!% -~S !% $OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES=1 !% $ZCODE_LESS_DICT_DATA=1 ! The very first lines of the main source code file for a game can ! contain compiler options, like the lines above. -~S disables ! strict error checking. This is otherwise used in z5 and z8 games by ! default. While useful for debugging, it adds ~10 KB to the story file ! size and it makes the game slower. ! $OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES=1 makes the compiler remove all routines which ! aren't used. This can save some space. ! $ZCODE_LESS_DICT_DATA=1 removes an empty data byte for every dictionary word. Constant Story "Minimal"; Constant Headline "^A sample game which uses PunyInform.^"; ! Uncomment ONE of the two following lines, to show either time or score/turns ! Leaving both commented out makes the library bigger. !Constant STATUSLINE_TIME; Statusline time; Constant STATUSLINE_SCORE; Statusline score; ! Comment out to keep track of score ! The value is what will be shown as the score on statusline in z3 Constant NO_SCORE = 0; ! Customize the statusline in z5+ (has no effect in z3) !Constant OPTIONAL_SL_NO_SCORE; !Constant OPTIONAL_SL_NO_MOVES; ! Uncomment to add optional features to PunyInform !Constant DEBUG; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEANDPERFORM; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEPATTERN; !Constant DEBUG_PARSETOKEN; !Constant DEBUG_PARSENOUNPHRASE; !Constant DEBUG_GETNEXTNOUN; !Constant DEBUG_SCOPE; !Constant DIALECT_US ! Affects OPTIONAL_ENGLISH_NUMBER !Constant CUSTOM_ABBREVIATIONS; !Constant CUSTOM_PLAYER_OBJECT = myPlayerObj; Constant OPTIONAL_NO_DARKNESS; !Constant OPTIONAL_FULL_DIRECTIONS; !Constant OPTIONAL_SHIP_DIRECTIONS; !Constant OPTIONAL_ALLOW_WRITTEN_NUMBERS; !Constant OPTIONAL_GUESS_MISSING_NOUN; Constant OPTIONAL_EXTENDED_METAVERBS; !Constant OPTIONAL_EXTENDED_VERBSET; !Constant OPTIONAL_FLEXIBLE_INVENTORY; !Constant OPTIONAL_LANGUAGE_NUMBER; !Constant OPTIONAL_LIST_TOGETHER; !Constant OPTIONAL_PRINT_SCENERY_CONTENTS; !Constant OPTIONAL_SCORED; !Constant OPTIONAL_FULL_SCORE; ! Comment out NO_SCORE when uncommenting this !Constant OPTIONAL_SIMPLE_DOORS; !Constant OPTIONAL_MANUAL_SCOPE; !Constant OPTIONAL_MANUAL_SCOPE_BOOST; !Constant OPTIONAL_MANUAL_REACTIVE; !Constant OPTIONAL_ORDERED_TIMERS; !Constant OPTIONAL_PROVIDE_UNDO; !Constant OPTIONAL_REACTIVE_PARSE_NAME; !Constant RUNTIME_ERRORS = 0; ! 0, 1 or 2. 0 = smallest file, 2 = most info ! Define any library constants you need here, like MAX_SCORE, AMUSING_PROVIDED, ! MAX_CARRIED, SACK_OBJECT, etc. Constant INITIAL_LOCATION_VALUE = Library; Include "globals.h"; ! Define your attributes, common properties and global variables here, if any ! Define the entry point routines you need here, like Amusing, DarkToDark etc. ! Uncomment to add PunyLib extensions !Include "ext_menu.h"; !Include "ext_flags.h"; !Include "ext_talk_menu.h"; ! Note: Also include ext_flags.h to allow use of flags !Include "ext_quote_box.h"; !Include "ext_cheap_scenery.h"; Include "puny.h"; ! Uncomment to add PunyLib extensions !Include "ext_waittime.h"; Object Library "The Library" with description "You are in a library."; Object -> Box "box" with name 'box', inside_description "It feels so nice, standing in the box.", has container open openable enterable; !---------------------------------------- ! Navigation panel !---------------------------------------- Object navigation_panel "navigation panel" Library with parse_name [ i; while (NextWord() == 'navigation' or 'panel' or 'sonar' or 'nav' or 'control' or 'controls') i++; return i; ], description "You're only a sailor, not a navigator, so you don't understand what the controls on the navigation panel are used for. However, you can see that the sonar shows that the ship is only a few miles off the coast. With the engines off, the ship will drift to shore within a few hours and the deadly chlorine gas could potentially kill hundreds of people.", has static; !---------------------------------------- ! Engine panel !---------------------------------------- Object engine_panel "engine panel" Library with article "an", parse_name [ i; while (NextWord() == 'engine' or 'engines' or 'panel' or 'control' or 'controls') i++; return i; ], description [; print "The engine panel indicates that the engine is off. You try turning it back on (even though you have no idea how to control the ship), but you don't hear any sound from the engines. Maybe the starter isn't working."; if (Library hasnt visited) print " You'll need to visit the engine room to see what's going on."; ""; ], has static; !---------------------------------------- ! Cargo panel !---------------------------------------- Object cargo_panel "cargo panel" Library with parse_name [ i; while (NextWord() == 'cargo' or 'container' or 'panel' or 'manifest' or 'control' or 'controls') i++; return i; ], description "You scroll through the cargo manifest to find that cargo hold 1 is empty. You knew that, as you helped to unload the cargo at the last port. You also see that there's a cargo container with chemicals in cargo hold 2 and some explosives in the store room beneath the bow.", has static; [Initialise; print "^^And so the story begins...^^"; ];