**(hidden: ////) -> //[[harlowe:Changer|Changer]]//** Produces a [[harlowe:Command|Command]] that can be attached to hooks to hide them. === Example usage: === Don't you recognise me? (hidden:)|truth>[I'm your OC, brought to life!] The above example is the same as Don't you recognise me? |truth)[I'm your OC, brought to life!] === Rationale: === While there is a way to succinctly mark certain named hooks as hidden, by using parentheses instead of ''%%<%%'' or ''%%>%%'' marks, this macro provides a clear way for complex [[harlowe:Changer|Changer]] to hide their attached hooks. This works well when added to the [[harlowe:hook|(hook:)]] macro, for instance, to specify a hook's name and visibility in a single changer. This macro is essentially identical in behaviour to ''%%(if:false)%%'', but reads better. === See also: === [[harlowe:if|(if:)]], [[harlowe:hook|(hook:)]], [[harlowe:show|(show:)]]