**(folded: // [[harlowe:Lambda|lambda]], ...Any//) -> //Any//** This takes a "making" [[harlowe:lambda|lambda]] and a sequence of values, and creates a new value (the "total") by feeding every value in the sequence to the lambda, akin to folding a long strip of paper into a single square. === Example usage: === * ''%%(folded: _enemy making _allHP via _allHP + _enemy's hp, ...$enemies)%%'' will first set _sum to $enemies's 1st's hp, then add the remaining hp values in $enemies to it. * ''%%(folded: _name making _allNames via _allNames + "/" + _name, ...(history: ))%%'' will create a [[harlowe:string|string]] of every passage name in the [[harlowe:history|(history:)]] [[harlowe:array|array]], separated by a forward slash. === Rationale: === The [[harlowe:for|(for:)]] macro, while intended to display multiple copies of a hook, can also be used to run a single macro call multiple times. You may wish to use this to repeatedly [[harlowe:set|(set:)]] a variable to itself plus one of the looped values (or some other operation). (folded:) is meant to let you perform this in a shorter, more fluid fashion. Consider, first of all, a typical [[harlowe:for|(for:)]] and [[harlowe:set|(set:)]] loop such as the following: {(set:$allNames to "") (for: each _name, ...(history: ))[ (set:$allNames to it + "/" _name) ]} You've visited: $allNames This can be rewritten using (folded:) as follows. While this version may seem a little harder to read if you're not used to it, it allows you to accomplish the same thing in a single line, by immediately using the macro's provided value without a variable: You've visited: (folded: _name making _allNames via _allNames + "/" + _name, ...(history: ))) This macro uses a lambda (which is the "temp variable ''%%making%%'' another temp variable ''%%via%%'' expression" expression) to run the expression using every provided value, much like those repeated [[harlowe:set|(set:)]] calls. If you need to perform this operation at various different times in your story, you may wish to [[harlowe:set|(set:)]] the lambda into a variable, so that you, for instance, might need only write: You've visited: (folded: $namesWithForwardSlashes, ...(history: ))) === Details: === Of course, if at any time the expression should cause an error, such as adding a [[harlowe:number|number]] to a string, then an error will result. Both of the temp variables, the value and the total, can be named anything you want. As with other lambda macros, they don't exist outside of it, won't alter identically-named temp variables outside of it, and can't be manually [[harlowe:set|(set:)]] within the lambda. You can refer to other variables, including other temp variables, in the ''%%via%%'' expression. For instance, you can write ''%%(folded: _score making _totalScore via _totalScore + _score * _bonusMultiplier)%%''. However, for obvious reasons, if the outer temp variable is named the same as the lambda's temp variables, it can't be referred to in the expression. You can also use a "where" clause inside the "making" lambda to prevent an operation from occurring if a value isn't suitable - ''%%(folded: _item making _total via _total + _item where _item > 0, ...$arr)%%'' will only sum up the values in $arr which are greater than 0. === See also: === [[harlowe:for|(for:)]], [[harlowe:altered|(altered:)]]