**(background: // [[harlowe:Colour|colour]] or [[harlowe:String|String]]//) -> //[[harlowe:Changer|Changer]]//** This styling [[harlowe:Command|Command]] alters the background [[harlowe:colour|colour]] or background image of the attached hook. Supplying a colour, or a [[harlowe:string|string]] contanining a CSS hexadecimal colour (such as ''%%#A6A612%%'') will set the background to a flat colour. Other strings will be interpreted as an image URL, and the background will be set to it. === Example usage: === * ''%%(background: red + white)[Pink background]%%'' * ''%%(background: "#663399")[Purple background]%%'' * ''%%(background: "marble.png")[Marble texture background]%%'' === Details: === Combining two (background:) commands will do nothing if they both influence the colour or the image. For instance ''%%(background:red) + (background:white)%%'' will simply produce the equivalent ''%%(background:white)%%''. However, ''%%(background:red) + (background:"mottled.png")%%'' will work as intended if the background image contains transparency, allowing the background colour to appear through it. Currently, supplying other CSS colour names (such as ''%%burlywood%%'') is not permitted - they will be interpreted as image URLs regardless. No error will be reported if the image at the given URL cannot be accessed. === See also: === [[harlowe:colour|(colour:)]]