**(shuffled: // Any, Any, [...Any]//) -> //[[harlowe:Array|array]]//** Identical to [[harlowe:a|(a:)]], except that it randomly rearranges the elements instead of placing them in the given order. === Example usage: === (set: $a to (shuffled: 1,2,3,4,5,6)) (print: $a) === Rationale: === If you're making a particularly random story, you'll often want to create a 'deck' of random descriptions, elements, etc. that are only used once. That is to say, you'll want to put them in a random order in an [[harlowe:array|array]], preserving that random order for the duration of a game. The [[harlowe:either|(either:)]] macro is useful for selecting an element from an array randomly (if you use the spread ''%%...%%'' syntax), but isn't very helpful for this particular problem. The (shuffled:) macro is the solution: it takes elements and returns a randomly-ordered array that can be used as you please. === Details: === To ensure that it's being used correctly, this macro requires two or more items - providing just one (or none) will cause an error to be presented. === See also: === [[harlowe:a|(a:)]], [[harlowe:either|(either:)]], [[harlowe:rotated|(rotated:)]]