**(css: // [[harlowe:String|String]]//) -> //[[harlowe:Changer|Changer]]//** This takes a [[harlowe:string|string]] of inline CSS, and applies it to the hook, as if it were a HTML "style" property. === Usage example: === (css: "background-color:indigo") === Rationale: === The built-in macros for layout and styling hooks, such as [[harlowe:text-style|(text-style:)]], are powerful and geared toward ease-of-use, but do not entirely provide comprehensive access to the browser's styling. This [[harlowe:Changer|Changer]] macro allows extended styling, using inline CSS, to be applied to hooks. This is, however, intended solely as a "macro of last resort" - as it requires basic knowledge of CSS - a separate language distinct from Harlowe - to use, and requires it be provided a single inert string, it's not as accommodating as the other such macros. === See also: === [[harlowe:text-style|(text-style:)]]