**(reversed: // [...Any] //) → //[[harlowe:array|Array]]//** Similar to [[harlowe:a|(a:)]], except that it creates an [[harlowe:array|array]] containing the elements in reverse order. === Example usage: === ''%%(set: $a to (reversed: ...$a, 2))%%'' sets $a to its reverse, with ''%%2%%'' at the start. === Rationale: === Having stored items in an array, or obtained a built-in array like [[harlowe:history|(history:)]], you may want to perform some action using it - maybe assemble them into a single [[harlowe:string|string]] using [[harlowe:folded|(folded:)]] - in the opposite order to which they are stored. (reversed:) allows this reversal to be easily created. === Details: === Unlike [[harlowe:shuffled|(shuffled:)]], which produces an error if one or no elements are given, this does not error if a non-reversible sequence of one or zero is given. This is meant to permit its wider use with data whose length you may not always have control over, such as the [[harlowe:history|(history:)]] array. If you wish to specifically reverse the characters in a string, please use [[harlowe:str-reversed|(str-reversed:)]]. === See also: === [[harlowe:a|(a:)]], [[harlowe:shuffled|(shuffled:)]], [[harlowe:rotated|(rotated:)]], [[harlowe:str-reversed|(str-reversed:)]]