====Link syntax==== Harlowe's link syntax is slightly different to other formats - inside matching non-nesting pairs of ''%%[[%%'' and ''%%]]%%'', place the link text and the passage name, separated by either ''%%->%%'' or ''%%<-%%'', with the arrow pointing to the passage name. You can also write a shorthand form, where there is no ''%%<-%%'' or ''%%->%%'' separator. The entire content is treated as a passage name, and its evaluation is treated as the link text. === Example usage: === [[Go to the cellar->Cellar]] is a link that goes to a passage named "Cellar". [[Parachuting<-Jump]] is a link that goes to a passage named "Parachuting". [[Down the hatch]] is a link that goes to a passage named "Down the hatch". === Details: === The interior of a link (the text between ''%%[[%%'' and ''%%]]%%'') may contain any character except ''%%]%%''. If additional ''%%->%%''s or ''%%<-%%''s appear, the rightmost right arrow or leftmost left arrow is regarded as the canonical separator. [[A->B->C->D->E]] has a link text of A->B->C->D and a passage name of E [[A<-B<-C<-D<-E]] has a link text of B<-C<-D<-E and a passage name of A Links can be customised by attaching changer macros, like [[harlowe:transition-depart|(transition-depart:)]] or [[harlowe:text-style|(text-style:)]]. Just place one in front of the link, like so: ''%%(t8n-depart:"dissolve")[[Recall that day]]%%'' - or attach a variable containing one: ''%%$memory[[Recall that day]]%%''. You can also customise every link in the passage using [[harlowe:enchant|(enchant:)]] and ?Link. This syntax is not the only way to create links – there are many link macros, such as (link:), which can be used to make more versatile hyperlinks in your story.