**(prepend: // ...[[harlowe:HookName|HookName]] or [[harlowe:String|String]]//) -> //[[harlowe:Changer|Changer]]//** A variation of [[harlowe:replace|(replace:)]] which adds the attached hook's contents to the beginning of each target, rather than replacing it entirely. === Example usage: === * ''%%(prepend: "Emily", "Em")[Miss ]%%'' adds "Miss " to the start of every occurrence of "Emily" or "Em". * ''%%(prepend: ?dress)[my wedding ]%%'' adds "my wedding " to the start of the ''%%|dress>%%'' hook. === Rationale: === As this is a variation of [[harlowe:replace|(replace:)]], the rationale for this macro can be found in that macro's description. This provides the ability to prepend content to a target, adding preceding sentences or words to a text to change or reveal a deeper meaning. === See also: === [[harlowe:replace|(replace:)]], [[harlowe:append|(append:)]]