====Numbered list==== You can create numbered lists in your text, which are similar to bulleted lists, but feature numbers in place of bullets. Simply begin single lines with ''%%0.%%'', followed by [[harlowe:whitespace|whitespace]], followed by the list item text. Consecutive items will be joined into a single list, with appropriate vertical spacing. Each of the ''%%0.%%''s will be replaced with a number corresponding to the item's position in the list. Remember that there must be whitespace between the ''%%0.%%'' and the list item text! Otherwise, it will be regarded as a plain number. If you use multiple ''%%0.%%'' tokens (''%%0.0.%%'', ''%%0.0.0.%%'' etc.) for the bullet, you will make a nested list, which uses different numbering from outer lists, and are indented deeper. Use nested lists for "children" of normal list items. === Example usage: === 0. Numbered item 0. Numbered item 2 0.0. Indented numbered item