**(else: ////) -> //[[harlowe:Changer|changer]]//** This is a convenient limited variant of the [[harlowe:else-if|(else-if:)]] macro. It will simply show the attached hook if the preceding hook was hidden, and hide it otherwise. If there was no preceding hook before this, then an error message will be printed. === Rationale: === After you've written a series of hooks guarded by [[harlowe:if|(if:)]] and [[harlowe:else-if|(else-if:)]], you'll often have one final branch to show, when none of the above have been shown. (else:) is the "none of the above" variant of [[harlowe:else-if|(else-if:)]], which needs no [[harlowe:boolean|boolean]] expression to be provided. It's essentially the same as ''%%(else-if: true)%%'', but shorter and more readable. For more information, see the documentation of [[harlowe:else-if|(else-if:)]]. === Notes: === Just like the [[harlowe:if|(if:)]] macro, (else:) only checks its condition once, when the passage or hook contaning it is rendered. Due to a mysterious quirk, it's possible to use multiple (else:) macro calls in succession: $isUtterlyEvil[You suddenly grip their ankles and spread your warm smile into a searing smirk.] (else:​)[In silence, you gently, reverently rub their soles.] (else:​)[Before they can react, you unleash a typhoon of tickles!] (else:​)[They sigh contentedly, filling your pious heart with joy.] This usage can result in a somewhat puzzling passage source structure, where each (else:) hook alternates between visible and hidden depending on the first such hook. So, it is best avoided. If you attach (else:) to a named hook, and the (else:) hides the hook, you can reveal the hook later in the passage by using the [[harlowe:show|(show:)]] macro to target the hook. === See also: === [[harlowe:if|(if:)]], [[harlowe:unless|(unless:)]], [[harlowe:else-if|(else-if:)]], [[harlowe:hidden|(hidden:)]]