====Aligner markup==== An aligner is a special single-line token which specifies the alignment of the subsequent text. It is essentially 'modal' - all text from the token onward (until another aligner is encountered) is wrapped in a ''%%%%'' element (or unwrapped in the case of left-alignment, as that is the default). * Right-alignment, resembling ''%%==>%%'' is produced with 2 or more ''%%=%%''s followed by a ''%%>%%''. * Left-alignment, resembling ''%%<==%%'' is restored with a ''%%<%%'' followed by 2 or more ''%%=%%''. * Justified alignment, resembling ''%%<==>%%'' is produced with ''%%<%%'', 2 or more ''%%=%%'', and a closing ''%%>%%''. * Mixed alignment is 1 or more ''%%=%%'', then ''%%><%%'', then 1 or more ''%%=%%''. The ratio of quantity of left ''%%=%%''s and right ''%%=%%''s determines the alignment: for instance, one ''%%=%%'' to the left and three ''%%=%%''s to the right produces 25% left alignment. Any amount of [[harlowe:whitespace|whitespace]] is permitted before or after each token, as long as it is on a single line. === Example usage: === ==> This is right-aligned =><= This is centered <==> This is justified <== This is left-aligned (undoes the above) ===><= This has margins 3/4 left, 1/4 right =><===== This has margins 1/6 left, 5/6 right.