**(click-goto: //[[harlowe:hookname|HookName]] or [[harlowe:string|String]], String//) → //[[harlowe:command|Command]]//** A special shorthand combination of the [[harlowe:click|(click:)]] and [[harlowe:go-to|(go-to:)]] macros, this allows you to make a hook or bit of text into a passage link. ''%%(click-goto: ?1, 'Passage Name')%%'' is equivalent to ''%%(click: ?1)[(goto:'Passage Name')]%%'' === Example usage: === ''%%Time to get in your crimchair, plug in your crimphones, power up your crimrig and your crimgrip - the next page in your crimming career awaits. (click-goto: "crim", "Explanation Passage").%%'' === See also: === [[harlowe:link-goto|(link-goto:)]]