool! Fool! "%%'' === Rationale: === This macro is a shorthand form of nesting [[harlowe:repeated|(repeated:)]] inside [[harlowe:str|(str:)]]. This example: ''%%(str: ...(repeated: 14, "-+*+"))%%'' is the same as ''%%(str-repeated: 14, "-+*+")%%''. === Details: === An error will, of course, be produced if the number given is 0 or less, or contains a fraction. === See also: === [[harlowe:repeated|(repeated:)]]