/* MAKECPIP EXEC Make program to build a C/370 module */ /* Author: George Petrov, 29 Sep 1994 */ arg fn . '(' cparms /* Filter name */ 'pipe (end ?) < 'fn' makefile', /* get all source files from */ '| frlab GLOBALS:'||, '| drop', '| strip', '| var globals' cparms = cparms globals say '' say 'Compile options : 'cparms say '' if pos('REB',cparms) > 0 then do parse var cparms cp1 'REB' . ' ' cp2 /* REBuild options specified ? */ cparms = cp1||cp2 pipe1=, 'pipe (end ?) < 'fn' makefile', /* get all source files from */ '| nfind *'||, /* the makefile and compile */ '| frlab TEXT:'||, /* only the those who are */ '| r: tolab MODULE:'||, /* changed or never compiled */ '| drop', '| o: fanout', '| chop before str /(/', '| statew', '| c: fanout', /* compiled */ '| specs /Compiling / 1 w1-3 n / .../ n', '| cons' end else do pipe1=, 'pipe (end ?) < 'fn' makefile', /* get all source files from */ '| nfind *'||, /* the makefile and compile */ '| frlab TEXT:'||, /* only the those who are */ '| r: tolab MODULE:'||, /* changed or never compiled */ '| drop', '| o: fanout', '| specs w1 1 /C/ nw w3 nw write w1 1 /TEXT A/ nw', '| chop before str /(/', '| statew', '| change (57 66) / /0/', '| sort 1.8 d', /* sort the date and time */ '| uniq 1-17 singles', /* if the first is a source */ '| sort 1.8 d 64.2 d 57.2 d 60.2 d 66.8 d', /* sort the date */ '| uniq 1-8 first', /* if the first is a source */ '| locate 9.8 /C /', /* program then it has to be */ '| c: fanout', /* compiled */ '| specs /Compiling / 1 w1-3 n / .../ n', '| cons' end pipe2= '?', 'r:', '| drop', '| specs w1 1', /* save the module name in var */ '| var module', '?', 'o:', '| specs w1 1', '| join * / /', '| var texts', /* save all the text file names */ '?', /* for later include */ 'c:', '| specs /CC / 1 w1-3 n /(NOTERM 'cparms'/ nw', /* compile! */ '| err: cms | cons', '?', 'err:', '| nfind 0'||, '| var err', '| specs /----> Errors found! RC=/ 1 1-* n', '| cons' /* '| g: gate'*/ pipe1 pipe2 say '' if symbol('err') = 'VAR' & err ^= 0 then do say 'Errors found in source files - link aborted! RC = 'err exit err end say 'Generating module 'module 'pipe cms cmod' fn texts' | > 'fn' LINK A' exit rc error: say 'Error in REXX detected!' Say 'Syntax error on line' Sigl':' Sourceline(Sigl) Say 'Error was:' Errortext(RC) return rc