===== One-Time Setup ===== As the title indicates, you only need to complete the steps in this section once on your computer. You will need to be connected to the Internet. If your computer is set up so that it hides file name extensions (as both Windows and OS X do), consider turning that off. It can be confusing to troubleshoot problems -- you can end up with files that have multiple extensions, like Gruntfile.js.txt. * [[http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/show-hide-file-name-extensions|How to change this in Windows]] * [[https://support.apple.com/kb/PH22182|How to change this in OS X]] - Download the LTS version of Node from [[https://nodejs.org|the official web site]] and install it by opening the file you download. LTS stands for "long-term support" -- it lags behind the most current version, but is better-tested. - Open a terminal window. - On Windows, make sure to do this by following this path of options from the Start menu: Start -> All Programs -> Node.js -> Node.js command prompt. Doing so will make sure that Node is properly available to you. - On OS X, open the Terminal application that's in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder. - On Linux, how you open a terminal window depends on what distribution you're using. On Ubuntu, look under Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal. - Type ''npm install -g grunt-cli'' and press the Enter key. This command asks npm -- short for the Node Package Manager -- to install Grunt for you. The ''-g'' part ensures that you'll be able to use Grunt in any project you create in the future. The G is short for "global." npm will print out text as it installs Grunt, and it's normal for it to pause for a moment after you press Enter before printing any response. What it's doing is consulting a global repository to find the files you need -- a lot more convenient than you having to hunt around on the Web and run a separate installer. When you see the prompt again after it completes, you're done.