====Column markup==== Column markup is, like aligner markup, a special single-line token which indicates that the subsequent text should be laid out in columns. They consist of a number of ''%%|%%'' marks, indicating the size of the column relative to the other columns - the total width of all columns equals the page width, and this is divided among the columns by their ''%%|%%'' marks. They also have a number of ''%%=%%'' marks surrounding it, indicating the size of the column's margins in CSS "em" units (which are about the width of a capital M). All text from the token onward, until the next token is encountered, is contained in the specified column. A ''%%|==|%%'' token ends the set of columns and returns the page to normal. Columns are currently laid out from left to right, in order of appearance. Any amount of [[harlowe:whitespace|whitespace]] is permitted before or after each token, as long as it is on a single line. === Example usage: === |== This is in the leftmost column, which has a right margin of about 2 letters wide. =|||= This is in the next column, which has margins of 1 letter wide. It is three times as wide as the left column. =====|| This is in the right column, which has a right margin of about 5 letters wide. It is twice as wide as the left column. |==| This text is not in columns, but takes up the entire width, as usual. You can create nested columns by enclosing the inner set of columns in an unnamed hook, like so: |== This is the outer left column. ==| This is outer right column. [ |== This is the inner left column, inside the outer right column. ==| This is the inner right column, inside the outer right column. ]