The following walk-through is designed to get you through the game XANTH with as little mucking about as possible, using this cheat will get you past most of the amusing stuff but, if you want to get straight to the end, this will do it for you. The cheat uses the room numbers as refered to on the map. 2> Take staff 2> Open cupboard 2> Take bread 2> East 3> East 4> Drop all 4> Take statue 4> West 3> Northeast 5> Show statue to Deean 5> Talk to Lief 5> Summon mirror 5> Talk to Trent 5> Talk to Deean 5> Exit 3> East 4> Talk to Lief 4> Take bread 4> Take staff 4> West 3> South 7> South 9> East 10> East 19> East 38> SAVE THE GAME NOW! 38> !!To cross the river, first go east from room 38 and then while in the river, try to go North until you are in the UPPER RIVER. While in the UPPER river, try to head east until you pop out onto the eastern shore (room 21). If the river sucks you too far south, just restore the game once you are in hell.!! 21> East 22> East 53> East 54> East 55> Examine Stumper 55> Talk to Stumper 55> Answer to riddle is 'PATH' 55> Take flask 55> Open flask 55> West 54> West 53> West 22> North 61> North 26> Take mallows 26> South 61> South 22> West 21> SAVE THE GAME!! 21> !!Go west into the river and then keep aiming east as the river drags you further south, you will (hopefully) pop out into a small grotto. 37> Take fly 37> SAVE THE GAME!! 37> !!Go west into the river and immediately head North against the current, as soon as you make it to the mid-river, head west to the rocky shore. 24> West 47> South 48> Southeast 49> Kiss Nymph 49> Talk to Lief 49> Northwest 48> SAVE GAME. (In case you get killed by cactus) 48> Northwest 46> Northwest 20> Northwest 11> North 9> Southwest 12> Southwest 13> Take stone 13> Down 14> Cut root with stone 14> Take root 14> Down !! If you get hungry, immediately eat your bread or the cherries!! 15> Southeast 16> East 17> East 18> Southeast 39> Talk to goblins 39> Summon mirror 39> Give mirror to Goblins 39> South 41> West 42> Push Slab 42> Down 43> Down 45> Tie root to slab 45> Down 52> Drink flask 52> Give flask to Lief 52> East 59> East 60> Southeast 65> East 67> Up 68> South 69> Touch bark 69> Up 70> Up 71> Up 72> West 73> West 74> South 77> Take flower 77> South 78> South 79> Pick up golem 79> South 82> South 96> South 97> South 98> Talk to Millie 98> South 99> Throw flower at Jax 99> Take cage 99> North 98> North 97> North 96> North 82> North 79> East 80> East 81> East 87> East 88> Take bag 88> Open bag 88> Examine bag 88> Enter water 88> Talk to golem 88> North 104> Drop golem 104> South 88> Enter water 102> East 89> Ex first lock 89> Read first lock 89> Unlock first lock with mon key 89> Unlock second lock with tur key 89> Unlock third lock with don key 89> East 90> Examine statue 90> Examine tapestries 90> Kiss statue 90> Climb pedestal 90> Up 103> Talk to Humfrey 103> Look 103> Down 90> West 89> West 102> West 88> West 87> West 81> West 80> West 79> South 82> South 96> South 97> South 98> South 99> Talk to Trent 2> Examine Sword 2> East That's about it.