STARTING_ROOM 43 ROOM 43 Thick woods NORTH 43 SOUTH 4 EAST 43 WEST 2 ROOM_SYNONYMS CHANGE_LOCATIONS CLIMB GO KEY 201 (* will cause 'CLIMB or GO TREE' to go to location 3 -- top of tree *) SPECIAL 3 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 43 You are in the midst of a thick woods. The ground is damp with dew. The night air is chilly and you shiver from the cold. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 43 Be adventurous!! END_HELP NOUN 201 trees large There are large trees all around you. LOCATION 43 UNMOVABLE PLURAL NOUN_SYNONYMS TREE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 201 The trees around you are mostly large oaks. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 280 paper crumpled-up You see a crumpled-up piece of paper with writing on it. READABLE LOCATION 43 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 280 As you uncrumple the paper, you see that the letters are quite faded and difficult to read. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 280 This adventure game was created using the Adventure Game Toolkit. A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT The ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT (AGT) is designed to allow a game designer/writer to create and play his/her own high-quality text adventure games. Once created, these adventure games can be shared with and enjoyed by others -- even if they do not have a copy of the Adventure Game Toolkit themselves. Using AGT the game developer can create two distinct levels of adventure games: STANDARD LEVEL games that require no programming experience (honestly!!), only a fertile imagination. These Standard Level games only require that the game designer/writer generates the game using a word processor or text editor to describe the various locations, objects and results of actions that collectively make up the game. PROFESSIONAL LEVEL games that also make use of AGT's special adventure game metalanguage to create games as complex and rich as the game designer's imagination and prose style will allow. These games should be technically comparable with the published text adventure games from firms like Infocom. FEATURES OF THE ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT AGT has a number of features that make it a very comprehensive adventure game creation product. Some of these key features are: * "Look and feel" of Infocom adventure games with similar screen layout and standard vocabulary and routines. * Large standard vocabulary with potential to define many more words unique to a specific adventure. Typical games can have a vocabulary of 500 words or more. * Sophisticated parser that can understand (1) complex input commands including pronouns (IT, HIM, HER, THEM, MY and ITS), and (2) compound commands separated by AND or THEN or punctuation symbols, and (3) commands addressed to characters within the game. Here are a few examples of commands AGT can handle with ease: GET THE FLASH LIGHT AND THEN SWITCH IT ON PUT ON THE CLOAK, THEN EXAMINE IT; READ ITS LABEL PLACE THE GREEN ROCK AND THE SMALL PEBBLE BEHIND THE TREE ENTER THE HOUSE; GET ALL; EXIT; SOUTH; SOUTH THEN DOWN SULU, SET A COURSE FOR ALPHA 14 SCOTTY, BEAM DOWN A TRICORDER AND THE QWERTY MODULE DROP THE FOOD, THE KEY AND THE BOTTLE THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR WITH THE BRASS KEY AND THEN LEAVE * Function and cursor keys predefined to input frequently used commands and move directions. * SCRIPT and UNSCRIPT commands to echo game output to printer. * Versions for IBM, Macintosh, Atari ST and Amiga. Games created on one of these computers can be played on all of the other computers without making any modifications to the game. WHAT THE REVIEWERS HAVE SAID ABOUT THE ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT "Using the Adventure Game Toolkit, anyone with an ounce of imagination can create a text adventure game ... similar in layout and sophistication to those made by Infocom and other commercial developers." -- Donald B. Trivette in PC Magazine (January 17, 1989) "The Adventure Game Toolkit (AGT) acts as a compiler which allows for creating remarkably complex and sophisticated games in a fairly simple way .... AGT's parser reminds me of Infocom's." -- Scorpia in Computer Gaming World (February 1989) "If you have ever wondered what it is like to create your own adventure games, but didn't have the programming knowledge to do it, this product is for you .... The process is easy ... and you'll have hours of fun doing it." -- Resul DeMaria in Public Domain Software & Shareware "The Adventure Game Toolkit from Softworks ... provides all the tools you need to build your own text based adventure games .... The Adventure Game Toolkit is an extremely powerful development package." -- Bob Napp in Big Blue Disk #30 AGT was recently award the Adventure & Strategy Club (of England) "Golden Chalice" award. THE ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT IS NOW "FREEWARE" AGT is now "freeware." This means that the authors, David Malmberg and Mark Welch, still retain the copyright to AGT and all of its related files, such as the documentations and sample games. However, you or any other user may use the AGT system to develop and distribute your own games without paying any royalty to the AGT authors. So enjoy!! END_TEXT NOUN 274 egg golden You see a golden egg. LOCATION 200 (* in the bird's nest *) EDIBLE POINTS 25 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 274 The egg is made of gold. It is not very heavy, so it must be hollow. When you shake it, you can hear something inside. END_NOUN_DESCR SPECIAL 3 You struggle up branch by branch till you reach the tallest part of the tree. END_SPECIAL ROOM 2 Dense forest NORTH 2 SOUTH 4 EAST 43 WEST 5 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 2 You are in a dense part of the forest. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 202 Trees thick The trees are quite thick here. LOCATION 2 UNMOVABLE PLURAL NOUN_SYNONYMS TREE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 202 The trees around you are mostly large oaks. There are also a few pines. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 3 Tree top DOWN 43 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 3 You are perched somewhat precariously on a limb near the top of a tall tree. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 200 Nest Bird's There is a bird's nest here. LOCATION 3 WEIGHT 2 SIZE 5 CLOSABLE OPEN END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 200 The nest is made of twigs and is fairly small. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 263 castle distant You can see the castle in the moonlight to the south through the trees. LOCATION 3 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 263 The castle looks quite sinister and foreboding. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 4 Water's edge NORTH 43 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD SWIM (* causes player to go into water *) SPECIAL 13 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 4 You are by the edge of the moat surrounding the Baron's castle. The woods are to the north. The castle is south across the water in the moat. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 4 You need some exercise. END_HELP NOUN 206 sign large There is a large sign here. READABLE LOCATION 4 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 206 It is a large sign made out of wood with letters painted on the side. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 206 In letters almost a foot high, the sign proclaims: DANGER!! -- No Swimming! END_TEXT NOUN 211 castle Baron's The Baron's castle looms ominously and forebodingly across the water. LOCATION 4 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 211 The castle looks quite sinister and foreboding. You shiver with fear at the thought of what awaits you inside. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 212 Drawbridge up The drawbridge is up and there is no way across to the castle. LOCATION 4 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS BRIDGE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 212 The drawbridge has been drawn up into the castle. When it is down, you would be able to just walk across it to get in and out of the castle. Now that it is up, there does not appear to be any way to get across the moat and into the castle. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 240 water muddy There is muddy water in the moat. LOCATION 4 UNMOVABLE DRINKABLE POISONOUS END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 240 The water looks dirty and impotable. You wouldn't want to swim in it or to drink it. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 5 Clearing EAST 2 NORTH 12 ROOM_SYNONYMS CHANGE_LOCATIONS CLIMB GO WALK TREK KEY 205 (* will cause 'GO CAVE' to go to location 6 -- mouth of cave *) SPECIAL 6 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 5 You are in a clearing by the side of a small hill. There is a path to the north that meanders up the hill. The woods are to the east. END_ROOM_DESCR SPECIAL 6 You walk across the clearing and climb up to the mouth of the cave. END_SPECIAL NOUN 205 cave small In the moonlight you just make out a small cave at the foot of the hill. LOCATION 5 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 205 You can't see much from here. Perhaps, you should go over to the cave and explore further. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 6 By cave EAST 5 ENTER 7 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 6 You are by the entrance to a cave. The opening looks dark and foreboding. There is a clearing to the east by the edge of the forest. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 203 torch unlit There is an unlit torch nearby. LOCATION 6 WEIGHT 5 SIZE 12 (* will not fit in knapsack *) IS_LIGHT END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 203 The torch is about 3 feet long and has rags tied around one end. The rags have been soaked in oil and should burn easily. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 7 Large cavern SOUTH 8 EAST 6 NORTHWEST 8 SOUTHWEST 7 WEST 7 UP 7 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 7 You are in a large cavern within the cave. Tunnels are everywhere. It is very confusing and you are uncertain which way to go. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 8 Small cavern NORTH 7 SOUTH 8 EAST 7 WEST 8 UP 9 DOWN 8 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 8 You are in a small cavern. Tunnels and openings lead off in all directions. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 9 Low passageway NORTH 8 SOUTH 8 EAST 8 WEST 10 UP 9 DOWN 8 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 9 You are in a low passageway with tunnels exiting on all sides. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 204 rope long There is a long rope with a grappling hook on the end. LOCATION 12 WEIGHT 10 SIZE 5 NOUN_SYNONYMS GRAPPLING HOOK END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 204 The rope is about 50 feet long with a grappling hook attached at one end. The hook has three prongs and looks like it could come in handy. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 10 Large cavern EAST 9 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 10 You are in a very large cavern with high sheer walls. A passage leads off to the east. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 220 pills red There are some red pills nearby. LOCATION 10 (* i.e., in cavern *) WEIGHT 2 READABLE EDIBLE POISONOUS NOUN_SYNONYMS PILL WRITING PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 220 The pills are bright red. Looking closer, you can make out some writing on the side of each pill. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 220 In very tiny letters, you can just barely read: McKesson Magic Sleeping Pills --- Take only as prescribed! END_TEXT NOUN 269 walls cavern The cavern walls are quite steep. You can't see any way to climb them. LOCATION 10 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS WALL PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 269 The walls are very steep and quite smooth. You can't see any hand or foot holds. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 219 opening small There is an opening in the wall -- high up near the roof of the cavern. LOCATION 10 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 219 You see a dim light shining out of the opening, but it is too high and far to see more. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 11 Small room SOUTH 42 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 11 You are in a small room carved into the sheer wall. The south part of the room is totally open and looks out on to the cavern floor far below. Be careful not to go south! END_ROOM_DESCR CREATURE 301 guard Baron's You see one of the Baron's guards. He looks very angry. LOCATION 11 HOSTILE MAN END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 301 The guard is about 6 foot 8 inches tall, but he appears even bigger as he looms over you. He looks mean and is rather ugly. END_CREATURE_DESCR NOUN 213 door oak There is a closed oak door against the north wall. LOCATION 11 UNMOVABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKABLE LOCKED KEY 233 (* harp tuning key *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 213 The doors here all look pretty much like doors. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 12 Top of hill NORTH 2 SOUTH 43 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 12 You are on the top of a small hill. You can see the castle to the south beyond the woods. There are also woods to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 218 sign small There is a small sign here. LOCATION 12 READABLE UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 218 It is a fairly ordinary sign made out of wood with letters painted on the side. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 218 In big letters the sign says: Bring all the Baron's treasures here and DROP them to win game! (Be sure to rescue the princess too!) END_TEXT ROOM 13 In water NORTH 4 SOUTH 14 END_ROOM SPECIAL 13 You step gingerly into the water around the moat and wade into the center where the water is deep and murky. The water smells quite foul and you see pieces of garbage from the castle floating around you. END_SPECIAL ROOM_DESCR 13 You are wadding in the murky water. It is cold. The castle is south and the woods are north. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 217 piranha man-eating There is a school of man-eating piranha swimming nearby. LOCATION 13 EDIBLE POISONOUS UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS FISH SCHOOL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 217 The school of piranha is swimming around you. There are lots of them. They look quite hungry. You had better get out of here fast. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 14 Outer wall NORTH 13 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD SWIM (* causes player to go into water *) SPECIAL 13 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 14 You are on a small ledge of earth at the foot of the castle wall. There is no obvious place to explore other than to go swimming again. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 268 wall castle The castle wall is smooth and quite high. You can't see any way to climb it. LOCATION 14 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN ROOM 15 Catwalk EAST 18 UP 16 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 15 You are on a catwalk near the west tower. A flight of stairs leads up to the west tower. An open doorway leads east to the main part of the castle. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 16 Small chamber WEST 17 DOWN 15 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 16 You are in a small chamber in the west tower. Stairs lead down to the catwalk. A door is open to the west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 17 Guard's quarters EAST 16 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 17 You are in the guard's quarters. It looks like a pig sty -- it is so messy. The door is to the east. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 17 Leave quickly. It is very dangerous to linger here! END_HELP NOUN 227 axe battle You see a large, sharp battle axe. LOCATION 17 WEIGHT 15 SIZE 12 (* will not fit in knapsack *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 227 The axe is about 3 feet long and is quite heavy. Its blade is razor sharp and you cut yourself on the finger when you touch it. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 18 West hall EAST 20 WEST 15 DOWN 19 SPECIAL 22 KEY 235 (* push fireplace to go to secret passage -- room 22 *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 18 You are in the west end of the great hall. A door is open to the west. Stairs lead down to the castle courtyard. More of the great hall lies to the east. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 235 fireplace large A large fireplace covers one wall. There is no fire, and it is chilly. LOCATION 18 UNMOVABLE PUSHABLE CLOSEABLE OPEN SIZE 50 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 235 The fireplace covers most of one wall. As you look around the edge of the fireplace, you discover that it is hinged to the wall, so that if you pushed the fireplace, it should move. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 267 wood fire There is an abundance of fire wood. LOCATION 235 (* in fireplace *) WEIGHT 40 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 267 The wood is oak. There is a great deal of it. END_NOUN_DESCR SPECIAL 22 As you push the fireplace, it pivots to revel a secret passage. You slip into the passage and the wall closes behind you. END_SPECIAL ROOM 19 Courtyard NORTH 23 UP 18 EAST 21 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 19 You are in the middle of the castle courtyard. Stairs lead up to the great hall. To the east there is an open doorway. The stables are to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 229 rope thick A thick rope holds the drawbridge up. LOCATION 19 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 229 The rope is quite thick. It holds the drawbridge up. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 20 East hall NORTH 21 WEST 18 UP 24 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 20 You are in the east end of the great hall. Stairs lead up. An open doorway lies to the north. More of the great hall is to west. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 222 harp antique There is a beautiful antique harp in the corner. LOCATION 20 PLAYABLE WEIGHT 80 SIZE 80 NOUN_SYNONYMS MUSIC INSTRUMENT BALLADS BALLAD END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 222 The harp is about 4 feet tall and quite old. It is made out of wood with lots of cat gut strings. It is a little out of tune. END_NOUN_DESCR PLAY_DESCR 222 The harp is a little out of tune, but you manage to pick out a few simple tunes, mostly Irish ballads. I sincerely hope you are a better adventurer than you are a musician! END_PLAY_DESCR ROOM 21 Kitchen SOUTH 20 WEST 19 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 21 You are in the kitchen. An open doorway is to the south. The castle courtyard is to the west. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 208 matches soggy There is a box of soggy matches here. LOCATION 21 WEIGHT 2 SIZE 2 NOUN_SYNONYMS MATCH PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 208 The matches are too wet to light. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 225 food good A vast array of delicious-looking food is spread out before you. LOCATION 21 WEIGHT 15 SIZE 8 EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 225 The food looks absolutely mouth watering! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 226 wine good There is a rich assortment of fine wines here. LOCATION 21 WEIGHT 10 SIZE 8 DRINKABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 226 The wine has a very pleasant bouquet. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 22 Passage SPECIAL 18 KEY 268 (* push button to go into great hall fireplace *) DOWN 25 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 22 You are in a secret passage behind the fireplace. It is cold, dark and dingy. You can't help but shiver. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 268 button large There is a large button next to the movable wall. PUSHABLE LOCATION 22 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 268 The button is round and says "PUSH TO OPEN" in small letters. END_NOUN_DESCR SPECIAL 18 As you push the button, the wall pivots and opens to reveal the great hall. You slip through into the room and stand next to the fireplace. END_SPECIAL ROOM 23 Stables SOUTH 19 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 23 You are in the stables. It smells awful in here. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 23 Reading improves the mind. END_HELP NOUN 228 graffiti dirty The walls are covered with graffiti. READABLE LOCATION 23 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 228 The graffiti is messy. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 228 The graffiti is hard to read, but you can make out the following: The baron sucks eggs! Olaf the guard is a sissy! Maid Marian loves Robin Hood Beware the gold bars! END_TEXT CREATURE 303 horse best You see the Baron's best horse. LOCATION 23 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 303 The horse is a bay about 16 hands high. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 304 horse Baron's You see the Baron's horse is grazing nearby. LOCATION 0 POINTS 15 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 304 The horse is a bay about 16 hands high. END_CREATURE_DESCR ROOM 24 Private chambers UP 26 DOWN 20 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 24 You are in the Baron's private chambers. Stairs lead down to the great hall. Another set of stairs leads up to the east tower. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 24 Reading improves the mind. END_HELP NOUN 230 armor silver The Baron's silver suit of armor stands nearby. LOCATION 24 WEIGHT 25 SIZE 25 WEARABLE POINTS 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 230 The armor is quite fancy, but it still looks like it would be useful in a fight. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 223 bookcase full A bookcase filled with classics covers the wall. LOCATION 24 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 223 The bookcase covers most of one wall and is quite full of a wide variety of books -- mostly classics. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 276 key brass There is a an old brass key here. LOCATION 24 (* in Baron's private chamber *) POINTS 15 WEIGHT 2 SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 276 The key is made of brass and is quite old. It has started to turn green. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 25 Tunnel UP 22 DOWN 27 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 25 You are in a low tunnel that slopes downward. You see an strange light down at the lowest part of the tunnel. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 26 Turret room DOWN 24 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 26 You are in the turret room of the east tower. A flight of stairs leads down to the Baron's private chambers. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 27 Crypt UP 25 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 27 You are in the Baron's family crypt. The room is musty and smells moldy. It is a creepy and evil place. You can't help but shudder from fear. A dark tunnel slopes upward from one end of the room. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 241 urn jeweled You see a jeweled urn. LOCATION 27 WEIGHT 20 SIZE 8 POINTS 20 READABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 241 The urn is encrusted with gems and precious stones. There is some writing on the side. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 241 Engraved in fancy letters on the side of the urn: Last remains of Baroness Mary von Evil Died in childbirth -- April 1, 1487 END_TEXT NOUN 277 ashes gray You see some gray ashes. LOCATION 241 (* inside the urn *) WEIGHT 1 SIZE 1 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 277 The ashes are gray and you suspect they are the remains of the late Baroness Mary von Evil. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 242 coffin closed A large closed coffin sits against one wall. LOCATION 27 WEIGHT 2000 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 242 The coffin is quite large. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 244 bones moldy There are quite a few moldy bones scattered on the floor. LOCATION 27 WEIGHT 8 SIZE 8 NOUN_SYNONYMS BONE PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 244 The head bone is connected to the neck bone. The neck bone is connected to the back bone. The back bone is connected to the front bone. etc. etc. ... END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 245 skull large There is a large skull nearby. LOCATION 27 WEIGHT 10 SIZE 5 POINTS 15 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 245 The skull is rather small and ugly. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 264 cobwebs silky There are cobwebs everywhere. LOCATION 27 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS COBWEB PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 264 Be careful! You see a poisonous spider crawling toward you in the cobwebs. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 28 Cavern EAST 29 UP 27 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 28 You are in a cavern with iridescent glowing walls. A stairway leads up. There is an opening to the east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 29 Odd room SOUTH 30 WEST 28 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 29 You are in an odd-shaped room with a strange smell. It is dark and musty. There are openings to the west and to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 29 Leave quickly. It is very dangerous to linger here! END_HELP NOUN 278 plaque brass There is a brass plaque mounted on the north wall of the room. LOCATION 29 WEIGHT 200 READABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 278 It is a fancy plaque of polished brass with engraved lettering. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 278 Engraved in fancy letters on the brass plaque: ** Vampire Bat Nursery Room ** These bats are very dangerous -- be careful! END_TEXT NOUN 247 rubies precious There is a large bag of precious rubies. LOCATION 29 WEIGHT 10 SIZE 2 POINTS 20 NOUN_SYNONYMS BAG RUBY PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 247 The bag is almost overflowing with very precious stones. The rubies are all quite large and bright red. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 30 North ledge NORTH 29 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 30 You are on a ledge overlooking a deep and wide chasm. It is too wide to jump. Peering down into the chasm, you can just barely see the bottom far below. There is only one exit from the room and it is an opening to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 30 Maybe you should try to throw something useful across the chasm! END_HELP NOUN 258 ledge south You see a narrow ledge on the other side of the chasm. LOCATION 30 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS CHASM END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 258 The ledge juts out over the chasm. You don't see how to get across to the ledge. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 31 East cavern NORTH 32 SOUTH 11 WEST 34 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 31 You are in the east end of a large cavern. There is a doorway to the south. You can see a tunnel leading off to the north. Another part of the cavern can be seen to the west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 32 Cross roads NORTH 33 SOUTH 31 DOWN 35 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 32 You are at a wide spot in a long tunnel. Openings lead north, south, and down. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 248 sign large There is a large sign mounted on the side of the tunnel. READABLE LOCATION 32 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 248 It is a rather ordinary sign made out of wood with letters painted on the side. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 248 In very big letters the sign warns: DANGER!! -- Go back before it is too late! END_TEXT ROOM 33 IBM ROMs GAME_END END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 33 You are lost in your IBM-PC's ROMs. Above you can see the ROM-BIOS. In the distance, you can see Peter Norton disassembling some of the ROM routines. He seems quite busy and ignores your pleas for help. Finally, you resign yourself to your fate. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 34 West cavern NORTH 35 EAST 31 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 34 You are in the west end of a large cavern. A doorway is to the north. More of the cavern is to the east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 35 Stronghold SOUTH 34 EAST 36 UP 32 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 35 You are in the Baron's secret stronghold. A passage slopes up into the darkness. Doorways lead south and east. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 249 chest treasure You see a jewel-encrusted, golden treasure chest. LOCATION 35 WEIGHT 30 SIZE 30 CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKABLE LOCKED KEY 276 (* Brass key *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 249 The chest is made out of gold and has been encrusted with many precious jewels. The chest is about one foot square. A key hole is in the center of the top of the chest. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 275 coins gold You see hundreds of gold coins. LOCATION 249 (* in the treasure chest *) POINTS 25 WEIGHT 20 SIZE 20 PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 275 The coins are made out of gold. There are hundreds of them. They all bear a picture of the Baron on one side and a picture of the castle on the other side. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 265 cobwebs silky There are cobwebs everywhere. LOCATION 35 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS COBWEB PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 265 Be careful! You see a poisonous spider crawling toward you in the cobwebs. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 36 South ledge WEST 35 LIGHT 210 (* Blazing torch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 36 You are on a ledge overlooking a deep and wide chasm. It is too wide to jump. Peering down into the chasm, you can just barely see the bottom far below. There is only one exit from the room and it is an opening to the west. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 36 Maybe you should try to throw something useful across the chasm! END_HELP NOUN 250 ladder long There is a long ladder here. LOCATION 36 WEIGHT 50 SIZE 50 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 250 The ladder is made out of wood and is about 10 feet long. It is quite heavy. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 257 ledge north You see another ledge on the north side of the chasm. LOCATION 36 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS CHASM END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 257 The ledge juts out over the chasm. You don't see how to get across to the ledge. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 37 Treasure room ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD IVANHOE (* causes player to escape room *) SPECIAL 38 WEST 40 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 37 You are in the Baron's treasure room. END_ROOM_DESCR SPECIAL 37 Saying the magic word causes you to be transported instantly to... END_SPECIAL HELP 37 You may need magic here! END_HELP NOUN 251 bars gold There are many gold bars here. LOCATION 37 WEIGHT 40 SIZE 30 POINTS 25 NOUN_SYNONYMS GOLD BAR PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 251 The bars are made of gold and are quite heavy. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 252 cross silver You see a small silver cross on a silver chain. LOCATION 37 WEIGHT 5 SIZE 2 POINTS 25 WEARABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS CHAIN END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 252 The cross is silver and hangs in the center of the chain. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 254 doorway open There is an open doorway in the middle of the west wall. LOCATION 37 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS DOOR END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 254 The doors here all look pretty much like doors. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 38 Twisting tunnel NORTH 38 SOUTH 39 UP 38 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD IVANHOE (* causes player to go to room 37 *) SPECIAL 37 DOWN 39 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 38 You are in a twisting group of tunnels. Openings lead off in several directions. END_ROOM_DESCR SPECIAL 38 Saying the magic word causes you to be transported instantly to... END_SPECIAL HELP 38 You may need magic here! END_HELP NOUN 266 cobwebs silky There are cobwebs everywhere. LOCATION 38 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS COBWEB PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 266 Be careful! You see a poisonous spider crawling toward you in the cobwebs. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 39 Cell area NORTH 38 SOUTH 39 UP 38 DOWN 39 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD IVANHOE (* causes player to go back to cell *) SPECIAL 41 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 39 You are in a long passageway near a row of cells. The passageway continues north and south. Stairs lead both up and down. END_ROOM_DESCR SPECIAL 39 Saying the magic word causes you to be transported instantly to... END_SPECIAL NOUN 270 door cell A closed cell door is in the middle of the east wall. LOCATION 39 UNMOVABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKED LOCKABLE KEY 253 (* Guard's Keys *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 270 The doors here all look pretty much like doors. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 40 Passageway EAST 37 WEST 24 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 40 You are in a secret passageway. There are exits to the east and to the west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 41 Cell ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD IVANHOE (* causes player to escape from cell *) SPECIAL 39 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 41 You are in a dingy dungeon cell. There is straw on the floor. The cell is cold and damp. You are very depressed by just being here. END_ROOM_DESCR SPECIAL 41 Saying the magic word causes you to be transported instantly to... END_SPECIAL CREATURE 300 toad horny You see a horny toad hopping madly about. LOCATION 41 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 300 The toad is sort of brownish-green. It is about 4 inches across. The toad appears somewhat nervous and keeps hopping about. END_CREATURE_DESCR NOUN 256 door oak A closed oak door is at the west end of the cell. LOCATION 41 UNMOVABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKED LOCKABLE KEY 253 (* Guard's Keys *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 256 The doors here all look pretty much like doors. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 42 Limbo NORTH 44 (* wrong guess *) SOUTH 3 (* top of tree *) EAST 33 (* ROMs *) WEST 46 (* cursor disappears *) UP 33 (* ROMs *) DOWN 46 (* cursor disappears *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 42 You have died because you did something either very dangerous and/or very stupid. For now, you are in limbo. Pick a direction and you might return to life and resume your quest. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 44 WRONG GUESS! GAME_END END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 44 Sorry, but guessed wrong!! And the game is now over! END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 45 VICTORY!! POINTS 35 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 45 You have successfully reached the end of CRUSADE ADVENTURE! END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 46 Hardware Failure! GAME_END END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 46 You see smoke rising from the back of your PC. Your disk drive is making a very strange grating sound. The bugs in this program are starting to overcome the good intentions of the programmer. Finally, your cursor begins to fade and flicker...then it disappears altogether and the game is over... END_ROOM_DESCR REM: The rest of these nouns are being worn or are not defined yet NOUN 209 knapsack brown There is a large, brown knapsack here. LOCATION 1000 (* i.e., wearing it *) WEARABLE WEIGHT 10 CLOSABLE CLOSED SIZE 10 NOUN_SYNONYMS FLAP END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 209 The knapsack is about a foot square and is brown. It has a flap which can be opened and closed. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 207 matches wooden There is a box of wooden matches. LOCATION 209 (* i.e., in knapsack *) WEIGHT 2 SIZE 2 NOUN_SYNONYMS MATCH PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 207 The matches are made out of wood. You light one and it lights easily and burns brightly for about a minute before going out. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 210 torch blazing The torch is blazing brightly. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 5 SIZE 12 IS_LIGHT END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 210 The torch is blazing and gives a nice bright light. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 215 leg broken You have a broken leg and are unable to move. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 215 Your leg hurts like the dickens! You are quite discourage because you will need two good legs to rescue the princess and solve this adventure! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 216 drawbridge down The drawbridge is down and crosses over the water in the moat. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS BRIDGE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 216 The drawbridge is now down and you can cross it to go in or out of the castle with ease. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 221 piranha sleepy There is a school of very, very sleepy piranha here. EDIBLE POISONOUS LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS FISH END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 221 The school is quite large and the piranha are all over the place. They are very sleepy -- as if they had been drugged. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 224 passage secret The bookcase has been moved, revealing a secret passage. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS BOOKCASE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 224 The bookcase has been moved out from the wall revealing a secret passage which is so dark that you can't see anything beyond the bookcase. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 231 book hint You see a book of adventure game hints. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 5 SIZE 5 POINTS 15 READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS HINT HINTS SECRET SECRETS END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 231 The book is old and has a leather cover that is cracked with age. The title is "Secrets of Great Adventure Game Players". END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 231 You glance at the table of contents, hoping to discover something. Unfortunately, CRUSADE (i.e., this game) is not included among the games for which the book provides hints. Too bad! You will just have to figure things out for yourself. END_TEXT NOUN 232 book rare You see a rare 1st edition of Sir Walter Scott. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 5 SIZE 5 POINTS 15 READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS SCOTT END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 232 The book has a brown cover that is cracked with age. Inside the front cover is a small bookplate that says: From the library of Baron von Evil. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 232 The book is IVANHOE by Sir Walter Scott. Inside the back cover, someone has written a note that says: IVANHOE IVANHOE IVANHOE Remember this word -- it may come in handy! END_TEXT NOUN 233 key tuning You see a tuning key (normally used to tune a harp). LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 2 SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 233 The tuning key is made of iron and is about 6 inches long. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 234 rope hanging You see a rope hanging down to the ground. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 10 SIZE 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 234 The rope is about 50 feet long. The grappling hook is caught and is quite secure. The rope hangs down and about 10 feet of rope rests on the ground. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 236 fireplace blazing A fireplace with a blazing fire covers one wall. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 236 The fireplace covers most of one wall. A fire is blazing brightly in the fireplace. It is quite warm and toasty! You can't get very close to the fireplace because it is just too hot! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 237 door open An open door is in the center of the north wall. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 237 The doors here all look pretty much like doors. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 238 diamond large There is a large diamond. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 2 SIZE 2 POINTS 15 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 238 The diamond is quite large -- about 100 carets. It is clear and sparkles as the light hits its facets. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 243 coffin open The open coffin reveals a set of stairs leading down. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 2000 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 243 The coffin lid is up and the coffin is open. Inside, there is a set of stairs that lead down into the darkness below. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 246 bats vampire Several giant vampire bats are flying about the room. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 246 The bats are each about a foot across. Their wings make a real racket as they flap around the room. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 253 keys guard's The guard's keys are on the ground. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 2 SIZE 2 NOUN_SYNONYMS KEY PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 253 The guard's keys are made of iron and are attached to an iron ring. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 255 door steel A closed steel door is nearby. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKABLE LOCKED KEY 253 (* Guard's keys *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 255 The doors here all look pretty much like doors. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 259 guard unconscious An unconscious guard lies at your feet. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 200 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 259 The guard's unconscious form lies in a heap at your feet. You have to step over him as you move about the passageway. He looks like he will be out of action for a long time. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 262 doorway open An open doorway is nearby in the center of the west wall of the cell. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS DOOR END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 262 The doorways here all look pretty much like doors. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 271 door open An open doorway to the east leads into a cell. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 271 The doorways here all look pretty much like doors. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 272 wood burnt You see some pieces of burnt wood, the remains of a fire. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 5 SIZE 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 272 The fire has gone out. The wood is charred and soggy. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 273 fire blazing You see a blazing fire. LOCATION 0 UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 273 The fire is blazing brightly. It is warm and toasty! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 279 eggshell cracked You see some pieces of a cracked eggshell. LOCATION 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 279 The pieces were obviously an egg at one time. But now, they are just a bunch of pieces of eggshell. END_NOUN_DESCR CREATURE 302 princess beautiful The beautiful princess is by your side. LOCATION 0 WOMAN POINTS 75 END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 302 The princess is about 5 foot 6 inches tall and about 120 pounds. Her hair is a golden flaxen color and her eyes are clear green pools. She is about 36-21-35. You are in love!! She glares back at you and says, "What are you gawking at, turkey?" "We need to get out of here. Let's get going!" "You can stare at me when we are safely away", she concludes contemptuously. END_CREATURE_DESCR SYNONYMS Dummy_Verb1 KISS HUG LOVE CARESS Dummy_Verb2 GO CLIMB CROSS Dummy_Verb3 RIDE MOUNT Dummy_Verb4 CUT CHOP BREAK CRACK Dummy_Verb5 JUMP Dummy_Verb6 SEARCH FIND Dummy_Verb7 DEBUG Dummy_Verb8 POUR Dummy_Verb9 TUNE END_SYNONYMS INTRODUCTION CRUSADE ADVENTURE by David Malmberg In CRUSADE ADVENTURE you play the role of Godfrey de Goodheart, a bold, but impoverished knight. King Fredrick III has dispatched you to rescue his only daughter, the beautiful Princess Ann, from the dungeons of Baron von Evil's castle. You have also been asked to recapture the Baron's treasure of gold, silver and gems, which he gained by cruelly exploiting his serfs. If you can rescue the princess and return all of the Baron's ill-gotten treasures, King Fredrick has promised you Princess Ann's hand in marriage. Your quest will be filled with peril. The seven lone knights who were sent previously on this crusade all vanished without a trace. If you are to succeed where so many others have failed, you must use all your strength and cunning. And be very lucky!! CRUSADE ADVENTURE was first published in BASIC for Commodore and Apple computers in the November 1982 issue of MICRO magazine. END_INTRODUCTION MAXIMUM_SCORE 1000