====Changer data==== Changer [[harlowe:Command|commands]] (changers) are similar to ordinary commands, but they only have an effect when they're attached to hooks, and modify the hook in a certain manner. Macros that work like this include [[harlowe:text-style|(text-style:)]], [[harlowe:font|(font:)]], [[harlowe:t8n|(t8n:)]], [[harlowe:text-rotate|(text-rotate:)]], [[harlowe:hook|(hook:)]], [[harlowe:click|(click:)]], [[harlowe:link|(link:)]], [[harlowe:for|(for:)]], [[harlowe:if|(if:)]], and more. (if: $sawDuckHarbinger)[You still remember spying the black duck, harbinger of doom.] (t8n-depart: "dissolve")[[Return to the present]] You can save changer commands into variables, and re-use them many times in your story: (set: $robotic to (font:'Courier New')) $robotic[Hi, it's me. Your clanky, cold friend.] Alternatively, you may prefer to use the [[harlowe:enchant|(enchant:)]] macro to accomplish the same thing using only hook names: |robotic>[Hi, it's me. Your clanky, cold friend.] (enchant: ?robotic, (font:'Courier New')) Changers can be combined using the ''%%+%%'' operator: ''%%(text-colour: red) + (font: "Courier New")[This text is red Courier New.]%%'' styles the text using both changers at once. These combined changers, too, can be saved in variables or used with [[harlowe:enchant|(enchant:)]]. (set: _alertText to (font:"Courier New") + (text-style: "shudder") + (text-colour:"#e74")) _alertText[Social alert: no one read the emails you sent yesterday.] _alertText[Arithmetic error: I forgot my seven-times-tables.]