**(link-repeat: // [[harlowe:String|String]]//) -> //[[harlowe:Changer|changer]]//** Makes a [[harlowe:changer|changer]] to create a special link that shows a hook, and, when clicked again, re-runs the hook, appending its contents again. === Example usage: === ''%%(link-repeat: "Add cheese")[(set:$cheese to it + 1)]%%'' will create a link reading "Add cheese" which, when clicked, adds 1 to the $cheese variable using [[harlowe:set|(set:)]], and can be clicked repeatedly. === Rationale: === This is similar to [[harlowe:link|(link:)]], but allows the created link to remain in the passage after it is clicked. It can be used to make a link that displays more text after each click, or which must be clicked multiple times before something can happen (using [[harlowe:set|(set:)]] and [[harlowe:if|(if:)]] to keep count of the [[harlowe:number|number]] of clicks). === Details: === This creates a link which is visually indistinguishable from normal passage links. Each time the link is clicked, the text and macros printed in the previous run are appended. === See also: === [[harlowe:link-reveal|(link-reveal:)]], [[harlowe:link|(link:)]], [[harlowe:link-goto|(link-goto:)]], [[harlowe:click|(click:)]]